
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · History
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98 Chs


"BREAKING NEWS! India's PM survived an assassination attempt in London during the Commonwealth Press Conference! An Indian soldier took the shots for him, and he is in critical condition.

The assailant shot three bullets, and another Indian soldier disarmed him by shooting his hand.

PM Satyankar has accused UK for the assassination attempt, and demanded that the assiliant to be handed over for questioning so that UK can't get rid of the evidence.

But the assiliant blew himself up along with many media reporters. Two American, 1 Canadian, 4 Australian, 1 New Zealander, 3 French, and 3 Indian media reporters got caught in the suicide bombing.

Before blowing himself up, the unidentified assiliant shouted, "Allah hu Akbar! Allah save the Queen!"

British, Canadian, Australian and New Zealander reporters who survived the blast omitted 'Allah save the Queen!' in their reports, but thankfully, French, Indian and American reporters were brave and brought the truth to the whole world.

PM Satyankar was brought to his plane and the plane has left for India. We don't have much information about if he is uninjured, but Indian authorities have confirmed that he is alive.

India with its 0 to 9 levels of terrorist countries have raised the level from 6 to 9.

What does it mean? It means that anything British near India will be treated as a threat. For example, if a country uses British oil companies, or British insurance companies for the shipments, will no longer be allowed to dock near Indian coast. India claims 750 kms of the Indian Ocean from its coasts and islands, so this essentially means that anything British can't use Indian Ocean south of India.

Will this lead to WW3? Well, only time can tell.

France has officially apologised for blocking Seuz Canal once, stating that it was coerced by UK to do it. It has ordered everyone to sell their stocks of anything related to UK, fearing bankruptcy of British countries.

We are seeing unending queues in the stock exchanges all over the world, people trying to save as much of their money as they can.

Is the world ready for yet another World War? The answer is no. Europe is still amidst war recovery. India has just started growing at astonishing rates to have surpassed France within three years of its independence. USSR has a huge shortage of men for the wars. USA has no interest in having another war when it is already fighting in Korea.

It has been just an hour since the attack happened, and UK has released its official statement.

"This attack isn't related to the United Kingdom in any way, direct or indirect. The attacker was an Indian Muslim who was thrown into the ocean near UK, amongst the thousands who were exiled inhumanely. The attacker must have attacked Satyankar due to personal grudge.

We apologise for the lapse in security."

Essentially, UK has denied any connection to the assassination attempt. But, how did an attacker even come to that area? That's Buckingham Palace. It's security can't be that weak, atleast that's what India's foreign ministry has said.

That's two assassination attempts of high importance people of India. First was Homi Jahangir Bhabha and his scientist friend, the president and vice-president of India's nuclear program. And now, it was India's Prime Minister himself.

Can this truly be just coincidences, with no hand of UK?

Well, we don't know. India says yes, UK says no. But something is very clear. Global tensions are all-time high."

Truman switched off the TV and felt like pounding his head.

He dialed British PM office's number, and got on line with Churchill.

"We didn't do anything."

Churchill said as soon as he picked up the phone.

"I don't care whether you did it or not. Effective immediately, USA is halting all aid and after-war redevelopment plans for UK. India and UK clearly can't remain in one block."

"Are you serious!? Are you planning to strain our centuries' long relationship over India!?"

"Mr Churchill, this not a trivial matter."

"I know. It's so serious that I want to resign immediately."

"Did you do it?"

"We didn't!"

"It doesn't matter. Immediately agree all the reparation demands that were put forward by India. We need to appease it."

"We can't! That's like admitting that we were behind the attempt!"

"As I said, it doesn't matter. Till UK makes up with India, USA will not Interact with UK. Even playing the mediator will make us look like the bad guy. And of course, we are halting all aid and redevelopment plans for UK. Whether it remains temporary or permanent depends on you."

And Truman cut the call. USSR will definitely take advantage of the situation, so its best to become distant from UK. This incident not only affects India, but all the new independent countries in the future. If situation doesn't get better, USA will have to cut ties with UK altogether.

Regarding cutting ties from UK, not only USA, but many sports organisations have also come to the decision to blacklist UK.

Olympics and FIFA banned UK until further notice, and due to backlash for not banning South Africa when India did, FIFA banned South Africa too.

In the UK, the damage was seen as unrepairable. The people has started rioting against the terrorists, and majority of the companies are trying to find foreign companies to acquire them and get out of UK.

In USSR, Stalin is meeting with Indian diplomat to set up a meeting date.

Though in India itself, the news hasn't reached the public besides a select few in fear of riots starting.

All in all, UK is fucked.