

Fairy tales, that was exactly what it sounded like, but after calming my thoughts, I believed his words, the legends confirmed his story and due to the lack of alerts in the historical records it is difficult to imagine why he asked us to help the statue of the ancestor be na enemy was trapped in it.

— So what should I do now? In fact, I believe that it is not necessary to prove my loyalty to the King and the Kingdom.

I smile and shake my head — No, it won't be necessary, I need to spend some time here to restructure my body's molecules and compact my soul, the damage is severe, but here is the amount of energy needed to speed up the process, so I can leave in a week.

*So little, but ...* — My King, the enemies are on the verge of overthrowing the East, Duchess Hiracy Nascimento is ready ...

He raised his hand for me to stop talking — The enemies took so long, they don't have the strength to overthrow the royal capital, I realize that immediately, but over the years they have built a system of rebels with tens of thousands, the plan is obvious, overthrow the state in the east, incite rebellion in the east and organize a revolt with the east as the center, using libertarian speeches they will incite the population to march to the capital and before that they will put a few thousand inside the walls and bring get out of there.

* The same as King Arthur told us, but he did not know what the Capital had to chase away enemies * — The King said the same thing, but he said that our resistance would not last even a century.

— Exactly, but the death of the King will make some have the desire to fight to the end, like you, others will blame the King for his weakness and incompetence and the majority are in this group, soon it would be easier to organize the rebels, and they will really try to overthrow the East like never before.

— Are we going to evacuate the East? We will take all the soldiers, the food, the gold and the silver, even the bronze pieces.Then we used excrement, bodies of slaves and animals, all to create pest centers. We will block all resource and ticket points.

*Wow, his face would be as if it showed his firmness of steel, curious hahahaha, throughout countless world wars I used this strategy to create genocides and mass exterminations, but I never thought why this strategy would be used by all, human thinking to create deaths and massacres and simply very similar and exclusive, no matter the level of power. *

— Yes, we could use strategies to find and disorganize the group of rebels, with a lot of effort to take control of some, and in the middle of transport they would not be able to incite rebellion right there with the guard soldiers and even if the enemies attack by the time they receive the news, they would not be able to march beyond the eastern state with a group large enough to kill us and if they did, citizens would see everything and the few who escaped with the help of soldiers would only incite the population from other states and cities to fight the wicked and cowardly enemy with a will as strong and deep as the ocean.

— So it's a yes?

— No, it would be a terrible loss of face if I retreated in front of a pile of slightly larger ants, the plan is as follows; kill each enemy soldier using very flashy magic, enemies and observers would send messengers and representatives to negotiate a non-aggression treaty and the rebels would lose all support.

*Incredible and comical, really, what need strategies have with overwhelming strength * — I smiled and nodded in agreement, obviously I didn't know how the King would decimate tens of thousands of soldiers with a single spell, probably in the past the King's skill it was unquestionable and anyone who doubted could try their luck.

— Rei, what are your thoughts? Enemies can still use the rebels.

— I need to evaluate some things personally, but my descendant's memories show that even at the time of his great-grandmother there were no records of Relics and they didn't even know what was under the castle. In short, I intend to use one of my Relics to bring down the army, and they will not bet on rebels if I show a power big enough.

*Even weakened, the first King seemed to be taking it all as child's play, why was the King in the statue? What is his goal and what is he going to do?*

The King told me a few things before he left him the first was "The Era, Deputy Commander of the Royal Guard, is cheating on us, don't kill her, just leave her for now."

Possibly he had plans for Era, I left the secret chamber below the throne and came across the three dukes and the commander and vice commander of the Royal guard. His expressions were inquisitive, possibly the fact that the king was not at my side alerted their minds that there really was hope.

— Where's the King ?!

Darcy was the first to ask, her eyes cast a murderous aura, Darcy was a woman who had dedicated body, soul and mind to the King and protecting her son became her mission.

Possibly she was not cheating on the King, but I wonder how Era's cunning actions went unnoticed by her, maybe she was too focused on her work or is Era too cunning?

— The King has found hope for us, yet he has informed me that he will show something only to the Dukes and you Darcy.

— But what does that mean Ace ?! You happen to doubt me! Say it!

It went into a fury and would have advanced towards me if Darcy's arm didn't stop her, Darcy narrowed her eyes too, she would possibly obey, but she wanted to know why.

The three dukes continued without expressing much on their faces, although the dukes were extremely skilled, they concentrated their efforts only on their respective states, but once every three months he comes to the capital, I knew that the king and dukes had one contingency plan for the worst.

— He ordered Era to go east to fetch Duchess Hiracy, a pigeon may be intercepted.

*Something happened ...*

— Go, Deputy Commander Era, as Duke of the North I order you to go immediately in search of Duchess Hiracy.

— But ...

— Do not resist Era, obey Duke Drake Benítez.

*Damn it!* — Yes, Commander Darcy

— Thank you for your support Duque Benítez.

I thanked the Duke formally, although I knew that Darcy would eventually support me, I did not want to prolong the conversation unnecessarily.

— And now Ace?

— The King ordered me to take you to na unknown laboratory that exists in his room, he said that if we forced the entrance, we would be decimated, but the blood of three of the Dukes could unlock the lock.

I pointed to the three Dukes, Lians Henrique opened his eyes wide, probably surprised by the word laboratory or how their pure blood would have this strange functionality.


I was worried about the Era, she left visibly nervous, I suspected her loyalty, unfortunately I also knew what she had suffered and I refused to see her being sent to the guillotine. I needed to concentrate, however, after the king's death, I concentrated my will on protecting the prince who is the current King.

I was waiting for instructions from the Dukes, I was aware that King Arthur devised a plan to save the descendants of the Dukes and the King. However, Prince Viktor came up with a new hope, it was almost unbelievable, but any light becomes a glow in the darkness. .

I went into desolation when nothing was achieved in the secret room under the throne, I was about to console the King, but the King stepped forward and punched the statue of the ancestor.

At that moment, I felt a chill that I only noticed in the Dukes and the King ... no, it was as cold as the monster that desolated the army and killed the King.

I couldn't do anything but watch the King fall to the ground, the scene was vivid, shortly after Ace said to leave, the King wanted to talk to him only, but I couldn't help but sigh at that moment, Ace was always closer to the prince than others.

When Ace talked about the lab, I was skeptical, the Dukes even more surprised, but in a desperate situation, I didn't expect Ace to lie in the current situation.

He took us to the King's room, I entered silently, but Ace didn't bother with anything else and took the Dukes to the closet. Ace pushed the king's clothes without respect, he asked the dukes to put their blood straight on the wood and that's it.

— Ace, I think it's time to give us more explanations, no?

— I don't know what to say to be honest, I'm just following the King's orders, he asked to explain only when we enter the laboratory.

— Okay then.

I took Ace's guidance for granted, and sat down calmly on the couch while the Dukes used their daggers to lightly cut their thumbs, Lucas Rodriguez was the first, the blood mark ran down the closet, Drake Benítez was next and nothing had happened and lastly Lians Henrique put his blood mark.

Even before Duke Lians removed his thumb, the cabinet glowed brown, magical patterns forming circles and lines that stretched across the wall.

I stood up abruptly, it had no description, I was excited because it was exactly what we heard in stories: magician.

The closet being moved alone to the right and a ladder being formed before us — Seems you were right Ace, now what?

— Now we have entered a path of no return.

With the Dukes and the commander, walking up the stairs without much haste, there was no denying that those blood-stained hands were shaking.

I took time to observe the structure of the passage, which was undoubtedly very common, but there were not many steps and I noticed a strange structure on the wall.

I stopped to take a look and stretched my eyes to look, surprise was stamped on my face, I could see the castle corridor that was after that wall — *I don't remember there are holes in this region.*

I stroked the structure thinking about how I could see through the wall if there was no hole, seeing that the Dukes were already in front of me, I concentrated again.

The stairs turned to the left and we went on, after a few moments we saw the door that was there, there was nothing special just a circle with complex lines in the center just above.

I ask the Dukes to repeat the process, but this time they should cut the palm and place the mark one by one above the circle, following the guidance of the King.

There was no doubt this time, following the same order as before, they repeated the process and the magic circle on the door shone when we heard the unlocking sound.



I don't know if Drake or Lucas caught my nervousness — *I should have been wearing less bulky clothes.*

I entered the laboratory shortly thereafter, contrary to my expectations there was no magic glow surrounding the place, in reality it was similar to a mixture of the wing of historical studies with the wing of medicinal studies.

Drake however threw himself towards the glass cabinet, it was large and inside it was divided into shelves, small bottles of different colors covered its surface, some of the bottles had no liquids, but small hair strands, green balls, brown roots and even fingers ...

On the other side of the room there was a long table, strange equipment covered its surface, some I knew that the doctor used frequently to make his medicines. Others, however, were bizarre, their structure was weird and I was sure their functionality should be even stranger.

These pieces of equipment were those that fit on the table, on the left side there was something that I could only describe as a pile of glass and iron.

We walked further, in the next wing a kind of office was shown, on the left part there were two bookcases and on the right part there was a note table, on the right side of the table there was a safe. Safes were not exactly unknown, but their complexity meant that only some of the Kingdom owned them, whoever wants to have one should buy from outside, usually coming from the magical empire at astronomical prices.

There was a lever on the wall ahead, but it was understood that without Ace's order, no one should put their hands on the lever. Maybe there was na extra wing that was part of the lab.

Ace being positioned in front of everyone – this will be hard to believe, but the King said for everyone to see with their eyes and believe that we will decimate our enemy and conquer the former glory of our Kingdom!

— The moment our King came into contact with the statue of the ancestor he received all the memories of our first King, who supposedly could decimate armies with a single finger and destroy cities by moving his feet and hands.

*Unbelievable, The ancestral memories ?! * - Stories and legends said that the first King to join the ancestors of the four Dukes and their powers together becomes a law to be feared even by the strongest.

— The King asks everyone to calm down, the ancestor's memories bring a lot of weight to his spirit and he will have to stay in the room for a week, maybe more.

— Can we do anything to help ?!

— Darcy, he asked you to bring him food and water, enough to last as many days as possible.

— I'm going