
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · History
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Meeting with US Diplomat

"Good morning, Mr Prime Minister Satyankar."

"Good morning, Mr Adam."

As we started off with tea, I could feel him observing my every expression, as if he isn't a normal diplomat, but a CIA agent. Or maybe that was my own paranoia. But I can't really be sure about that. 

"Mr Adam, before we start, I want to state something. We don't recognise Pakistan, so I want to ask US if they will follow One India Policy. Those countries who support illegal occupation by traitors like Jinnah will never be friends with India. This is one thing that we won't compromise with in any business deals with any country."

"Well, I will have to contact the US government to make sure of their stance, since the new era for India has just started. But I can assure you, that the results will be positive."

Then I took out a handwritten letter from my pocket and handed it to him. 

"This is the rough draft of the business agreement I want India and US to work on, so that both of our countries will benefit from each other. I want you to deliver this to your President. But there are three important pre-requisites for the deal. Unconditional support to One India, non-interference in our internal matters, including CIA, and that India won't support or disapprove any conflict USA goes through. I want us to be friends, not military allies. India doesn't have any interest in wars. We don't care enough about Capitalism vs Communism. Both have good and bad parts, and we want to focus on the good parts to take out our country from the centuries of loot and massacres. We can't afford to play politics like that."

He took the letter envelope with a smile, not twitching even a bit at me mentioning the Cold War. 

"Ah. I will deliver your words to the President. Anyway, I wanted to discuss something on the behalf of the US Government. We want to invite India into the United Nations. It will be very helpful for the world order if India plays a major part in it."

UN... Useless organisation. If countries like France and Britain are in the Security council, you can expect how much useless it is for the others and how much useful it is for them to continue to plunder resourceful countries.

"Mr Adam, I don't really know all the members in the organisation, but is Switzerland in it?"

"Currently no."

"I see. Well, I can't give you a definitive answer about it right now. I will have to discuss it with the parliament that will be formed after the first election. But the least thing I can say is that there may be two routes India may take. Either join as a permanent member of the Security Council, or follow Switzerland's example to maintain our neutrality. I am sorry, but I can't give you a definite answer to this invitation right now."

"Well, don't worry about that. India has just entered its new era, so it will take time. Do you want anything else for me to deliver to the US government?"

"Not right now. I will contact you again for future exchanges. I hope that India and USA can work together as friends, both working for the Indian Dream and American Dream respectively."

"Indian Dream?"

"Well, Indian Dreams should be the right word. Several things like removal of foreign interference, self-respect, moral and material wealth, harmony, world peace, Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam, meaning that the whole world is a family, knowledge, and many more."

"I see, I see. Mr Prime Minister, I, personally, felt very good by meeting a great personality such as yourself for the first time in my life. I give you my best wishes for the friendship of the USA and India."

"Please enjoy your stay here. I am sure that you will like Samosas very much. Just give a call to the attendants. And ask for low spice content if you don't have tolerance against spicy food."

"Hahaha! I have already tasted it. I wish the USA had such amazing food as well."

Well, you have it. Pizza, Pasta, taco, sandwiches, french fries and all. Burgers too. 

As such, the talks gradually shifted to food and dishes as we had lunch together. 

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