
Incubus Lord: I Summoned My Lustful Wives

The Empire's forces retreated in desperation—trampled by faceless horrors bringing darkness and death to these once beautiful lands. Only the most courageous stood in defiance, forming a last defence to buy the people time to flee—fighting until the final embers of hope burned out. A man stands with a silver sword, like a beacon of hope to those around him. He roared with all his might drawing his blade against the overwhelming enemy! "You face Lancelot, Sword of the Empire! " These horrors tested the Lord's grit and loyalty in the final moments. "Should my blade break, I will use my body!" The knights had fallen, broken swords for their tombstones, and lords fled, betraying the Empire to survive. "If my body breaks, I'll use my Soul!" Lancelot, the sword of the Empire, fought alone. All hope seemed lost. "And if my Soul fails..." What could a single man and his army do? He fights against the dark tide, blade in hand, heart on sleeve. "I will sell myself to the devil for revenge!" But he was too weak, too fragile. The last Lord of humanity stood against the enemy. Lancelot was a master of the sword, a mortal, neither a God nor a Saint. Miracles were beyond his reach. Now only a broken man impaled on his own destroyed throne. His blade shattered—now, like rose petals, it was scattered across the charred ground. Lancelot's soul was fated for the abyss as the light faded from his eyes. His last ounce of resistance used staring at the man who betrayed the Empire. Now with only the desire to kill, crush and seek revenge smouldering inside him. Now unwilling to die and desperate to fight once again. He desired to fight for the people who supported him. Lancelot refused to surrender, to fall like this. As quietly in the abyss, a voice whispered to him. It tried to entice the Lord, ignite his desire to win and fight again. "If given a second chance, to relive your life with a different choice... Would you Accept?" Blood gathered in his throat, forcing him to reply in his mind. A frail and broken voice 'There is no reason to ask, of course!' "No matter the cost?" 'Even if I were to lose everything...' 'If my people can live on. I would sacrifice everything I have!' "You will no longer be the same, a monster, twisted and vicious." "Will you still accept?" The Lord's heart ached, taking great pride in his humanity. To lose that caused his mind to falter. Finally, out of power, unable to speak or reply with a trembling arm. Lancelot reached out. Towards the raspy voice. Towards the abyss. Towards a new future. [So you would accept after all...] 'I must accept.' 'I must stand tall.' 'I must not break.' 'Because...' 'I am the Lord of humanity! [Nay, you are the king of demons] -------------- Release @ 22:30 (GMT+1)

Lunatic_Pandora · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
210 Chs

Chapter 21: The Lord's Hare

Lancelot gave a bitter smile, looking at the embarrassed face of Ikumi, knowing deep down that she was not ready for that kind of contact with him.

[Heh! I'll teach you to flirt with this damn rabbit!]

Unlike the Commander, a Captain could not hear the words of Morgana, but she could hear Ikumi's.

'Since it's too soon.'

He leaned forward, the soft fingers still in his hand, saving him the effort of kneeling as Lancelot turned over her hand, kissing the back of her sigil.

The kiss didn't have to be on the lips; it could be like this.


Thankfully when the humanoid is the same sex as the Lord, they slice their thumbs and press them together, mixing blood.

Ikumi's face turned bright red, her fur standing on edge with her heart racing like a deer chased by a pack of wolves in the darkness.

Yet she felt a sense of ease, the thought and feelings of his Hymnal seeming to be true, that he was willing to take it one step at a time.

"Master..." Ikumi whispered with a dreamy voice—from the moment she was summoned, life was never the same.

Her first Lord was a girl who deemed her unwanted and quickly tossed her out with the lowest-level slave dealer for the worst price.

Yet when she heard that the false price given by the Slave dealer to make money was accepted, her heart that moment was filled with a small light.

The light of hope.

As she looked into his soft violet eyes, Ikuma was overwhelmed with a feeling of maturity and ferocity deep within that washed over her, feeling his desire to fight beside her, not use her as a mere joy toy.

"Master Lancelot, would you accept this unworthy frost hare into your service?"

Slowly, her long legs bent, her hands grasping both sides of the hand with her sigil, the icy blue light now shining brightly.

"I accept you with pleasure."

The next moment Lancelot fet the soft sensation of the Frost Hare's first kiss, squishy, plump and warm, the texture like soft jelly.

She pressed her lips against him, her small black nose twitching as she kissed his hand for several seconds before slowly pulling away, her breath blowing against the back of his hand, her face completely on fire.

[Captain (1/2)]

Name: Ikumi Winters

Age: 25

Rank: G (Potential: S+)

Spells: Ice Lance, Frost Shield

Skills: Hare kick, Double Kick, Leap

Loyalty: 76

Affection: Moderately High

Alignment: Neutral Good

Current thoughts: "Master's hand tastes like vanilla sponge cake~ Kya! Dearest Mother, Ikumi, had her first kiss!"

The strange thing for Lancelot was the sigil on his right hand glowed with a light blue screen with bold white writing.

However, if he used Morgana's sigil to check his information and status, it was a dark pink screen and bold black writing with a cursive font.

'Why is Morgana needlessly fancy?'

[Hmph! Don't you see the quality when it's in your face? Uncultured Swine!]

{Ohhh~ Master's hand is stroking my ears... so nice... ehehe}

Before he could speak, and stop stroking her cute ears that were extremely fluffy, each time he brushed against the base of her ears, her foot tapped the ground with a loud thud, the muscles in her legs on display.

'Ah... she's so cute.'



[This damn little hussy rabbit!]

'Leave her be—imagine the hell she's lived through... A low-class Slave dealer, it's a wonder she's even alive. You should know how they treat non-humans and demihumans.'

[Keh! Humans and their weird morals and minds. They would stick their filthy ham between her legs if given half a chance!]


"Shall we stop lingering in my hallway and relax in the living room?"



At some point, the human form of Morgana also manifested, her ears slightly pointed and small mini-bat wings on her back fluttering as she led the others with her buttocks bouncing with each step.

Lancelot watched it for several moments before a soft hand grasped his right hand, the silky fur on her wrist tickling him.

"So expensive..." Ikumi muttered, her ruby eyes looking around the walls and fixtures—she seemed to like the painting of a single rabbit looking into the sky, surrounded by a world of snow and trees.

'Mmm... the person who chose this painting has quite the foresight.'

Listening to his voice, Morgana looked back with a gentle smile—she didn't completely dislike this naive and cute rabbit.

Because she knew her temper was volatile and abrasive at times, adding Ikumi helped greatly to balance their trio.

"Do you like that painting?" He asked, playing stupid, just for her honest answer.

"Mmm.. hehe~ such a lovely image."

"Shall we put it in your room?"

When he asked, her face looked strange before she made a cute sound, crossing her hands frantically to cover her embarrassment.

His Rank 1 Apartment came with two well-sized guest rooms, a double bed, a desk and a bathroom.

Both were on the way to his main room and the living room—Lancelot opened the door, seeing the room with beautiful decorations and black walls inside.

'Damn, even the guest room is better than my room from my last life...'


"I-is this... My room?" The little rabbit asked, her nose twitching as she sniffed around the room, her body almost touching the top of the doorframe when she stood up.

Morgana skillfully danced around the tall girl, sliding her hands across Lancelot's crotch, brushing her breasts against his chest, her lips parting to blow her sweet-scented breath into his face.

[How is the feel of my hands compared to hers? Fufu~]

Slowly he managed to pull himself from the attraction to this damn succubus, his body stepping forward to place both hands on the shoulder of Ikumi, causing the little rabbit to jump.

{Ah!? Master Ikumi isn't tasty to eat....!}

'Don't worry, place the picture on the wall—I'll replace the current one with the wolves; you would have nightmares sleeping with wolves watching you, right?'


Ikumi hopped to her bed, the large muscles of her legs making her far heavier than a normal girl—even the bones of her lower feet were closer to a hare than a human.

She could likely jump several metres vertically even without using Ether.


Her body sank deep into the mattress before her long muscular legs began to shake and kick the air, her mouth letting out a strange giggle as she looked at the picture of the rabbit while rolling on her bed.

'Easily pleased?'

[You know it's not just that.]

'Ah, I wanted to give you a chance to make up for earlier.'

Lancelot was about to speak when a strange voice message played in his mind, like when he first created the contract with Morgana.

-> Troop Summoning Artefact discovered

[Frost Hare Hut] [Grade F+ -> C+]

Frost Hares were a powerful tribe known to exist in a distant world of Celum IV—they are a tribe that lived nomadic lives but sought to serve a Lord and settle down more than anything.

But due to their poor health and low resistance to disease and illness, many choose to use them for food or fodder instead of developing their true powers.

A Shock-Type Infantry Unit.

Summons up to 10 Female Frost Hare warriors daily, with a 0.2% chance of summoning a rare type.

The Hare will build their homes once summoned using the surrounding wood and materials if allowed.

Effectiveness: Low Damage, High Mobility, Good Defence.

Summoning Cost: 1 Avalon Coin

Warning: Once used, the item is bound to the Lord's soul forever and cannot be sold or traded!

[The First Summon is Free!]

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