
Incomplete System in Marvel

A man wakes up in the body of Peter Parker with almost no memories of his previous life. How will he survive in a Marvel Universe that is much more different and dangerous than just the movie universe? A system, of course! But what’s up with this system being in version 0.1 and having almost no features? ------------ Turn off your brain and don't put too much thought into things. I certainly didn't.

Chaostic · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
75 Chs


"So I don't suppose any of you guys know the direction to Hammerhead's office?" I ask the twenty or so guys who are set up in a firing line aiming at us.

My question is met with a bullet whirling past my head and hitting the wall behind me.

"Shut up, you slug. One wrong move and the next bullet won't miss." The unknown woman in black armor, wearing a mask to hide her identity, says coldly. That reminds me, I never used [Observe] on her.


[Name - Keemia Alvarado (Silent Reaper)]

[Level - 58]

[HP - 32,000 / 32,000]

[Description - Kidnapped at a young age, Hammerhead trained her to be his right-hand man. He instilled in her the idea that her birth father was dead and ended up adopting her as his own daughter.]

[Affiliation - Hammerhead]


Just the person I was looking for! Maybe I will finally get to finish one of my ongoing quests.

Her strength is not much to fear for me. I could dodge any bullets without much of an issue. The only problem is if they decide to shoot at Felicia, who I doubt would be able to dodge them at such a short range.

"Some have mistakenly called me a bug before, but none have been blind enough to think I'm a slug." Another bullet is fired, this one to the other side of my head.

"I told you to be quie-" Her words are interrupted by an explosion somewhere above us in the garden, followed by the sounds of a firefight. "Ugh, what now."

"Sounds like something you need to worry about," Felicia says. "You could just send us back to that room. I promise we will wait for your return like good kids."

Keemia ignores her in favor of giving orders to the goons. "Surround them. We will bring them up to the boss, and then I will go see who dares attack us in broad daylight."

"So you do know the directions to Hammerhead's office," I say, and another bullet is fired. This one would have hit me had I not moved my head out of the way. Thank you for the warning, Spider-Sense.

"Move" She turns around and takes the lead in guiding us to the top floor where Hammerhead is located while all the others make a neat circle around us while still having their guns directed at our heads.

Walking all the way there slow enough to let the others retain their formation gives me more time to chat with this friendly trigger-happy lady. The sounds of gunfire become more audible as we move out of the basement as well.

"So… how's life? Eaten anything nice lately? Visited Disneyland perhaps with your dad, you know, before I sent him to the raft." I ask and a met with silence. I guess she is done talking to me. She did have a tiny reaction upon mentioning her dad, though.

"Daddy issues?" I ask her, but she once again says nothing.

"You just bagged a babe like me but are already going after a new girl. One might start feeling jealous like this," Felicia says, walking next to me. "I'm already competing with Rogue. I don't need more rivals."

"Do you two ever shut up?" Keemia sighs, sounding frustrated with us.


Ascending the stairs, we are nearly at our destination of the third floor, and I spot a giant door with frames made out of seemingly solid gold.

"Guide him inside. I'm going out to che-" Keemia starts saying, but I rudely interrupt her.

"You know you really don't clean this place enough. There is a lot of dust around," I say, and all eyes turn to me.

"What?" Keemia and everyone else is confused by what I am saying. How does the house being dirty have any significance to the current situation?

"I think I'm going to sneeze. Oh, watch out!" I bring my hand in front of my mouth and gather mana to cast [Venom Blast].

"A- AAA- ACHOO!" I use venom blast, not on a specific target but instead releasing it in an AoE range sending all the plebs surrounding us flying at high speeds until they hit walls or, in some cases, go straight out the window. Keemia unexpectedly flies through the doors into Hammerhead's office, and Felica being a friendly, is unaffected by my attack.

In addition to the damage to the people, the building itself was also damaged by my attack as windows break and furniture and railings are sent flying. Seeing the destruction around us, Felicia asks. "Couldn't you have just done that earlier?"

"And then spent several minutes scouring the huge mansion in search for Hammerhead? It was easier just to have them guide us here." I shrug.

Keemia recovered remarkably quickly from being sent flying through the doors as several shots were fired at us from inside the office. Felicia and I both separate and move to either side of the door frame to get out of the way of the bullets.

I cast [Mana Shield] on myself for protection and then turn the corner to charge into the room. More bullets are fired at me, but even as they hit me, they are unable to deal enough damage to break through the shield.

Running forward, I attach webs at both of Keemia's guns and pull, hoping to take them out of her hands. Unwilling to let go of them, however, she comes flying toward me together, with both desert eagles still taking shots at me.

Now with both of us actively moving toward each other just seconds before we make contact, I let go of one of the webs and shoot another one at her head. Pulling it down, I knee her in the face sending her mask flying off, while she herself is knocked on her back.

Keemia out of commission, I turn around to see Felicia firing off her grappling hook to the heavy bookshelf behind Hammerhead and pulling it down onto the big guy. Hammerhead is now down as well.

"Well, that was easy," I say, looking at the two who got destroyed in their respective fights. I would have expected Hammerhead to at least last a bit longer against Felicia, but now checking his level, he is only at 35, lower than even Keemia.

I webbed them both to the ground and created a portal leading back to her apartment. "We should get out of here before the police arrive and try to arrest you," I say, and Felicia agrees.

Later that night, I called Yuri and let her know about Keemia and her circumstances. Perhaps she will be able to show the girl proof that her real father is still alive and in the Raft. Now let's just hope she doesn't break out of prison to come and try to get revenge on me for being responsible for Marko being thrown in there.


[Quest Completed - Fate of Keemia]

[Reward - A follow-up quest, 25 free stat points]



[New Quest - Father and Daughter]

[Description - Reunite Flint Marko and Keemia Alvarado]

[Reward - 50 free stat points, Random skill book]


[YES / NO]



Note: I wasn't a big fan of how this one turned out but hey, seven chapters this week. Haven't been this many updates since the first week of this fanfic.

Up Next in the following four or so chapters: Peter gets to meet Fantastic Four, finally reaches level 100, picks a new class, and gets visited by some multiversal entities! How exciting.

Also, about the team name, I thought it would be funny to troll Fury and call his own team "The Avengers". Thoughts? Alternatively, continue hitting me with some cool ones. There were some I liked from the previous chapter that was recommended.