
Incomplete Vessel (Dropped)

Ajax is one of many people who was dealt a poor hand at life and yet tries to make the best out of his situation. However, going into his late teens he finds himself struggling financially and leading a self-destructive lifestyle. Running low on hope for the future he meets a sudden and unfortunate end to his short-lived life but unexpectedly wakes up in a mysterious yet familiar world. ******** Hello, I'm sorry to inform you that this novel has been dropped. I'm sorry to anyone who was reading this but I was not able to balance writing with my academics. Please feel free to read the novel, but there will not be any more updates.

verytired · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs


I had lost track of time while writing the events of the novel in the notebook as there were many chapters to cover. I wrote a basic summary of the events in the novel starting with weapon art locations as well as the timing and location of important and catastrophic events that would take place through the course of the novel. I also began noting how these events could change now that I had intervened and saved Adams life. If I was correct then the entrance test for the academy should have gotten over and the results would be announced tomorrow, officially starting the academy arc of the novel. During this time period lasting the next three years, if I were to survive, I would most likely not interact with the main cast much, as the 'villains' are just rowdy students and inconsequential to the catastrophic events that happen later with a few exceptions.

When I was done writing down everything, I felt mentally drained and placed the notebook in my bag. Looking up to check the time I realized it was almost 4 PM, meaning I would be summoned for the interrogation soon. I was anxious about the outcome of this interrogation due to the unpredictability of lie detecting magic.

Lie detection magic could only be used by irregulars. Irregulars were awakened that had an ability falling outside the conventional abilities of an awakened. This could be an element not included in the standard six and its variants like space or time but in this case, it was an ability that allowed the user to inherently know if what a person was saying was true or false. However, it had its downsides being that it could not differentiate between half-truths and truths, it would just tell the user true or false, therefore the interrogator would ask concise questions that could usually only be answered by yes or no.

This is what gave me some semblance of hope, that with its limited ability I would not have to reveal the outlandish truth that I was not from this world. I also had concerns about what my course of action would be after the interrogation, but I decided to worry about that later as my circumstances would be wildly different based on the outcome of this interrogation.

As if on cue I heard a voice come from the other side of the tent.

"Mr. Ajax?"

Exiting the tent, I found the hero who had guided me before.

"Please follow me, the interrogator is ready now."

Nodding, I began to follow him past the encampment as he led me to a poorly constructed stone hut with metal reinforcements around it. There was a heavy door made of a foreign looking metal that the guide requested me to go through. The guide followed me through and then sealed the door shut. Inside were two chairs and a table, on one of which sat a refined looking older man. His silver hair was slicked back, and he had a well-trimmed beard. Upon my entrance, his crimson eyes focused on me as he spoke.

"Ah Mr. Ajax, I assume? Have a seat."

Nodding I took the seat opposite to him but as I did the guard tapped on his spatial ring and tapped on his spatial ring, producing a recording device before turning it on and placing it on the table.

"Sir Adam refused to let us conduct this without him being able to watch, you can say hi to him if you wish." He said pointing to the camera and laughing.

I briefly looked at the camera, before turning back to the interrogator who now had a pen and paper in his hands.

"Now, let's begin, shall we?"

****** Adam Kane POV************

"This is ridiculous, treating him like some kind of criminal when all he's done is save my life?!" I yelled.

Corin sighed before saying "His circumstances are too suspicious, I have asked Silver to be as gentle as possible you don't need to worry."

Don't need to worry? That was ridiculous, if he gave some wrong answers, they were threatening to throw him back out there, where corrupted could get to him easily, he was just a kid for fucks sake! However, I knew I couldn't do anything once she's like this there's nothing, I can do to change her mind.

The screen in her office turned on as Silver jokingly asked Ajax to say hello to me but he just looked at the camera impassively with his emerald and obsidian eyes before turning back.

"See, he looks fine. You don't have to worry about it." Corin said.

"That's how he always looks, the only time I have seen him make a different face is when he got angry at me and when I asked him to take off his shirt." Thinking like that I'd never seen the kid smile as his face always remained stiff like a puppet.

"You asked him to do what?" Corin asked narrowing her eyes.

I was a bit confused before I yelled "To train him in mana! I'm not a creep!"

"Mhm." she hummed still with narrow eyes.

"Oh come on! he-" but I was cut off by Silver asking.

"Let's begin, shall we?"

The kid nodded, was he allergic to speaking?

Silver continued "My name is Silver, Silver Noa. I've been told your first name is Ajax, could you tell me your last name as well?"

"I don't know it." Ajax replied in a monotone voice.

"Pardon?" Silver asked with a shocked look.

"I don't know my last name." He repeated.

Silver leaned back in his chair, before his crimson eyes began to glow softly, meaning he was using his ability already. He was still for a moment before saying.

"I see, have you suffered from Amnesia of some sort?"

"No." Ajax replied in his soft monotone voice yet again.

I knew the kid was socially inept, but I really wished he would explain himself a bit more in these types of situations.

Silver coughed before continuing "Well, I suppose it is of no importance. These next few questions may seem nonsensical to you, but we must confirm them."

Ajax remained silent and stoic, would it kill him to smile? He's wasting those celebrity tier looks given to him.

"Have you contracted with a forbidden one?"


"Are you associated with any groups who are contracted to forbidden ones?"


"Have you ever met a corrupt awakened?"


Silver sighed and looked at the camera as if we were wasting his time, Corin looked apologetic but still wanted to continue the interrogation.

"Why didn't you evacuate the city with everyone else?"

He finally asked the question we were waiting for, but it seems he already didn't consider Ajax a threat as it was not a concise question.

"I couldn't." Ajax replied.

"Yes, so we've been told but why?"

At this point Ajax hesitated, his impassive face breaking for a second as he thought but he soon replied.

"I was unconscious."

I apologize to everyone who is reading this, I'm trying my best but upon reading the novel a few times I saw one major issue which was Ajax. Being the main character, I want him to be more intresting and convey his personality better and thats why I attempted to tell the story from a different perspective. That's what this chapter was trying to do but I dont think I did a good job at it.

verytiredcreators' thoughts