
Incest Stories(MILF)

All Your MILF Fantacy In One Place. (All Stories Are From My Preferences. Hope You Like It.)

addictz · Realistic
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180 Chs

Pain Slut

I knew something was wrong from the moment I entered the front door. The house felt wrong, the air filled with some unknown electrical charge. I had just finished my afternoon classes at the local college. Carrying my books, I headed up to my room when a faint feeling of foreboding filled me. As I opened the door to my room, I saw immediately why. The room was a mess! Papers and books were strewn about the floor. The linens had been stripped from the bed. Some of my clothes had been torn from their hangers in the closet and tossed to the floor. Laying my books down upon the bed, I took a deep breath to clear my head. It was then I heard my father's voice, calling me.

I followed the sound down to his study in the basement. Even as an only child, I had never been allowed entrance. It was his private domain. I knocked softly on the door with a cry of "Daddy?"

I heard his deep clear voice order me to come in and I slowly turned the knob.

I didn't know what I expected but it wasn't this and I was shocked as I entered the room.

Seeing my question in my eyes, Daddy told me to shut the door and I did, my eyes sweeping the room.

The walls were filled with all sorts of torture devices...whips, canes, crops, floggers. There were handcuffs and gags, things I had no idea what they were used for.

Looking up at him, I saw Daddy was wearing nothing but red gym shorts and he held a small book open in his hands. After a few moments, I realized it was my diary and I gasped in shock, right hand pressed to my mouth.

"I see Lucy has been a bad girl", he said. Grabbing me by the hair, he led me to a sofa in the middle of the room. Pressing my face deep into the cushion, he ordered me to hold still as he lifted my short skirt up past my waist and pulled my white cotton panties down off my ass. I held the position, feeling a cool draft blowing over my pussy as he began to read aloud from my diary.

"Last night, Daddy spanked me. It was the first time he had done that since I was a little girl. It was so wonderful! I never imagined anything could feel that good. My pussy got so wet that as soon as he was done, I ran up to my room and fingered myself until I came. It was so hot!"

He put the diary down on the sofa, next to my face. I could see it out of the corner of my eye. Then I felt his large hand upon my soft ass. The palm was gently caressing it, in small circles. It felt so lovely I couldn't help but moan. As soon as I did, Daddy lifted his hand and let it fall hard upon the tender flesh of my backside.

Again and again, his hand fell against my flesh. The sounds of flesh meeting flesh the only thing to be heard in the quiet room. He grunted as he breathed, putting his weight behind each painful blow. Pulling my crossed arms to my chest, I whimpered in pleasure...unable to stop myself from enjoying the spanking. I could feel my juices beginning to flow and was sure Daddy could smell them. I was that turned on.

Suddenly, the blows stopped. My ass was on fire now; I could feel each blow anew. God, it felt so good! It was so quiet in the room, except for the blood pounding in my ears. I had no idea where Daddy was until I felt something hard and round pressing against my hot sex.

He pushed my feet apart as he pressed his cock into my hot pussy. I couldn't protest, not that I wanted to. His cock was large and thick and it felt so perfect buried inside me. I could feel his breath beside my ear as he whispered, "you're Daddy's Little Pain Slut, aren't you?"

His hands were on my hips, pulling me back against him as I nodded my head in agreement. Anything to have him fill me...anything.

Still buried inside me, he pulled me up until my body was pressed against him. His fingers, nimble for being so large, quickly undid the buttons of my blouse, pulling it from my shoulders and tossing it to the floor. My sheer lace bra quickly followed and now my breasts, bear, awoke. His fingers slid to the nipples and begin to toy with them. Pinching and pulling them until they became hard, he picked up a chain from the table beside the sofa. At least I thought it was a chain until I noticed the clamps attached. He clipped one to my right nipple and then, pulling the long chain up around and behind my neck, clipped the other to the left. Pushing my face back into the sofa cushion, he wrapped one arm around my waist as he began to thrust in and out of my hot pussy. The other hand grasped the chain where it lay upon my back and began to pull, tugging my nipples painfully away from my body.

I groaned as he continued to pull, each time a little harder. My nipples were red and the pain nearly unbearable as he continued to plunge in and out of my pussy. His moans of pleasure filled the room as he growled "daddy is going to enjoy having his own little pain slut."

My body trembled with desire at his words. There was nothing I wanted more. His cock filled me perfectly and the burning sensations of the flesh upon my ass along with the tugs on my breast were making my pussy melt beneath his assault. I was surprised to hear myself whimpering, "Oh daddy...please fuck me...please...it feels so good".

"Oh no," I heard him growl, "naughty girls don't get daddy's cum in their pussy."

He slid his hard cock out of my pussy and, pulling me by the hair, turned me, forcing me to my knees before him. His hand shot out to slap me hard across my face, bringing tears to my eyes. "Open your mouth, slut", he ordered and I did so. He slid his cock deep into my throat.

"Now suck until daddy cums, slut." His hand still on the chain, he yanked it hard as I pulled him deep into my throat. I sobbed in pain but continued to take his thickness into my throat, sucking him softly, needing to please him.

His other hand went to the back of my head, holding my face tight against him as his hips began to pivot and he began to fuck my throat with deep, brutal thrusts. Gagging as my mouth grew raw with the friction, I still continued to suck, desperately needing to please my daddy. Pounding against me, I heard a deep growl of pleasure arising from within his belly as he came, filling my mouth with his hot seed over and over again. Jets of his seed kept coming, his orgasm very intense, and I swallowed every bit of his seed hungrily.

Finished, he slapped my face with his cock as he ordered, "Daddy's little slut will come back tomorrow after class to service him...understood?"

With a soft whisper, I answered, "yes, Daddy."

He reached down to remove the clamps from my breasts and set them aside. Lifting my body, he placed my right nipple in his mouth and bit down on it hard. I screamed in pain and could not catch my breath before he did the same with the left. Setting me down on my feet, he kissed me gently on the lips before saying, "now take your diary and your clothes and go to your room."

Grabbing them as I responded, "yes, Daddy", I fled the room, running all the way up the stairs until I reached the safety of my bedroom. Closing and locking the door behind me, I threw myself upon the bed and allowed my fingers to slide between my thighs. Frantically, I fingered myself until I came. Daddy's Little Pain Slut, indeed.


The next day I literally ran home from class, my pussy dripping in anticipation of another date with Daddy. I flew up the stairs to my room and, after tossing my books on the bed, noticed a gift box with a note on the front. In big block letters, the note said "Wear this and only this". I opened the box eagerly, as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. Inside was an exquisite black silk kimono. I pulled the smooth fabric out of the box, loving the sensation of it as it slid over my arms. I tore my clothes off in a blinding flash and wrapped the sensuous material tightly around my body. Twisting the belt snuggly around my waist, I turned this way and that admiring the long expanse of my golden thighs in the mirror above my dresser. The material was so sheer, the hard nubs of my nipples, flushed pink with excitement, peeked right through it. Blushing, I slipped down the stairs to the door in the basement.

Standing before it about to knock, I saw another sign in big block letters: "From now on, you will knock and address the door "daddy, may your slut have permission to enter?"…do this every time or suffer the consequences". Thinking of the consequences, I shivered with delight as I lifted my right fist and knocked softly on the door, my voice loud and unfamiliar to my ears as I called out "Daddy, may your slut have permission to enter?"

"Yes, she may. Come in and kneel at my feet."

Opening the door, my eyes adjusting to the dim interior, I spotted Daddy standing beside a large heavy desk. He was wearing a robe that matched mine, only slightly longer. I crossed quickly to him, knelt at his feet, rising up, looking into his deep blue eyes. His right hand reached down to stroke my cheek as he murmured, "I have something for you, slut."

His left hand reached down and untied his robe, pushing the sides back to reveal his hard cock. Moving slightly forward, he pressed the thick purple head against my moist lips. I opened my mouth just as I heard his whispered command, "Suck me, slut."

He thrust his hard tool into my mouth so quickly; I couldn't help but gag on it. He was very thick but it felt so wonderful to have that thickness inside my mouth. Both of his hands now gripped my head tightly between them as his hips began to pivot and he began to fuck my mouth with deep painful thrusts. Looking up, I saw his head tipped back and his lips open in bliss as soft moans of pleasure escaped his lungs.

Suddenly, he exchanged our positions so I was on the floor between him and the desk. He released my head and leaned over me, placing his hands on the top of the desk, arms spread, as he began to pound relentlessly down my throat. My head slammed against the desk with each thrust, I moaned in pleasure. Unable to resist, I slid my right hand between my thighs and began to massage my hard clit as Daddy fucked my mouth. My head continued to bounce off the hard wood desk, over and over, then back onto Daddy's thick throbbing tool. I sucked feverishly on it, it tasted so good!

His hips were slamming against my face now as he buried himself inside my throat. I could hear his tortured whisper, "make daddy cum, slut", as my mouth worked to do just that, sliding up and down his shaft as he pushed it into my mouth and my head into the desk.

"OH FUCK!" he cried as he came in bursts of hot cream, filling my mouth over and over with his cum. I swallowed every drop, it was so delicious. Never had I tasted anything as good as my daddy's cum. I sucked him dry; making sure every drop was inside my hot belly. I wanted to be filled with him.

Finally, he shuddered, completely empty, as he reached down and grabbed me by the hair, pulling me up off the floor. His hands then went to my hips and lifted me, setting me on the edge of the desk. He nudged my thighs apart with his legs and I felt him slide two fingers into my hot throbbing cunt. God, I was so wet. I needed to cum so bad.

Sliding his fingers in and out of me, he bent down by my right ear and I heard his raspy whisper, "Slut enjoyed that, didn't she?"

Nodding my head vigorously, I moaned as his fingers continued to fuck me, "oh yes, Daddy, I loved it."

Chuckling, he said, "And now my little slut is going to cum for daddy, isn't she?"

Riding his fingers like a wild woman, feeling them pumping me deeper and deeper, of course I moaned, "yes, Daddy".

He moved a third finger inside my tortured pussy now, pressing them further inside my hot canal. It felt so good! My pussy walls tightened around his fingers, urging him on, as the waves of pleasure barreled through my young body.

As his fingers splayed my pussy open, he ordered me to cum. My body was so ready; I came hard around his fingers. My juices slipped down his fingers, drenching his hand. I came so much! I had never cum like that ever! My fingers curled around the edge of the desk as my body shook with the intensity. I thought my body might hurtle right off the desk! It was that good!

Finally, my body relaxed and the throbbing of my pussy stilled. Daddy still had his fingers sliding in and out of my hot hole as my breathing slowed. He looked into my eyes as he slid his wet fingers of me and into my mouth. "Taste yourself, baby," he ordered and I began to suck my juices off his well-coated fingers. When I had sucked his fingers dry, he helped me off the edge of the desk and guided my body to turn around.

Now facing the desk, I felt his hand splayed across my back as he gently pushed me face down onto the desk top. I felt a cool breeze blow across my heated sex as he lifted the hem of my robe up over my back. His hands then fell to my smooth round ass, one on each side, caressing them. His touch was like a piece of heaven and I groaned in excitement. His large fingers parted, caressing my smooth skin in slow circular motions. My overheated pussy twinged at this gentle pressure then suddenly his hands were gone. Before I could breath, his right hand came down with a loud smack upon my bottom.

"Who's Daddy's slut?" he asked as he held his hand against my butt.

Gasping with pain and delight, I answered "I am, Daddy."

Another fast and hard slap against my tender rear then the question, "Who is Daddy's slut?"

Whimpering now as my ass began to sting, "I am, Daddy."

Now an even harder slap, leaving my ass stinging in pain, "Who is Daddy's slut?"

Crying out loudly, my ass burning, "I am, Daddy."

Two fingers quickly plunged into my dripping pussy…once, twice, three thrusts. Then as quickly, they were removed. Then I felt them pressing against my anal opening. Daddy's pushed to two wet fingers into that tight hole with one quick thrust. I gasped as the fingers forced my tightest hole open, nearly bucking off the desk in surprise, as I heard his harsh whisper in my ear, "And don't you forget it…tomorrow, you will serve me…now go to your room."

Slipping his fingers from my ass, he slapped it once as he pushed me towards the door. I ran out, my body trembling in need. Tears filled my eyes as I crossed the threshold into my room. Tearing off the robe, I grabbed my vibrator out of the nightstand drawer and shoved it quickly into my hungry pussy. Throwing myself on my back on the bed, I fucked myself hard until my body exploded, coating the rubber with wetness. I thought of Daddy's fingers in my ass and groaned. I pulled the dildo from my hot pussy and shoved it into my tight ass with a whimper of sweet pain. It felt so good, I began to slam my ass against the mattress, forcing the dildo in my ass. It would slide out a bit as I lifted my body off the bed only to be drilled back in when I slammed back down. I fucked my tight little ass like this for as long as my body could take it before I came so hard, a puddle formed on my bedspread beneath me. With thoughts of Daddy's gorgeous cock filling me, I fell into a peaceful sleep, eager for the new day to come.


Today was different. When I got home from class, I slowly closed the front door and leaned back against it. My eyes swept around the living room of our home, noticing it for the first time in a long time. The afternoon sun shone through the big windows on each side of the fireplace. It made the neutral beiges and browns glow. I closed my eyes and smiled. Today was different. Today was Friday.

I ran up the stairs giggling, my books held tight to my chest. Throwing open my bedroom door, I noticed the box on the bed right away. I guess I was expecting it. Tossing my books on the dresser, I ran to bed and sat on the edge as I picked up the box. On the cover, it said "Wear this and your robe and nothing else." Slowly, prolonging my suspense, I lifted the lid from the box.

Gasping in delight, I lifted the corset from the tissue. It was black, with satin laces up the front. Hard wires crossed the top where my breasts would sit. There were no coverings for the breasts, they would be completely exposed. I smiled in excitement.

As I put on my outfit for daddy, I began to think I was lucky it was just daddy and me. Mama had passed away when I was a little girl. Daddy had been career military, never in one place long enough to think about settling down. After he had put in twenty years, he started to realize he wanted more. Then he met Mama when she was fresh out of high school. He married her within a few months and I was born just shy of their first anniversary. I was only four when she died. I don't remember much about it but Daddy crying a lot.

This had been our home for as long as I can remember. Daddy stayed in the military for a while after Mama died. When he retired, he converted one of the bedrooms into an office where he conducted his 'business'. I had no idea what Daddy's business was.

The secret room downstairs had always been there. When I was small, it was kept locked at all times. I thought the mystery of it was exciting. The reality was even more so.

Snapping my mind back to the present, I looked at myself in the mirror. The corset was divine! It lifted and separated my breasts so they looked liked creamy vanilla mountains ready to be sucked. Already, my pussy lips were frothing, whipped into a frenzy of desire. I grabbed my robe and tightened the belt around my waist before heading out of my room and down the stairs to daddy.

When I reached the door, I knocked and whispered, "Daddy, may your slut have permission to enter?"

"Yes she may…enter and stand before me."

I opened the heavy door and stepped into the dim interior. Daddy stood before the solid wood desk once again in his own black robe. In four short steps, I was before him. Daddy is tall, easily over 6 feet. I was not that tall, pushing 5' 4". Daddy lifted a hand to my chin and tilted my face up to look at him. He bent down and placed his warm lips lovingly on mine. "Hello, slut" he breathed against them. Standing straight, leaning back against the heavy desk, he ordered, "Remove your robe and hand it to me."

I slid out of the silky material and handed it to daddy, standing before him in nothing but the corset. I could feel his eyes taking in the curves of my young breasts. His hands lifted and his fingers began to softly caress my nipples. I sighed in pleasure at this touch, so light and delicious. I felt my nipples hardening beneath his practiced touch. Suddenly, his fingers were gone…but only for a moment. Then, I felt the familiar chill of the cold metal clamps. He quickly affixed them to each nipple, wrapping the chain around his right fist. His eyes glued to my breasts, he tugged the chain. Instinctively, I took a step forward. His left hand shot out and slapped me hard across the face. "Do not move, slut!" With tears in my eyes, I stepped back, moaning in pain as he tugged at my nipples.

He tightened the chain around his wrist and pulled it again. My whole body jerked forward but my feet remained firmly planted where I stood. A soft whimper of pain whispered past my lips. Daddy's eyes only saw my nipples, which were becoming red and swollen. "Exquisite. Beautiful. A perfect slut."

He took my hand then. "Come, slut," he said as he led me across the room to the far wall. On it had been affixed a large heavy wooden cross, life-sized. At the t, I saw what appeared to be a large circle band of metal. Smaller circles were attached at each end and something similar at the bottom. I looked up at daddy with questioning eyes and he simply smiled.

"Place your back against the cross," he ordered. I quickly obeyed as he moved before me, lifting my left arm away from my body. With a click, he snapped the metal band around my wrist. He repeated the same with my right arm. My arms were now extended away from my body and restrained. He looked into my eyes, "Lift your head." I did as instructed and he reached to wrap that band around my long neck, snapping it closed. Then kneeling at my feet, he crossed my ankles and also snapped them into the cold metal bands. I was restrained completely and unable to move.

Taking up the chain that hung from the clamps on my breasts, he reached above my head and grabbed a heavier chain that hung from the ceiling. Pulling it down, he hooked the chain from the clamps onto an s hook at the bottom of the ceiling chain.

Smiling at me, he crossed a few steps to his left where I could see a pulley. His right hand twisted it once around and the chain moved up towards the ceiling, pulling my nipples with it. I groaned in pain but could feel the sudden outpouring of arousal between my thighs.

Daddy walked back to me and slid his hand between my thighs, his fingers coming out wet with my need. "What a hot little slut you are," he breathed in my ear as he slid his fingers into my mouth. I sucked my daddy's fingers clean, enjoying the taste of my juices upon them. Pulling his fingers from my greedy mouth, he bent down and kissed my lips once more before walking quickly to the pulley and turning it once around again. My nipples were pulled up towards the ceiling painfully and I cried out as tears filled my eyes.

Daddy walked back to stand before me, noticing my trembling lip, "Be brave, my slut." He whispered, "Know your place is to please me and your pain pleases me. Take the pain I give you as a gift of love. Cherish it in your heart."

Walking to the far wall where the whips and other items hung, he took down a flogger and felt the weight in his hands for a moment before crossing back to me.

"Understand the pain," he said as he brought the flogger down across the tops of my thighs.

"Accept the pain," as he brought it down across my crotch.

"Use the pain," as he brought it down across my belly.

"Make the pain yours," as he brought it down across the bottom of my breasts.

I groaned, closing my eyes as I let the pain be absorbed by my body. I felt daddy's hot breath on my ear. "You are mine to use as I desire. For pain. For pleasure. And you will accept this and your position as my slut."

Passion filled me with his words and I licked my lips before whispering back to him, "Yes, daddy."

He stepped back, his eyes upon the expanse of my thighs. He lifted the flogger and began to strike them, back and forth, back and forth, as he spoke, "My pain, My pleasure are your pain, your pleasure. We are one. Use the pain to make you strong. Learn how to control it. It will become your strongest asset and your most powerful ally.

Pain leads to pleasure. Pleasure leads to pain. I will teach you these things, my slut, and many many more as we grow in our relationship together. But always, you will obey me. And you will accept everything I do to your body as my right and privilege as your owner. Do you understand?"

"Yes, daddy."

"Do you accept my terms, slut?"

Without hesitation, I answered, "Yes, daddy."

He smiled, no verbal response, only the lift of his hand and the weight of the flogger tearing down into the flesh on my exposed thighs. Over and over, again and again, harder and harder, tears welling in my amber eyes. Then his voice, rising over the roar in my ears, ordering me, "Use the pain, USE IT! Cum for me, slut. Cum for me!"

My body shook in its' restraints. My nipples ached from the unending pull on them. But I heard my daddy's voice and something deep inside me let go. In a shattering quake, my mind totally lost to all reality, I came. My orgasm was long, hard, intense and within moments, I could feel the juices of it rolling down the inside of my thighs.

The flogging stopped. I could hear Daddy's deep breaths from the exertion. I could see his eyes taking in the sight of my wet thighs. I blushed with embarrassment.

He used the flogger to tip my chin up until my eyes met his.

"You are exquisite. Your body is exquisite. And it is mine. Never forget that."

Smiling into his dark brown eyes, I murmured, "I won't, daddy."

Pressing his lips to mine, he caressed my cheek and murmured. "Think about what you have learned tonight. Take that knowledge and make it yours. Think about your body, how it is now mine. You have given it to me and I shall use it fully. Think about what this journey will do for you and to you. Absorb all this. Consider fully the power I have over you. Know that I shall take advantage of it and of you often. You belong to me now until I say you no longer do. You have no choice in this. Do you understand?"

"Yes, daddy."

"Do you accept your fate at my hands?"

"Yes, daddy."

"Good slut. Stay here and think on all you have learned. I shall return later." With that, he crossed to the pulley and turned it once around again. A scream of pain was ripped from my body as my nipples were pulled to the ceiling. My last glimpse of him was his right hand waving over his shoulder as he left the room.


I don't know how long I was left there, hanging on the cross. I do know I lost consciousness. I do know that at some point I wet myself. I do remember hearing the distinctive sound of the urine hitting the bottom of the metal pail at my feet. I do remember not recalling it being there when Daddy had left. I do recall fading into sleep and falling forward in my restraints only to be jerked awake by the sudden yank at my nipples when I fell. It was completely dark in the room. There was no light, no window to allow the shine of stars or the beams of the sun. I could have been in that room, attached to that cross, for days, weeks, months. I would have not known.

The reality was that sometime during the night, my daddy came and took me off the cross. The reality was that he carried my body up the stairs to my room and laid me upon my bed. The reality was he kissed my forehead and whispered, "I love you, my slut." The reality was he slapped my face until I gained a semblance of consciousness then knelt above me, pressing his hard cock down my throat. The reality was he ordered me suck him while I was half-conscious, exhausted and in pain. The reality was I sucked him and swallowed his sticky cum and did so with no whimper of pain or complaint.

The reality was I was his to use and do with what he chose. I knew that now.

As he fucked my face, filling my throat with his cock, I thought of all these things. I thought of the reality of being owned, of being his slave, his slut. It was not something I would have ever considered a week ago. But today, it was all I desired, all I knew and all I was bound to be. Some might look at this, my relationship with him, and say it is sick. But I say to them the love we share goes far deeper than paternal and outweighs the strength of blood with the power of love.

I sucked on his cock, this connection between us strong in my heart and mind, and knew I wanted to suck him, wanted to taste him, wanted to please him. He was my daddy but he was also my Master, my Owner and my Provider. This was but a small thing to show him my love and appreciation for all he had given me.

As he filled my mouth with his cum, a deep sense of satisfaction filled me. Knowing I had pleased him enough to earn his cum, knowing I had been found worthy of it, knowing I had aroused him to this point made me not only happy but filled me with a deep sense of contentment. As the last of his seed filled my mouth, as I swallowed every drop to hold it snuggly deep inside my belly, I looked up into his warm eyes and whispered, "Thank you, daddy."

Climbing off of me, standing beside my bed, he bent down and kissed my forehead. "You are most welcome, slut. Now sleep. Tomorrow you will serve me."

"Yes, daddy," I smiled as I drifted off into sleep, the sleep of one well-used, well-taught and well-loved. I was home.


When I awoke the next morning, it was difficult for me to get out of bed. It seemed every inch of my body ached from the beating Daddy had inflicted upon me last night. As well, my throat was dry and sore from his use of it. I groaned as I swung my legs over the edge of the mattress and rose to my feet. I could see the slashes and bruises across the tops of my thighs in the mirror on top of my dresser. I felt I should be horrified but instead I smiled.

I worked my way into my bathroom and ran a very hot shower. While the heat seemed to help ease some of the ache from my bones, it wasn't quite enough. After I toweled off, I slid into a sports bra and a pair of long biker shorts. An early morning jog would help to work out some of the kinks in my over used body.

It was still early and the air was crisp as I stepped outside. I turned up the road and started jogging to the park. I knew since it was Saturday it would be populated but my bruises were covered and I didn't think anyone would notice. I spent a good hour on the paths, enjoying the sweetness of the fresh air, the sound of the early stillness of morning, the rush of fresh oxygen in my brain.

I was feeling good as I opened the front door when I returned home. I smiled to see Daddy standing there as I stepped over the threshold. "Good morning, daddy."

"Where have you been?" he grabbed me suddenly, pulling me around, an arm up behind my back as my cheerfulness turned to panic.

"I just went for a jog, daddy." He was pushing me towards the sofa. I noticed he was still in his robe when I had entered the doorway. Soon he had me sprawled over the back of the soft, my head down upon the cushions, and my ass in the air.

"You do not leave this house without my permission. Is that clear, slut?" His hands were pulling down my tight biker shorts as he spoke.

"Yes, daddy, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"Ignorance is no excuse. You will be punished." He had managed to push my shorts down about my knees and my bare ass was exposed to him. That is when I felt the first smack as his hand came down hard upon my naked flesh. Oh, it hurt and yet felt so good. Again and again his hand came down upon my upturned backside, I could feel the blood beginning to pour to the surface and I am sure the curves were crimson.

"You are an owned bitch now, a slut, you do NOTHING without permission, cunt. Do you understand?"

Groaning, I managed to work my response out of my tortured throat, "yes, daddy."

"And another thing, you will call me Master from now on. You will only call me Daddy when I give you permission. And I will call you what you are, my slut, my slave, my fuck toy. Is that understood?"

As he spoke, his hands continued to slap and spank my tortured bottom. I whimpered and said, "Yes, Master, I understand."

"Good girl," he stopped spanking me then and soon I felt his fingers pulling apart the cheeks of my tortured ass. I heard him spit and felt the wetness land upon the dark star he was holding open with his thumbs. He pushed the spittle around the hole. I felt the head of his cock pressing against the tight opening. His fingers grabbed hold of my hips as he drove his thick hard cock in one movement deep inside my ass.

I screamed in agony as he tore me open. The pain was overwhelming but it didn't stop him from continuing to slam inside me, forcing my tight ass open with his thick tool. I tried to get away, even though I knew it would mean more punishment, but his hands were so strong, holding me tight against him. "Master....please….it hurts," I managed to moan.

"And it should, cunt. I will use you as I wish. Remember your pledge, your promise? You gave yourself in slavery to me. I will use you as I wish, when I wish, where I wish. Would you renege on your promise now, cunt?"

I thought about his words, remembering our discussion from the night before. Yes what he was doing hurt me. But it was a good pain. And I wanted to make him happy, I wanted to please him, I wanted him to fill me completely, use me, and make me so totally his. "No, Master. Please fuck me. Please use me. I am yours."

"Good girl," one hand let go of my hips then to grab my hair, pulling me harder against him as his cock forced me open. Then he began to fuck my ass with slow in and out movements, his hips rotating against me. I groaned with pain but I didn't ask him to stop. This was what I needed, wanted. To be completely used, to be taken and forced. It felt so good to have him buried inside me, using me.

He began to move faster inside me, his thrusts deeper, forcing my whole ass wide open to receive him. Slowly, I was becoming his. More than just his daughter, his lover, his slave, I was becoming a part of him. This was what I wanted, this is what I needed. The knowledge that I was finally home began to swell over me and I felt my arousal begin to stir. I felt the first beads of dew begin to form on my parted pussy lips. I felt the low moan of need that welled up from my belly and slipped past my parted lips.

"Mmmm," Daddy groaned as he continued fucking my ass, "Cunt likes to have her ass reamed, doesn't she?"

I began to push back against him in answer, suddenly needing every inch of him buried inside my tight ass. I whimpered in pleasure. His strong hands pulled me hard back against him and his fingers slipped around me to find my hard clit. They began to massage it with soft circular motions as I pressed against them. Daddy continued to plunge in and out of my ass as he manipulated my wet heat. I moaned and simpered like a cat in heat.

"Cum, baby, cum with me," he ordered as he began pumping harder. I felt his balls slapping against my scarlet ass cheeks and I couldn't stop myself. I came hard and long as his seed flowed up my ass into my bowels.

We stayed there for a while, recapturing our breath after our spent passion, and finally he slid his now limp cock from my ass. I didn't move and I waited to see what he wanted. I was enjoying his attention too much.

He wrapped his robe back around him as he affectionately slapped my ass. "Get dressed, slave. We are going out. I have a surprise planned for you."

I turned and smiled at him but neither his eyes nor his face gave anything away and I knew better than to ask what the surprise was. Instead, I pulled my shorts back up and skipped up the stairs to my room, intent on grabbing another quick shower and dressing up nice for daddy so I could get my surprise. I knew this was going to be a weekend to remember.