
India: I became the First PM of India

India made many bad decisions in the early years of Independence. Getting soft on Pakistan, going to UN for Kashmir, adopting Licence Raj, Indo-China war, rejecting UN seat, etc. So what if, instead of Nehru-led Congress, a party under Siddharth Dutt, a reincarnator, came in power? How would the course of history change? Read to find out. To support me, UPI me at: fanficworld0707@ibl

FanficWorld07 · History
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First session in Constitutional Assembly-1

Today, the first session of the constituent assembly was going to happen.

49% of the seats are made up of BJS(Bhartiya Janta Sangathan), 37% of Congress, and rest of the others. Muslim League only got majority in the 'pakistan' region. Thankfully, we still have the entirety of Bengal.

Historically, Bengal alone was wealthier than whole Europe, and its clothes were smuggled there since the Europeans couldn't compete, at all.

Right now, I am a member without any actual election, as my party and even members of other parties have voted to bring me in.

There are many deviations in the members of different parties as well.

Congress didn't go for complete independence from the start, it started with self-rule. But I went for complete independence from the start and started Non-Cooperation movement in Bengal, just days before Gandhi started it in Gujarat.

When violent incident happened in Chari Chaura, Gandhi called off the movement, but I urged the police and soldiers to join the movement as well.

And that's why I was arrested, and the information was tried to be suppressed. But you can't shut lakhs of people that came in the demonstration, either willingly or by money.

I guess that's why Bengal remained united.

Anyway, time to address the assembly.

"Everyone, I welcome you all to the first session of the Constituent Assembly. Without much pleasantries, I would like to get straight to the point of the matter.

I openly condemn Hindu Mahasabha to cooperate with Muslim League for bootlicking the British during Quit India Movement, and inducing riots by spreading extremism. Stop using peaceful and secular word of Hindu. You don't represent Hindus, and you, and any party won't be allowed to use such powerful names in such a shameful way.

You should be ashamed of yourself!

A proud Hindu would never bootlick the British!"

They shouted, but I continued anyway. I will rule out these parties who use the names of communities to wield unchecked power. And taking these extremist parties is necessary.

Plus, they did bootlick the British when BJS and Congress leaders were arrested during WW2.

"Then, I will tell ten things that are immediate decisions of the party.

First, no recognition of Pakistan. The moment it declares war on us, because it's existence is depended on Anti-India, Anti-Hindu, Anti-lower caste and other sects of Muslims and Anti-every community mentality. It will attack us sooner or later.

That's why, we won't export anything till Muslim league keeps occupying India's land. And whatever British may have told, the princely states aren't allowed to join the illegal 'Pakistan'.

Second, We will only join the UN as a permanent member of the Security Council, or won't join at all. If we do otherwise, they will suppress us and try to make more issues by interfering in our internal matters.

Third, this is the map of India:

The entirety of British occupied India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, British Indian Ocean territories, and Manipur's land that was leased to Burma.

Fourth, there will be no one official language of India as a whole. We will create our own one language, Indish, based on Indian English, Sanskrit, Tamil, North Eastern languages, and some more Indian languages.

Fifth, we will have the states based on linguistic majority in different regions of the country. It will make administration much easier, but each state will implement two compulsory languages, the State language and Indish.

Sixth, complete ban over foreign media like BBC. They are propaganda channels, used as a weapon to divide us. No community blaming, like Hindu guy killed Muslim guy, Muslim guy killed Hindu guy. That's intentional controversy making, and trying to incite riots.

Seventh, Sanctions on countries like Britain, France, Dutch, Portugal that are either occupying our territory, or have exploited us extensively in past and present.

Eigth, Stopping raw resource export, until we sign deals with individual countries. We are a resource rich country in almost everything but oil. That's why, we will have to sign deals with Arab countries, USA and USSR. But other than that, we will only allow finished and semi-finished products to be exported.

I will give you an example for this. We will no longer export raw cotton. Instead, either our own companies or foreign companies from unsanctioned countries like USA, USSR, Africa, Indonesia, etc., will have to establish their production factories while following all the regulations, employ our people from the bottom to top, and then deliver their finished products to their countries, but only after we have fulfilled the requirements of our own people. We will try to open our economy in 25 years by the latest

And Ninth, the country will have partnerships, friendships, but no military alliances. We won't support any kind of war until our security and interests are in danger.

As a side note, I will tell the princely states to consider the proposition. Either join Pakistan and be declared as India's enemy, join India and enjoy privileges of royalty in the form of privy purses and no need to maintain military, or try to continue be independent, but the moment you try to get chummy with our enemy, you will have to face liberation. Britain won't call the shots, we will."