
Incubus Lord: I Summoned My Lustful Wives

The Empire's forces retreated in desperation—trampled by faceless horrors bringing darkness and death to these once beautiful lands. Only the most courageous stood in defiance, forming a last defence to buy the people time to flee—fighting until the final embers of hope burned out. A man stands with a silver sword, like a beacon of hope to those around him. He roared with all his might drawing his blade against the overwhelming enemy! "You face Lancelot, Sword of the Empire! " These horrors tested the Lord's grit and loyalty in the final moments. "Should my blade break, I will use my body!" The knights had fallen, broken swords for their tombstones, and lords fled, betraying the Empire to survive. "If my body breaks, I'll use my Soul!" Lancelot, the sword of the Empire, fought alone. All hope seemed lost. "And if my Soul fails..." What could a single man and his army do? He fights against the dark tide, blade in hand, heart on sleeve. "I will sell myself to the devil for revenge!" But he was too weak, too fragile. The last Lord of humanity stood against the enemy. Lancelot was a master of the sword, a mortal, neither a God nor a Saint. Miracles were beyond his reach. Now only a broken man impaled on his own destroyed throne. His blade shattered—now, like rose petals, it was scattered across the charred ground. Lancelot's soul was fated for the abyss as the light faded from his eyes. His last ounce of resistance used staring at the man who betrayed the Empire. Now with only the desire to kill, crush and seek revenge smouldering inside him. Now unwilling to die and desperate to fight once again. He desired to fight for the people who supported him. Lancelot refused to surrender, to fall like this. As quietly in the abyss, a voice whispered to him. It tried to entice the Lord, ignite his desire to win and fight again. "If given a second chance, to relive your life with a different choice... Would you Accept?" Blood gathered in his throat, forcing him to reply in his mind. A frail and broken voice 'There is no reason to ask, of course!' "No matter the cost?" 'Even if I were to lose everything...' 'If my people can live on. I would sacrifice everything I have!' "You will no longer be the same, a monster, twisted and vicious." "Will you still accept?" The Lord's heart ached, taking great pride in his humanity. To lose that caused his mind to falter. Finally, out of power, unable to speak or reply with a trembling arm. Lancelot reached out. Towards the raspy voice. Towards the abyss. Towards a new future. [So you would accept after all...] 'I must accept.' 'I must stand tall.' 'I must not break.' 'Because...' 'I am the Lord of humanity! [Nay, you are the king of demons] -------------- Release @ 22:30 (GMT+1)

Lunatic_Pandora · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
210 Chs

Chapter 22: Choice - Consequence

[My Lord, what's wrong?]

Lancelot stood dazed, his hands holding the soft, squishy mounds of Ikumi.

The poor girl trembling from his touch, her cute fluffy ears wiggling while her long rabbit feet pounded the ground.

'Morgana... If I enter Avalon now, what will happen?'

His hands were moving on their own, despite his focus on power and becoming stronger Lancelot was a man, and both Morgana and Ikumi were extremely beautiful women that were both his type.

Thus while his eyes were closed, reading the display, the strange words displayed across his iris.

-> Enter Avalon


The temptation of entering Avalon before anyone else was extremely difficult to resist—not only would his army start growing much faster than the other students even the other top 10 would be 4 days behind him.

'Morgana, as your Lord, I seek your guidance and counsel.'

Before he could even breathe, the legs of Ikumi finally couldn't take it anymore, her little cherries now poking through her cheap dress and flung Lancelot out of the room.

"Meep, M-meep!"

Morgana dodged to the side, so his body and let him smash into the solid wall with a loud bang.

"Ahh... damn it."

[My Lord! Forgive me—it was just a reflex to danger!]


'Stop acting stupid, forget about it and guide me—you're a queen, right?'

Lancelot pulled himself from the wall—thankfully, Ikumi was still rather sickly, suffering from weakened limbs and power.

Otherwise, he might have crashed through the wall and been in high debt.

"Master!? Are you alright?" The cute little frost hare peeked out from the room, her little mouth forming a huge circle seeing Lancelot rolling on the ground and slowly getting up.

"I'm fine, don't worry. You can play in your room—here were some belongings in the crate, right? Take them and arrange them in your room."


[Such a simple girl...]


His voice was deeper than before, no longer the soft and gentle tone when playing.

He was desperate to know if there was a downside to him entering Avalon early.

The benefits were extremely important, but he didn't want to rush and mess everything up due to impatience.

"Lord Lancelot, please follow me."

Morgana stood sharp, her body walking towards his private room with a hidden rune to hide sound and scent and improve ventilation for the most comfortable daily rest possible.

Her movements were no longer seductive but elegant, like a royal princess leading her king to the throne room.

Despite not moving her hips like normal, the charm and sex appeal that oozed from her body was leagues above normal.

'Such an alluring woman...'

[With pleasure, My Lord.]

Morgana stood near the large human-sized window, the backdrop of dim light making her beautiful figure seem holy.

She watched him with golden eyes before slowly kneeling as he sat on the soft black leather chair facing the window beside his huge bed.

"My Lord, please order your Morgana as you please."

Lancelot looked at the strange succubus queen, wondering where her normal cheeky self had gone.

However, her face looked at him with respect and awe, not the slightly flirtatious and hungry eyes.

Only the beautiful golden eyes of a Sevant showed.

He leaned back on the leather chair, enjoying the cool and smooth sensation on his thighs.

Lancelot looked down at the succubus before him, his lips forming a smile while enjoying her cute white dress that covered her large mounds—even her cleavage was hidden.

"Ah, forgive me, Lord."

When she noticed his eyes, Morgana began to modify her dress like magic—the neckline lowered to reveal her deep canyon of hopes and dreams, a seductive smile on her face.

"Enough of your seductive tricks."

"Tell me."

Like the flip of a coin, her atmosphere changed, looking at Lancelot with a quiet smile.

"My Lord, in all honesty, there is no demerit to entering Avalon now."


"However, should you enter now, certain things will be different."

Her eyes watched his reaction, like wondering whether she should continue.

Morgana tilted her head with cute eyes blinking slowly, their deep golden glow flashing slowly as if to entice him to answer.

But he remained silent, only moving his hand to allow her to continue.

"First, the place you will form your first territory will be in a different location, making it difficult to form a part with lords from the academy."

"This might sound irrelevant to you—who can fight alone."

"However, you would lose the chance to ally with that flexible eastern woman; I believe her name was Sumika."

Lancelot liked this strange Morgana—like a royal instructor, her voice was stern, but the things she told him were information he didn't know about.

"Understood. Is there anything else that would be a negative?"

"My Lord..." She could feel his interest and desire, causing her cheeks to blush as she wasn't actively trying to seduce him, yet it was more successful than any other time.

[(My King seems to like the teacher or instructor type, rather than mother's and sister's.)]

Morgana collected herself—she was trying not to see how obsessive she was becoming, trying to sniff the air coming from his body quietly, thanks to the sweating all night.

"Secondly, you would lose the duration of the novice protection period compared to the academy's top-class barriers and spells.

"I see..." His hand stroked his chin as he listened to her words, mulling them over, playing out several ideas and considering different situations.

"You would get 1 month rather than 3 months."

"Well, that's a slight shame, but honestly, I don't mind fighting against the big boys after a month."

"My Lord... so valiant, fufu~ are you sure?"

Morgana looked amused—no, her former strict and smart look faded, her chin resting on her palms as she knelt before him, the dusk of the evening painting the room red.

Lancelot leaned against the leather arm, slightly squeaking as he smiled at his cute commander.

"The benefits?" He asked with a soft voice.

"Avalon Coins"

"Access to minerals and resources far before the others."

"You can touch my bare tits without dying."

"Time to grow as both a Lord and King."

"Your troops can improve, train and learn skills."

"I can kiss you."

"None of your classmates or traitors will know your location and will never get the jump on you."

"Because those who use the Academy's portal can be traced using the grand magia hub locked deep within the academy protected by the "great" wizard Merlin."

"Your body will start to adjust to the changes Ether has brought—no longer will you be limited by a mortal body."

"I can sleep with you if you practice a little."

"Those are all of the benefits, My wonderous Lord."

Lancelot leaned back, a strange smirk on his face while his eyebrows twitched at the hints in her words.

"If I choose to go, will you support me, Morgana?"

"My King, you only need to give the order!"

'Stupid, why mention touching you so often to bloat the benefits?"

He leaned forward once again, the squeak of the leather sounding like a serpent.

His arm thrust out, grasping Morgana's arm, pulling her up with great power as her body safely landed on his lap.

"The only benefit that was needed was to be able to touch you freely.'



She wanted his response, but suddenly the entire world changed—the red sky, the modern walls, the entire world was filled with darkness as they began to fall rapidly.

-> Enter Avalon


-> Entering Avalon, Co-ordinates (467,569)