
Incest Stories(MILF)

All Your MILF Fantacy In One Place. (All Stories Are From My Preferences. Hope You Like It.)

addictz · Realistic
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180 Chs

Bad mother

The high school graduation ceremony had been going for 45 minutes when Matthew, standing onstage with his classmates, finally spotted his mother's arrival. Dressed in a tight spring suit of mint green, the MILF looked hot - as always. Matt was furious, hurt—but not surprised. Janice's lateness was typical. It was a surprise that she had appeared at all. Chronically absent-minded, consistently scatter-brained, easily distracted and reliably self-centered, she was always blowing it.

Matt was so upset that he decided not to go out with his friends to celebrate. Instead, he spoke with his mother after the ceremony, firmly holding her wrist, and told her to drive home immediately. "Matthew, you're hurting my wrist," she said suggestively.

"Good. But that's only the beginning." She could see how deeply upset he was, so she was apprehensive, but also a bit excited. They drove in their own cars, Janice figuring that even patient Matthew could no longer put up with her inappropriate, sexy flirting and inexcusable behavior. Back at the house, Matt was sitting in the den, fuming, when she arrived and joined him, knowing how serious this latest offense had been in a very long line of bad behavior.

She stood in front of him, more desirable as ever. At 36, she was a MILF, the hottest mother of anybody he knew. At 5' 7", her lustrous, short and straight black hair (like a young, pixie-cut Demi, Winona or Halle) framed a very pretty, sensuous face with large hazel eyes, a wide mouth and thick lips. Her Mediterranean complected skin was like satin. She was in superb shape from workouts 5-6 times a week. Heavy 34C breasts, a tight ass and fantastic legs completed the package.

By her very nature, she exuded sensuality - without flirting or wearing slutty clothes. Not surprisingly, she was the most popular substitute teacher in the school district. His friends never stopped commenting about how hot she was, how they wanted her big lips to wrap around their cocks. How she was probably shaved and would do them all.

Janice had no boyfriends. She and Matt lived in a town where the few alleged Doms she found online at bondage sites, who lived locally, were weak wannabes. Nor did she have any girlfriends; the women she knew from her gym or the parents of Matt's schoolmates were too envious of her remarkable looks and felt threatened whenever their boyfriends or husbands were around Janice. The pity was that she had zero interest in any of those vanilla guys. So she focused all of her desires on her sexy son.

At 18, Matthew was hot as well, although between girlfriends. How could he think about girls when his MILF was always figuring new ways to expose her body and excite him? At 5'9", he wasn't tall, but his face was somewhere between cute and handsome, with sun-tinted blond streaks in his auburn hair and a great physique, with virtually no body fat and a torso chiseled by soccer and swimming.

"Don't even start with excuses," he said, glaring up at his penitent mother. She'd been taunting him flagrantly for a long time. "All I know is that after years of you screwing up, I'm sick and tired of it. It has to change now and I'm determined to make that change happen - whether you want to or not." At long last, he understood why: why she teased him, why she fleetingly exposed her body, why she paraded around in tantalizing lingerie, and exactly what she needed from him.

Janice had always known she was a bad mother. She always felt guilty and remorseful, hating her irresponsible behavior. It embarrassed her to have forgotten parent/teacher conferences and humiliated her to arrive late for a big soccer game or swim meet. She felt so bad that she would do almost anything to change, to no longer forget to buy food at the supermarket that Matthew had requested, or to no longer burn a hole in his favorite shirt when ironing it, or not to give Matthew his birthday and holiday presents a day late. But she couldn't change.

Standing in front of her son, she knew better than to apologize. "How do parents get their kids to change their bad behavior?" he asked her. It was not a rhetorical question.

"They reward them for good behavior," she said meekly, head downcast in shame.

"And what if their behavior is never good?"

She hesitated. "They get punished."

"Ah, now we're getting somewhere." He paused. "Maybe you need a series of spankings."

She wondered if it was finally beginning. "Well, your grandfather used to say that spankings were for children."

"Oh he did? Well, what did he do instead?"

"He would use his belt on me."

"Oh." Matthew was shocked. "Did it work?"

"Sort of. But I was a rebellious, headstrong teenager. So he needed to do it a lot."

"Over his lap?"

"Oh no, that's an awkward, uncomfortable position for both people. No, he'd have me lean over the back of a chair or the arm of a sofa. Or kneel on an ottoman or cushion."

"I'm waiting." The room was still except for the ticking of a clock on the mantel. Finally, she thought, after such a long time. . . it's in the family blood, including Matthew's.

"Could I make myself a drink first? Please? Or get us both a drink?"

Matthew nodded. "I'll have a beer."

She walked to the kitchen as if in slow motion, trying to contain her rising excitement. Finally, it had come to this. She wondered how far he'd go this first time. When she returned, she gave Matthew a cold can of beer and took a large gulp of her generous triple vodka on the rocks.

"Let's get started." She nodded and peeled off her suit jacket, revealing a tight, thin white blouse that clearly showed an expensive, cream-colored, lace half-bra beneath. Her areola and nipples were an incredibly dark tone: not quite black, but a charcoal gray that showed clearly through the filmy bra and thin silk blouse.

Matthew was reminded of all the times she'd cock-teased him over the past two years, wearing lewd bikinis that showed everything when she climbed out of their pool, or leaving her bathroom door open a foot so he could easily see her for the few seconds between climbing out of the shower and grabbing a towel. Or making breakfast for him on the weekend, her unclosed robe gaping open and showing the revealing baby doll beneath. Or trying on three pairs of sexy bras and French-cut panties while asking his opinion, each set more abbreviated than the one before.

She took another swallow of her cocktail, unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. All of the underwear she was wearing matched the bra: a garter belt, lace-topped stockings and tiny tight panties in the same creamy thin material. He stared at her pronounced camel-toe, the panties bulging as if about to burst.

But didn't she have to resist him? Wouldn't it look bad if she didn't at least pretend to challenge him? She couldn't acquiesce so easily; she'd have to feign reluctance. "Who put you in charge?" she asked with all the defiance she could summon.

Completely unexpectedly, Matt's right arm shot out and slapped her left breast, hard. She couldn't prevent a moan of pleasure escaping from her lips. "Is that it?" she asked in her most derisive voice. This time his left hand struck her other breast, even harder. "Ohhh," she muttered. Could he be the real thing, a natural, a fast learner?

Smiling faintly at the harsh reaction she'd elicited, Janice sauntered over to the sofa and bent over the arm, her legs spread wide. "Is this the way you want me?" she said in her most snide and contemptuous tone of voice.

"That will do, but only for starters," he said. Matthew pulled his thin, old and supple leather belt through his belt loops. "Belts are not easy to use," she said. "If you go to my bedroom closet, you'll find something leather hanging from a hook in the rear corner that's much easier. You'll have to brush aside some clothes to see it."

Matthew adjusted his hard-on and managed to get up the staircase, where he stripped off everything but his boxer shorts and went into her walk-in closet, where he found a black leather device hanging. It was a slender tawse, beautifully fashioned from heavy black leather. He hefted it and smacked it into his palm a few times. The hurt was serious. Also in the closet was a lacquered black chest. He opened the first drawer. . .

Back in the den, Janice wondered why Matthew was taking such a long time. Upon returning, he saw that she had not moved. "Now the panties," he said. For a moment, it was awfully quiet in the room, but, to his amazement, she didn't object. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband and ever so slowly pulled the tight panties over the garter straps and down her legs, revealing a magnificent, tight ass to her son. Then, surprising herself, she automatically spread her legs and lowered her head and arms onto the sofa seat, exposing her pussy (freshly shaved that morning) and asshole.

Matthew stared at his mother's thick, heavy pussy lips, already gaping. He hadn't expected her to bend over, widen her legs and reveal her spread pussy lips. Dusky in color, their dark hue contrasted with the wet pink coral of her inner lips and cunt walls but matched the gray shade ringing her dark rosebud. It seemed unreal. He realized that for years, she'd been hungering for him to take control and punish her, and that now that he was eighteen, she figured there was no need to wait any longer.

"Are you ready?" he asked hoarsely.

"Yes, Matthew. Please punish me." He thought that his first several hits were substantial, but she had almost no reaction. The olive-toned skin of her cheeks had reddened, but there was no movement, wriggling, exclamations, whimpers, groans, or begging for a halt. He realized she probably had a high tolerance to punishment. Because she'd been disciplined so much? Or simply got off on being disciplined?

So he hit harder and faster. Now she started shifting her pelvis and whimpering quietly, rubbing her inflamed ass after every blow to massage the stinging flesh, slowing down his pace. "Stop touching your ass," he ordered.

"I can't," she said. "It's an automatic reaction. You'll have to immobilize my hands." Matthew picked up his unused belt, grasped her wrists, pulled her arms forward, looped the belt around her wrists, cinched them tightly and pulled them to one of the sofa feet, tying off the belt. Janice's arms were so stretched that her heels lifted off the floor, spreading her open ass cheeks even wider.

Matthew grabbed her drink, lifted her chin and let her finish the triple vodka. When he was ready to resume, he noticed that the top of her thighs was now wet. He understood that her pussy juices were coating her legs. She was becoming excited by this punishment. She was a pain slut. Ever since he'd found "The Story of O" and a Helmut Newton photography book on the living room bookshelf, he had been reading heavily online about bondage and discipline, educating himself in the techniques, terminologies and toys.

"Did Dad ever punish you?" Silence. He hit her again, harder.

"Yes, Matthew, he did."

"How much?"

Janice was afraid to lie to him. "Two or three times a week."

"Wow. Just stuff like this?"

"No Matthew, he used many different kinds of. . . of harsher bondage and discipline."

"Is that related to the reason he left?" Janice hesitated, not sure what to say, but Matthew thought she was ignoring his question. He sliced the tawse, harder than ever, and this time into the crack between her cheeks. For the first time, his mother jerked and cried out. She didn't expect this much this fast from Matthew.

"Oh!" she shouted. Hastily, she said, "Your father wanted to do things to me that I couldn't accept." She stopped, so Matthew struck the tawse into the top of her thighs, only an inch from her heavy labia. She bucked and twisted her torso, hissing in pain. She knew he wanted details.

"He wanted me to wear his tattoos, and to get pierced." Matthew waited several seconds for more, then hit the heavy tawse twice, directly onto the long, thick and dark pussy lips. "Ahh!" she shouted, her pelvis now going into constant motion as she surreptitiously rubbed her clit against the black leather on the arm of the sofa.

Matthew no longer stopped, alternating his strikes between her dusky ring and her cunt lips, improving his aim and increasing his force with each blow. She started talking and muttering obscenities nonstop. "Yes, your bastard of a father wanted to pierce my nipples." Smack! "He wanted heavy rings in my pussy lips." Smack! "He wanted his name and the word "Slut" inked on my mound." Smack! "He wanted to pee on me."

Matthew's anger reached a crescendo as he saw his mother nearing a climax. At the end he was smashing the tip of the tawse between her inner labia and deeply into her cunt as she ground her big clit into the greasy leather.

She wondered, What if he was even better than the others in her family? When she came, she bucked and heaved and screamed with an intensity that none of his girlfriends had ever approached. Her hips lifted way up off the sofa arm and she collapsed in a sprawling posture, her heavy breathing filling the room. Matthew staggered over to the night table and drank half of his beer, wondering at what had happened in only a few minutes.

He grabbed the short dark hair at the back of her neck and pulled her sweaty face up off the sofa. Her eyes were glazed. "You understand that this is only the first punishment of many, right? I'll specify exactly what you're being disciplined for, going back years."

"Yes Matthew." He untied the belt from the sofa and sat heavily on the couch. He expected her to get up and walk out, but she was waiting, apparently wanting more. Janice had wondered if her tawsing would be the end as well.

Matt improvised. "Stand up." She slid off the sofa arm onto her knees." Matthew changed his mind and pushed the coffee table away from the couch. "Your next punishment is for failing to stand. But as long as you're on your knees, stay on them and come over here." He spread apart his knees, hoping at most for a hand job, as incredulous as that seemed.

On her knees, Janice moved to the front of the sofa, facing her son, between his legs. "Punishment is important, but it's not enough," he said. "After hurting me so much, you also have to make me feel better." He sat forward, his cock pushing against the front of his boxers, noticing her huge nipples pushing against her sweat-soaked bra. She was practically delirious with excitement, about to suck his big blunt cock for the first time.

Her wrists still bound together in front of her by Matthew's leather belt, the degraded mother raised her hands to his briefs. It took only the slightest touch for her son's broad cock head to stick out from his underwear. He moved his haunches more forward, the material of his boxers sliding backward till all seven inches were exposed. Janice was mesmerized by the sight of the thick heavy cock, as beautiful as the rest of her son's body. The craving in her eyes for cock was plain to see.

She leaned forward, grasping the base of the thick shaft and opening her wide mouth, the thick lips parting, her long tongue, coated with saliva, extending to the blunt crown. Matt was in shock. His own mother wasn't going to jerk him off, she was going to suck him off.

Janice squeezed and a pearl of pre-cum appeared at the tip of her masterful son's big cock. Finally, she was about to suck him off, to taste his fresh thick spunk at last, to draw it out of him, to have the roof of her mouth scalded by its heat, to feel his penis spasm and jerk over and over, to savor the sweet flavor as her cheeks swelled from the huge load, to prevent it from spilling, to elicit his permission to swallow, to drink the thick gunk down into her belly, leaving her swollen lips coated and grossly dripping.

"You've been showing off that hot body and cockteasing me for a couple of years in all kinds of ways. But you don't get to torment me anymore."

Matthew leaned forward on the couch and pulled his mother's bra down and off her sweaty big tits, freeing the 34Cs with their large dark aureola and massively thick and long charcoal gray nipples. He left the lacy bra tangled around her midriff, the thin straps hanging, figuring it would be humiliating to leave the bra dangling on her. Janice was well aware of how she appeared, kneeling in front of her son's cock, her body now exposed and how that would drive any teen boy crazy. But this wasn't any teen boy, this was her son.

Holding his heavy cock with one hand, Matt grabbed his neglectful mother's right tit and pulled it roughly. Janice groaned with pain and leaned forward. He placed the obscenely large nipple - thicker than a cigarette and and an inch long - at the tip of his cock and pushed the dark nipple stalk into the big pearl of pre-cum at the tip. Fascinated and ashamed, Janice watched her stiff nipple sink into the clear fluid until the hypersensitive stalk was forced into her son's cock slit. They both moaned at the same time. No man had ever done this to her before. Was he a natural? A born Master?

Grasping the base of her tit, Matthew pulled the tit flesh back till the extended nipple pulled clear of his pre-cum, dropping the precious fluid onto her thighs. He repeated the process with her left nipple, mashing her tit into his prick and smearing the pre-cum around her breast flesh.

"Now," he agreed and his mother extended her long tongue and licked the broad head. When it was saturated and dripping with her plentiful saliva, she took the head inside her lips and started pumping the shaft with her bound hands. Gripping her nipples, greasy with pre-cum, he controlled the depth and speed of the cocksucking until the debased mother was deep throating. Although Matthew had experienced many hookups and plenty of girlfriends, none had ever blown him remotely as well, as deeply or as hungrily compared to what his slutty, sweaty mother was doing.

Janice was thankful that her discipline had finally begun, her once-smooth skin showing the marks of the tawse. She realized it was fitting that a terrible mother such as she was should have been pussy-whipped to a cum, that she was now kneeling nude (except for her garter belt and stockings), her oversized nipples roughly squeezed and pulled, and being forced to suck her handsome son's gorgeous big dick till he shot his massive teen load over and over into her hot big mouth and upturned face. She accepted that they would proceed to the next in a long series of harsh abuse and humiliating punishments.

Within two minutes, the mother who was a bad parent - but a superb cocksucker - had her son's cock shooting into her mouth. She knew he had giant loads from watching him beat off secretly in his bedroom or on the patio, from finding his towels, washcloths or tissues in the morning after he'd left for school, when she'd plunged her face into the pool of cold cum and hungrily licked it up, not caring that the sticky jism was smearing across her nose, chin and cheeks, until she began microwaving his spunk, the strong odor filling the kitchen as she stood in her baby doll, voraciously lapping up the hot tasty spunk.

Her obsession for cum immediately became a morning habit. One day, oversleeping and in a hurry to get to work, she mistakenly applied her makeup before lapping up her breakfast cum. So she grabbed a spoon, ran into Matt's bedroom and scraped the massive load off his pajama pants, feeding heavy spoonfuls of the thick gunk neatly between her freshly lipsticked mouth. But, in her rush to leave for work, she forgot to leave Matt's pajamas in the same place. When he returned from school, he found them in a different place. Then he found a spoon lying in the kitchen sink, which he picked up and smelled. Sure enough, his depraved mother was eating his cum.

So Janice, now on her knees in front of the son whose long patience and restraint had finally broken for good, was prepared when Matt shot a dozen times into her mouth. It was such a huge amount that she panicked when he pulled out his dick and spurted still more gunk onto her eyebrows and nose. Long ago she'd been trained not to swallow till instructed, and to provide a visual of her full mouth at any time. But she didn't think Matthew would like it if she opened her overfull mouth and leaked some of his copious spend onto her chin or chest.

So she opened slowly and carefully, her eyes and eyebrows arched inquisitively, cum dripping off her eyebrows onto her cheeks. "No, you may not swallow," Matt warned. He picked up his camera, which she hadn't noticed, and photographed her with her mouth open. Then he reached for the tawse and smacked it hard into her big left tit.

"Unh!" she groaned, rocking back and forth in pain from one knee to the other while struggling to maintain the load sloshing around in her mouth. He struck the other tit even harder. "Arrgghh!" she moaned.

"Did you swallow any?" he asked. She shook her head.

"Open." She tilted her head back by several degrees and opened. The load was still all there. "Good, you can close but don't swallow." He wasn't finished, for he had found more than the tawse in her closet. He'd opened all the drawers in a black chest, finding a trove of bondage toys, extracting a black leather slave collar, tube of lube, a black eye mask, large, thick black rubber bands, a large thick black butt plug, nipple clamps, cunt clamps, metal chains and weights.

Matt fastened the collar around her neck and clipped a leather leash to one of the collar's D-rings. He remembered that Doms set strict rules for their subs. "At home, you'll wear this collar except when you're bathing." She nodded. He stretched the rubber bands, fitted them onto Janice's tits and pushed down the bands to the bases of her tits, forcing the globes to bulge up and out. Each of the metal, binder clip cunt clamps was three inches long. He placed them on her slippery outer lips which were greasy with her juices. She shuddered. He attached a cloverleaf clamp to the base of each straining dark nipple, tightening them till she whimpered, then added chains to the nipple and cunt clamps. "Turn around and bend over."

It seemed like a dream to Matt. He noticed how the attachment of each toy - and the increasing degrees of pain - made her continually more excited. He took more photos. Janice couldn't believe that the speed and harshness of this discipline was happening in the first punishment session with her son. As for the son, she was used to being photographed during scenes and knew how photogenic and how hot she looked.

Janice turned 180 degrees and placed her sweaty forehead on the carpet, exposing her ass and cunt to her newly dominating son. Matt lubed the anal plug, held it at his mother's dusky ring, and pulled on her leash, forcing her torso to move back and upward so the plug entered gradually. She must be an anal slut as well, he thought. Janice was now going nuts with degradation and arousal. "Turn back," he said, snapping a couple of quick shots.

She was moaning nonstop, finding it almost impossible not to gulp and thus violate her son's cruel order. Matt placed the eye mask over her face and said "Get up," inserting his forearms under her armpits and lifting her to where she could barely stand, directly in front of him. "Get on my lap." Janice realized that, after all these months of craving, teasing and exhibitionism, the hot son she'd been lusting over was finally ready to use his thick young dick to fuck his mother.

She knelt on the sofa and straddled him till he pulled down on her shoulders. From top to bottom, she was a sight to behold: blindfolded; cheeks bulging with cum; collared and leashed; her huge nipples slick with his pre-cum, the abused dark stalks swollen, clamped and chained; her pussy lips bulging first from the tawse and then from the binder clamps; livid splotches from the tawse on her inner and upper thighs; and anally plugged. She was festooned with more bondage hardware than she'd ever worn at one time, more than in the BDSM comics that Matt had been studying.

Not only had Janice never worn so much gear; she'd never been so tormented, so debased, so excited, so degraded or so wet, so craving of double penetration, so eager to fuck her son and new, undisputed master. She knew exactly how she looked and was proud of it.

Once Matt's cock head entered her, she relished the sensation of him spreading her out, her big pussy lips split open with the metal clamps pointing outward. After the head was embedded, his cock drove all the way up and into her. She came right then like never before, fighting to control her big mouth.

Matt gathered all four chains in his hands and rested them on her shoulders, pulling up to stretch her nipples, tits and cunt lips when he wanted her to raise up and off his cock, pulling on her shoulders when he wanted to be buried in her pussy. In either direction, he mercilessly stretched her tits and lips, grabbing the camera to capture a few images. Janice kept cumming, oblivious to the camera, crazed with pain and the reality of finally being fucked - and fiercely disciplined - by Matthew.

First it was her demanding father who had made her his teen slut, followed by her leering uncle and competitive, envious brother. After her boyfriend agreed to share her in service to her father, uncle and brother, she was permitted to marry. Her domineering husband became her main Master, but now, finally, it was her son. Was there something in her bloodline that attracted a steady succession of harsh men, who were relentlessly inventive in their sadistic creativity? Was she born to be a slave who always craved pain and degradation from the disciplinarian males in her family?

After a dozen of these back-and-forths on Matt's lap, they both felt a massive cum coming. When Matt exploded, she thrust her head back and facing upwards, involuntarily spewing her mouthful of cum high into the air. As Matt shot his second huge load, this time deep into his mother's tight cunt, he watched while his spunk, as if in slow motion, geyser up, spreading in the air and splashing down on his mother's orgasmic face, inundating her black hair, upturned face, neck, chest, tits, belly and thighs.

She stayed like that, head hanging backward, dazed from the incredible orgasm, stunned by Matt's instant cruelty and authoritativeness, loving the feel of his fat cock, and knowing his whippings, face fucking, use of toys and cunt fucking were only beginning. And with the butt plug still embedded in her ass, she assumed he'd soon start fucking her ass like crazy - like all her other masters. Would he also share her with others?

Matt took several photos, wondering if she'd have allowed him to have used his video camera on a tripod, recording the entire scene. Next time. At least he had his still camera. He pushed her head forward and ripped off the cum-splotched eye mask. He stared at her shocked face, closed eyes, tumescent tits and protuberant nipples, all drenched in splotches of cum. "Scoop it up and put it back where you had it." He slapped her tits to encourage immediate obedience, the heavy chains swinging the nipple clamps.

Filled with shame for this new humiliation, Janice dutifully wiped as much of Matt's jizz off her thighs, belly, tits and face as she could, with only her fingers as tools, as he took photos. When finished, he ordered her to open her mouth. This time it was easy. She no longer had to be careful with the angle in which she held her head.

"It's only half as full as it was," he said critically. "You've wasted half of my cum. You realize you'll be punished for that?" She nodded. "You can swallow." She closed her eyes, swallowing and savoring the taste. "Next time I'll use a whip or one of those presentation pointers on your tits, or bind them as punishment for driving home drunk on a Saturday night, dressed like a slut." He watched her swallow several more times. Each time she did, he removed a nipple or clit clamp.

As she grimaced in pain, he interjected between each load: "Or suction your tits, or stretch your nipples for not planning a summer vacation for us this year, as you promised. And maybe clamp your clit for picking me up a full hour after soccer practice was over. And photograph your face while cuming from an ass fucking, because you swore you'd clean up all the junk in your car, but never did."

She looked like the cat who ate the cream, aware that prolonged subjugation and discipline were her only paths to forgiveness. "Yes, Matthew."

"Say again?"

"Yes, Master."

Matthew had already stripped, tawsed and face-fucked his rude and thoughtless, but now penitent mother, Janice, for arriving late at his high school graduation, and starting a long-term punishment for her years of breaking bad. He'd tortured her tits, clamped and chained her nipples and pussy lips, plugged her ass and cum all over her bound body. It had been the first in a series of harsh disciplines inflicted on the sexpot MILF, due to years of her being a bad mother. She'd become his complete submissive with astounding speed.

He hoped that he'd been severe enough with her, that he'd fulfilled her ravenous appetite for submission and sex. He was still studying BDSM whenever he had a chance, but was unsure if dominating and punishing a mother had different rules and techniques. He realized he was a naturally talented Dom, but but that he was still a novice. He wondered how far and how fast he could go. Much of the time, he was simply acting on instinct.

He didn't know that, despite her long tawdry history of incestuous BDSM with her father, brother and uncle, in spite of her years as a slave to Matt's father and his friends, and notwithstanding Matt's inexperience, he was still the sexiest, most exciting, most natural, most creative and most satisfying Dom she'd ever had.

So far his mother had done everything he'd ordered. She'd accepted his video cameras without a word of protest. And considering that she was the hottest MILF in town, with the most jaw-dropping, red-hot body, their new roles as master and slave were beyond belief.

He didn't understand how a MILF, who could have any guy she wanted, was instead subbing to her son, and was also a cum, pain and anal slut - a submissive with the most amazing body he'd ever seen who acquiesced to every kind of discipline and punishment, with a seemingly limitless capacity for humiliation, pain, sucking and fucking. Janice had never been so fulfilled.

A couple of evenings after their first bondage scene, Matt stood in the doorway of Janice's bedroom, bare-chested, holding a camera and tripod, staring at her reflection. The multiple frosted lights surrounding the mirror softly illuminating her satiny skin. She was sitting at her make-up table, awaiting her dominating teenage son. Matt positioned the tripod and turned on the camera.

She wore a translucent black baby doll and matching panties that both looked lovely on her tanned skin. The fabric was so sheer he could easily see the heavy 34Cs mounding the gauzy fabric, her large dusky aureola and enormous nipples and the curves of her tight ass. He stared at the perfect tits and firm ass cheeks, the latest whip, crop or cane marks barely visible. She saw that he was beginning to get hard inside his thin pajama pants.

Matt entered her room and stood behind her, mentally reviewing the details of this new session. "I brought you an Ice Cream." This was the name he'd given to the beverage Janice drank before one of their sessions. He placed a large glass of chilled vodka on her vanity table, opened a glass container that had just been microwaved, and poured a generous stream of his steaming semen into the iced alcohol. The spunk made a hissing noise. Dutifully, the submissive mother who got hot from humiliation took a hefty, sloppy swig of the disgusting concoction, the hot jizz heating her lips till the icy vodka cooled them. Without looking in the mirror, she knew that her big lips were now thickly coated with cum, which she was forbidden from licking or wiping off. She stared defiantly into the mirror at her son's eyes.

He'd immediately established many rules for her. Naturally, since she was so absentminded, she forgot some of them and willfully ignored any others. of course, her bad attitude only increased the frequency and severity of her punishments, as well as the number of new demands and constraints that Matt issued, such as not licking her lips.

Janice was becoming excited by Matt's close proximity, his thighs now pressing against her back, his dick jerking against her spine as his cock hardened. He leaned over her, placing a black penis gag on the table. "What am I being punished for tonight?" she asked sarcastically, fat drops of spunk dropping from her greasy lips onto her bare thighs and thinly covered tits. She knew that she'd be made to suffer for her impudent tone, but as usual, couldn't control herself.

"Does it matter?" he asked, as he fastened her black leather collar around her neck. They stared at her reflection in the mirror, both amazed that she was submissively sitting there in front of her son, already stained with cum, her heavy tits heaving under the flimsy baby doll. She might as well be nude.

"I guess not," she admitted hoarsely, for she knew that years worth of her infractions had accumulated into a practically endless list of bad single parenting, for which she would be harshly punished. And deservedly so. She needed to be trained into becoming a respectful, responsible, reliable, timely, perfect mother.

Who better to administer her punishments and training than her hot 18-year-old son? Matt was a natural dominant, as if being a master was inherent in the genes he'd acquired from her former husband and the male members of her family. He took to bondage and discipline faster than she'd ever imagined possible. And he had a gorgeous, toned hardbody. Popular in school, he was a great kid who had endured years of bad behavior from his sultry, teasing, sexpot MILF mother.

Matt opened the plug at the base of the penis gag and filled the reservoir with the hot cream, replaced the plug, pushed the artificial cock between her cum-stained lips, and buckled the strap behind her head. As Janice adjusted to the weighty penis, she bit on the shaft. A trickle of saliva and semen emerged from a corner of her mouth and dripped onto her tit. He pulled another camera from his pocket and shot her reflection.

She could never have imagined what was happening at the moment. Sitting like this was more than dream come true. She was completely at the mercy of her powerful, commanding son: collared, as good as nude, literally dripping with his cum, her pussy freshly shaved, and no doubt about to suck his cock and have at least two and maybe all three of her openings filled with big dildos and thick cock. What more could a mother want?

"Stick two fingers into your cunt." She complied as Matt fastened a cloverleaf clamp upside down to each nipple, so instead of hanging down they faced upward. She'd worn plenty of nipple clamps, but never before positioned upside down like now. He attached a chain to the right clamp and clipped it to the D-ring in the right side of her collar, repeating the process with her left nipple clamp and the left D-ring. She gasped through her gag as her tits and nipples were stretched upward, a first for her.

"Fuck yourself on your fingers." As she pushed aside the panties and began pumping into her pussy, she added a thick thumb, caressing the clit that was as oversized as her dusky nipples. Matt began punishing the sensitive undersides of her upraised tits with a short crop, thwacking the heavy globes until the bottoms were well striated. Then he set in on the sides and tops. Squirming and writhing, she came quickly and easily, a flood of jizz escaping her gagged mouth as she bit deeply into the fake cock lodged between her big lips. He snapped several images.

"Lie on the bench." Reluctantly, the slut pulled out her fingers, swung her left leg over the bench and lay on her back, her head hanging upside down off the end, while Matt repositioned the video camera. Pushing her panties aside for a moment, Matt tried to push a tiny black rubber band over her swollen clit, but the band was too small to fit her big stalk. He took a larger rubber band, pushed it down to the base of her engorged nub, pushed a thin leather shoelace under the rubber band, unstrapped the penis gag from her head and pulled the plastic cock from her cum-plastered lips.

Since he hadn't given her permission to swallow, her mouth was still full of jism from the penis gag. It was uncomfortable since the pool of spunk was held in the roof of her mouth, now inverted. Not surprisingly, strands of cum leaked from both corners, down her cheeks and into her black glossy hair. Matt enjoyed the unusual sight of the spunk running from her mouth into her short hair.

Without removing his pajama pants, he face-fucked her cum-filled mouth while pulling and jerking the shoelace with one hand as he cropped her belly with the other. When he forced his cock in all the way, more of the cum already in her mouth seeped out, sliding across her bulging cheeks and entering the hair on her head.

Although she'd been a pain and cum slut since eighteen, nobody had ever aroused her clit with a rubber band and shoelace, and Janice quickly came. Matt considered unloading on her welted tits and striped belly, but shot into her mouth instead. When he'd finished squirting, he pulled Janice back to a sitting position, her legs still spread wide, sitting astride the bench. She was frantic, barely able to contain his cumload plus the residue from the penis gag. "You can swallow." There was such a huge amount that she swallowed several times, savoring the rich thick hotness of his latest discharge. Matt sat himself down, astraddle the bench, facing his submissive and slightly stunned mother.

On her vanity table was a set of two black bottles: a unique skin lotion, featuring bullet-shaped or phallic tops, with the diameter of sizable dicks, made of soft, flexible plastic, but marketed as lotion for women who were too shy or embarrassed to buy an actual dildo. In the ads, there was no doubt about their potential for self-pleasure. One design was eight inches tall and the other six. The contents were off-white with a pale lemon tint, the exact color of semen, and the lotion was the identical consistency as cum. Even the scent was faintly - but unmistakably - redolent of semen. It was marketed as an exclusively nighttime lotion.

Matt picked up the big bottle, aimed it at the top of his mother's cleavage, and squeezed hard. The contents shot out and hit her above one of her tits. He leaned forward, reached out to pull the top of her baby doll away from chest, as far as the nipple clamps would allow, and waited till the gobs of yellowish goo slid down onto her tit. He shot another load from the bottle above her other tit. When that wad slid down, he released the baby doll and the elastic snapped it back onto her chest, startling her and slightly stinging.

Matt had two black 3-inch wide leather velcro straps, which he'd lined with the coarsest grade of sandpaper. He wrapped them tightly around her gooey tits, still on top of the baby doll. Janice winced from the grating of the sandpaper against her raw wet tit flesh, which Matt had abused only minutes earlier. He liked the sodden baby doll sticking to her velcroed tits. Somehow it made her look more disheveled, more slutty, more debased, more humiliated.

Immediately, he mashed the palms of his hands into her tits, pressing the baby doll fabric hard into the spreading gunk and therefore also twisting the nipple clamps. The result was a humiliating, soggy mess, but it succeeded in exciting her. Her nipples were begging for attention. Matt pushed up the bottom of the baby doll, squirted a third spurt onto her naked belly, yanked the top of her panties off her skin, and they both watched the lotion slither down around her clit, which was still bound with the rubber band and tethered with the leather shoelace. The stream flowed into her gaping slit, the heavy lips spread open by the extreme width of her legs astraddle the bench. He placed his hand against the fabric and roughly spread the lotion all around her vulva, shoving three fingers between her pussy lips until the thin, stretched panties ripped apart, a long vertical tear exposing her cunt.

He stood, walked to his room, returned a moment later, relocated the tripod and video camera, and resumed his position on the bench. "Lean back." She reclined onto her arms, which made her pussy more accessible. Using a cuticle scissor on her vanity table, Matt lengthened the tear in the panties by cutting a vertical slit up the center. The fabric still clung stickily to her wet, aroused labia. He pulled the material aside, tearing it even more. Since her pussy lips were so slick from the skin lotion, he grabbed one labia with his whole hand, stretched it toward him, and applied a big chrome binder clip, the kind that is four inches long and has a round hole in the middle. She yelled as the strong clip sank into her swollen flesh. After clamping the matching binder clip to her other lip, Matt threaded the lengthy clit shoelace through both holes. Now he could control all three clamped and bound areas of her vulva.

She looked amazing, so turned on, breathing so strongly that her chest went up and down, the bound and greased tits pushing against the tautly straining material of the baby doll, the shiny silver chain pulling fiercely against the metal nipple clamps and leading to her collar, accompanied by the gleaming labia clamps. The top of her torso showed the black leather collar, complemented by the bottom of her torso, the black leather shoelace imprisoning her clit and snaking through the binders on her cunt lips. Her eyes were heavily lidded. He took a number of photos.

He placed the big bottle's top between her pussy lips, pulled the clit tether till it was taut, looked into her eyes and simultaneously shoved the eight-incher all the way into her cunt as he yanked hard on the shoelace. Predictably, she came, screaming and bouncing wildly on the bench, the pistoning of her hips repeatedly stretching her cunt lips and clit to unprecedented lengths.

While Matt waited for the frantic contortions from her cum to slow down, he took the smaller bottle from the table, held it upright and gently squeezed so the fake spunk oozed out of the opening and flowed down the bullet-shaped top, coating it thickly. He knew she was dazedly watching the process as he lubed the 6-inch plastic bottle. She leaned back even more on her elbows, lifted her hips, and he forced the shaft into her anal ring until all of the 3-inch bullet head was inside her. After a moment, he shoved in the remainder of the shaft. She groaned, doubly penetrated. He photographer her with the still camera.

Since both his hands would be busy, Matt put her shoelace tether in his mouth and clamped down on the leather. He alternately pulled and pushed the two dildos all the way in and almost all the way out, stretching his head as far back as possible so the tether clamped in his teeth would strain her nipples, clit and cunt lips to their utmost extremes. After a dozen ins and outs with the black cocks, Janice yelled and could no longer support her torso on her elbows. They slipped out and she fell onto her back, yanking the tether from Matt's mouth, the debased mother twisting and writhing in another frenzy of cumming.

Matt removed the pussy clamps, yanked out the dildo from between her labia but left the other bottle in her ass, leaned forward, carefully placed his cock between the hugely swollen labia and fucked her hard, soon shooting into her cunt. When he pulled out, he immediately flipped her over, pulled up her hips so she was on hands and knees, removed the anal dildo, noting the clit tether hanging down, and fucked her ass, which took his dick easily.

Once he'd cum for a third time (but his first in her ass), he started to pull out his dick. She was such an anal slut that she tried to prevent him from withdrawing, inching backward so his cock would remain embedded in her chute. But Matt's cock was sore and he wanted out. He pulled hard on her nipple tethers, in the direction away from his body. She yelled, but due to her stretched aching nipples, couldn't move backward any more to keep his cock inside her, so Matt was able to get his dick out of her grasping ass.

Janice was so ecstatic that she was almost delirious. Now her son had fucked all of her openings, stopping at nothing to degrade her. In an exhausted stupor, she collapsed face down on the bench, the nipple clamps twisting her sorely abused buds. Matt photographed her, including the cum dribbling from her cunt, ass and slack mouth.

He turned her over and took more shots: her whipped tits bound in the velcro straps; the clamped and tethered nipples; her bound and tethered clit; plus the ripped baby doll drenched with lotion, sweat and cum. Finally, he took off the two nipple clamps and the rubber band and shoelace at her clit. She thrashed about from the pain as the blood returned to her clit and nipples, gritting her teeth and groaning. He left her there in a twisted heap, still collared. The vanity table, bench and floor were littered with the sex toys, her freshly marked tits still jutting upward from the black bands at the base of her tits, capped by the huge, severely bruised nipples.

I guess I'll just have to buy her another baby doll, Matt thought as he turned off the video camera and left the room, smiling to himself. Then he typed a text message to his best friend: his cousin, Alex, including several of the more amazing photos.


On a Friday night, the doorbell rang. Matt, the 18-year-old high school graduate who had recently taken control of his hot mother, was upstairs showering. Janice, his submissive mother, was surprised to see Alex, her horndog nephew, standing outside.

Alex, also 18, was only a couple of months younger than her son, Matthew. Janice's sister and Alex lived in the neighborhood and he was Matt's best friend. He was wiry, not as tall or built or cute as Matt, but Alex was sexy in his own way. Not only was Janice a bad mother, she was also a bad aunt, who had been mercilessly flirting with Alex for the past year.

"Hello, Auntie," he said, grinning lecherously. "You look excited to see me."

"Oh, Alex," she stammered, seeing the leering smirk on his wise ass face as he gazed unapologetically at her chest. Janice flushed with shame as she felt her dark nipples, visible under her tissue-thin white blouse, growing bigger beneath her smart-aleck nephew's brazen stare.

"Matt didn't tell me you were coming."

"He wanted it to be a surprise. I'm here for a whole weekend of. . . fun activities."

"Oh. . . " she whispered, not understanding. "Well, there's enough dinner for you too."

Alex, accustomed to being at Janice's house (his second home), took a beer from the fridge and sat in the kitchen as Janice nervously put the final touches on dinner, wondering what new schemes Matt was planning and what Alex was looking at on his phone. Since she'd long had the hots for Alex, she was already aroused. From the lustful look on Alex's face, she suspected he was staring at the seamy photos of her that Matt had taken during their depraved scenes together.

Matt came down and set the video camera facing Janice's seat as she uneasily served them chilled vichyssoise soup while Matt heated a container in the microwave. The second that Janice smelled the microwaving substance, she flushed with humiliation and excitement. Sure enough, Matt poured a large mound of steaming semen in the center of her soup bowl.

Alex's cock was torturing him, crushed against his jeans, while Janice's nipple stalks were aching, imprisoned by her blouse, and her clit was throbbing against the material of her skirt. They both had the same thought at the same time: that this moment, with wisps of steam from Alex's cum rising to her face, was incredibly bizarre and unreal.

Matt turned on the video camera. "Go ahead, Mother. Alex knows that you're now my sub, that you're being punished long-term. He even knows that you're a cum slut. Eat your soup and special topping."

Janice shook her head. "It's disgusting to do this in front of Alex," she complained.

Matt immediately slapped both of her tits. "Is that why your nipples are so hard? We all know you've been cockteasing him for a long time. Not exactly appropriate behavior for an aunt, is it? Anyway, it's his cum, not mine. This is the beginning of your punishment from Alex."

Alex sat there, a huge grin on his face. When Janice heard that the jism in her bowl was Alex's, she resisted no further. She'd thought the spunk in front of her looked a little thinner and slightly more yellow than Matt's glorious seed. But Alex's teen jizz still smelled intoxicating.

Eyes lowered to her plate, she dipped her soup spoon into the stuff, remembering that Matt had forbidden her to dilute the first taste by mixing the cum with the rest of the food. She loaded a large amount onto the utensil the way that Matt insisted, and opened her big mouth for a first taste. Alex didn't fail to notice the heaping amount on the large spoon. No dainty dabbling for his slutty, cum-obsessed aunt. He began shooting photos with his phone.

Janice's long tongue swirled the jizz around her mouth, savoring the taste and comparing the saltiness, sweetness, thickness and consistency to her son's hot cream. Alex's was not quite as delicious, but still good.

Once she swallowed, the dinner course proceeded, Janice now permitted to mix the cum into the soup. Matt noticed that she completely emptied her bowl. Upon putting down her spoon, Janice's thick lips were coated white. Alex didn't know if the residue was potato soup, his spunk or both.

When dinner was over, Matt said, "Let's go to the movies." When Janice asked what was playing, Matt explained there was a new, erotic European movie that was supposed to be hot.

At the theater, Matt directed them to the last row. Janice sat between the boys, Matt on her left. All the way in the rear, the stadium seats created a sense of privacy. Apparently word had not spread about the movie, since the showing was sparsely attended. The protagonist, a pretty, young woman, was not Matt and Alex's favorite type because she was too slim, unlike their voluptuous companion. But the actress spent much of the time nude.

As the onscreen action heated up, Matt instructed Janice to place both her arms along the tops of his and Alex's seats, whispering that after months of torturing Alex, Janice was now going to pay back her nephew.

With her arms out of the way, Matt unbuttoned his mother's blouse, pushing the fabric to the sides so Alex had a clear view of her heaving tits, the magnificent dark nipples and areola visible above her shelf bra. At the same time, Alex rolled up her skirt and tucked it into her garter belt, exposing her thighs and panties. Roughly, he rolled the panties down her thighs and legs, then pushed her knees as far apart as possible. Even in the dim light from the screen, they could see her heavy labia had spread apart, the inside glistening with her arousal.

Janice couldn't believe that she was letting her son and nephew expose her in a public theater, or that her pussy was so wet with excitement. The boys lost no time in abusing her tits and nipples: squeezing, pulling, twisting and, in general, mauling them.

After a few minutes, Matt gave Alex a black leather shoelace and told his cousin to tie it onto her right nipple while he wrapped the left one. Janice swooned with the unreal reality of her son and nephew stretching her nipples and knotting shoelaces onto her bulging nipples in a public movie theater, where anybody could see her, exposed and bound, at anytime.

Matt gave the end of the other shoelace to Alex and told him to pull. Her tits lifted from the boys' painful yanking. After a couple of minutes, Matt pushed her forward. Janice slid off her seat onto the floor. She knew what was required, turning on her knees to Alex, who had moved forward in his seat, yanked down his zipper and extracted his cock. It was a bit longer but thinner than Matt's.

The slut mother set to work, relishing a new cock, especially that of her nephew, and blew him like he'd never experienced before, her thick lips engulfing the head and soon the entire shaft, while her left hand diddled herself, her fingers stroking her heavy labia while her thumb caressed her big clit.

The entire time, the two cousins pulled the shoelaces with varying tautness. As the actress onscreen was herself servicing a young guy, Alex quickly shot off into his aunt's big mouth. Janice felt that his load was almost as large as her son's, swallowing a little to avoid from choking. She came as well, shaking and shuddering on her widespread knees.

As Matt had earlier specified, Alex immediately withdrew his prick to smear his dripping cockhead all over Janice's upturned face. He coated her forehead, cheeks and chin with the final discharges of cum that seeped from his slit, but also wiped off the cum-covered sides of his dick.

When finished, Janice opened her mouth to show the two boys her mouth brimming with spunk. Alex left her kneeling there for long seconds, the light from the projector above them flickering on her mouth, filled to capacity, and obscenely coated face. Matt had brought out his camera and took several fast photos, the flash adding to Janice's dazed state.

"All right," Alex said, and Janice gratefully swallowed his load. By then the movie had ended and the few people in the theater had quickly departed. A shadow fell across her and she turned, horrified to see a teenage usher standing there. Gawking up at the pimply faced kid, her face coated with cum, she was in too much shock to even think of covering her tits. Of course she never considered whether Matt and the usher knew each other.

"Having sex in a public auditorium is illegal," the usher intoned gravely. "The manager has a strict policy of reporting offenders to the police."

"Wait a minute please," Matt interjected. "Maybe we could work something out?" he suggested.

"Like what?"

Janice looked incredulously at her son, who nodded his head toward the usher and then stared, unblinking, at his submissive mother. "Now?" she stuttered pleadingly. Matt just nodded his head.

Obediently, Janice inched over on her knees, pulled out the boy's cock, and sucked him off, Matt and Alex enjoying every minute while Matt took photos. She was such a great cocksucker that, in two minutes, the boy blew his load, down her throat until his knees buckled, he lurched and his last several spurts flooded onto the MILF's chin and solar plexus. Stunned by such a great blowjob from this MILF, he staggered away to the men's room.

Little did she suspect that this entire scenario had been contrived and prearranged by Matt, who owed the usher a favor. Before arriving at the theater, Matt had meticulously removed the tissues from his mother's handbag, so she had nothing with which to clean herself.

Glowering at Matt, Janice used her fingers to wipe off the spunk from her face and chest as best she could, so she could at least make it to the women's room with the hope of not attracting attention. The boys grinned as she licked the usher's jizz off her hands and smoothed down her straight short hair.

"Good movie!" Matt said. He and Alex each grabbed an arm of hers and walked her outside, preventing her from stopping in the ladies' room. Beneath the thin fabric of her blouse, the black shoelaces could be seen encircling her turgid nipples and the opposite ends of the laces were visible, hanging below the bottom of her blouse. It was a shocking sight to a few stunned men walking down the street. In the parking lot, an older woman simply stared, an appalled expression frozen on her face.

The next morning at breakfast, Janice sat in her regulation baby doll, fully aware of Alex, her nephew, ogling her jutting dark nipples - the oversized nipples that he'd tied and pulled at the movies the night before as she blew him, swallowed his load and then sucked off the young usher.

For breakfast, Matt poured a fresh helping of Alex's microwaved cream into Janice's bowl of oatmeal. Alex snickered as the debased mother and aunt dutifully ate his hot cum for the second time in a row at the kitchen table.

After breakfast, they changed into swimwear and went outside to the pool. Janice knew what to wear: the skin-colored bikini which Matt had bought for her, intentionally a size too small, so her 34Cs, stiff nipples and fleshy pussy lips pressed against the ridiculously thin fabric. She gloated when she saw Alex stare at her bulging cameltoe.

Even though the pool was too cool for her so early in the morning, Matt insisted that she briefly submerge herself, so that she climbed out of the pool for both boys to see that the thin bikini had become transparent, as if her tits and dusky nipples were on permanent display for their pleasure - and punishment. Her long labia actually were on display.

Emerging from the pool, the tiny bikini bottom had been sucked into her pussy, leaving her lips fully exposed. Matt videoed her emergence from the pool. As her son handed her a vodka, she protested weakly. "It's too early for alcohol."

"Drink it," he growled, "it will warm you up." The sun quickly dried her dripping body.

As she drank, Matt ordered her to stand in front of them and slowly coat her body with sun block oil while he recorded it, until her smooth Mediterranean-toned skin glistened.

Her cocktail finished, Matt attached the video camera to the tripod and pressed Record. The boys stripped off her bikini top, tied her wrists to a large umbrella pole, pulled the bikini bottom below her ass, and whipped her front and rear simultaneously, Matt's crop and Alex's flogger making loud "Thwack!" sounds as they struck her wet flesh.

Afraid of the neighbors hearing, Janice gritted her teeth to avoid yelling. Matt worked over her belly and tits while Alex flayed her ass and thighs. Janice was now grateful for the alcohol, as the vodka anesthetized the double whipping.

Once she was well marked, the cousins untied her wrists from the pole, led her to a flat chaise lounge, pushed her onto it face-down and moved the camera and tripod to the chaise. Once Matt removed her bikini top and bottom, Alex fastened her wrists to the legs of the chaise, spread her legs and bound them to the other feet of the chaise.

Matt roughly forced her fat tits through the thin plastic bands that formed the surface of the chaise, aided by the greasy oil coating her jugs. And as Alex shoved the tiny bikini bottom into his aunt's mouth as a gag, Matt kneeled down and from beneath the chaise lounge, clamped and weighted her hanging tits. She grimaced at the taste of the sun block mixed with the cunt juices which had drenched the bikini panty.

Alex pulled up on his submissive aunt's hips so she was kneeling, her heavy, shaved lips hanging down and her darkly ringed anus slightly distended from all the anal plugs and ass-fucking Matt had subjected her to. Since her clamped and weighted tits were still hanging beneath the seat of the chair, they were severely stretched.

Relentless, Matt gently clamped her clit, provoking the first of many climaxes. But she was shocked when he added a small weight to the clit clamp. Janice had had her clit hood and even her clit clamped before, and even suctioned, but never weighted. She immediately came again.

Alex could barely believe this was happening. For the first time, he fucked his hot young aunt, her tight, striped ass shaking with his hard thrusts, relishing every moment as his bound and oiled, nude and whipped, gagged and abused aunt writhed underneath him. He was amazed that her cunt was tighter than that of several high school girls he'd fucked. Finally, she thought, I'm getting fucked by my sexy nephew.

Matt handed Alex a lubed anal dildo and Alex cautiously pushed it in. This was the first time he'd done anything anal with a woman, and he was surprised at how easily the 6" instrument sank into her depths.

Janice accepted every moment of the discipline: the whippings, the nipple and clit abuse, the anal dildo, and being fucked in broad daylight by her nephew in the hot sun, although Matt fucked her better than Alex - her son's fucks were much harder, far longer and significantly rougher. Meanwhile, Matt made a video recording of the incestuous fuck.

Once Alex had shot his load and pulled out of her gripping cunt, her knees slid down and she lay flat on the chaise in a semi-conscious daze, smiling faintly. As Alex raised his listless aunt's head, removed the saliva-drenched bikini bottom and shoved his cock into her mouth for a languid cleaning, Matt positioned a martini glass on the ground and pushed it under the chaise till it was beneath her cunt hole, just in time to catch the stream of thick spunk that flowed out and dripped down. As he unclipped the nipple and clit clamps, she moaned in pain but said nothing.

Her lecherous nephew, who'd spewed sexual innuendos to her for years, had finally joined her son in abusing her. She delighted in shocking him. Admittedly, Alex did not have quite as good a master's touch as her Dom son, but Alex was more than adequate. And so was his cock, which had a bountiful supply of fresh young cum. She loved being used by the two boys at the same time, but what she really desired was three.

Once the discharge from her pussy had stopped, she turned over onto her back. Matt stopped recording and the boys left her sprawled in the sun while they went inside and played a computer game.

Matt was pleased that Janice had immediately and fully submitted to Alex, and Matt already knew the next person his mother would submit to. He was an influential person who was helping Matt's education, a person who'd met Janice several times, had made several educated guesses, had asked Matt a series of questions, and soon made clear to Matt how much he wanted to discipline and fuck the boy's wanton mother.