

— YEA.

After Ace's speech, Darcy ran out of the lab, she really wanted to get close to the King after Arthur's death, perhaps a way to honor Arthur's memory.

I turned to Ace and waited patiently, Darcy must have suspected, but I was sure it wasn't just that, obviously I wouldn't insist if Ace decided to keep it a secret. The other dukes also crossed their arms waiting for more information.

— Hey, hey, so you guys crush me with so much pressure I can't explain myself, please stop.

We relaxed a little and Ace sighed —will you tell us the truth?

— Yes, but I doubted it myself when I found out.


I saw Commander Darcy at the entrance to the chamber, she brought with her a backpack that probably brought water and food, so far I really couldn't go out and needed to feed.

In reality, energy completely supplied the need for food and nutrients, but I didn't have an infinite amount of it and I spent most of it to keep my soul in those long years. Right now I had to focus on repairing my soul and adjust my body.

— Get closer, Darcy, I need you to do something for me.

*The King is different ...*

— King, I brought food and water for two days.

Darcy was five feet from me, decorum said that only with the King's permission could it be closer than five feet.

— There is a way that only the Dukes and some know how to contact other Dukes personally, right?

*So there was really another reason to send Era personally, but what?*

— Yes, the generally used pigeon can really be intercepted, but we have some crows that are usually restricted to the use of the King and Dukes in critical situations.

— Do you have paper and ink?

— Yes one moment.

Darcy took some sheets of paper and a pen from her bag, not many sheets, but it would be enough to inform what was necessary.

I took the sheets and started "Year 3991, March 15th ..."


— Are you saying that the Ancestor, first of our Kingdom, simply returned to life possessing the King ?! Do you know what you're really saying ?!

I was feeling a headache coming, I didn't expect to get into a situation where I should explain such madness so quickly, I don't understand why the King didn't lie from the beginning.

— Duke Drake, please be calm and listen, I evaluated for myself and I can guarantee that there are no lies in those words.

Duke Drake just grunted, I turned to face Duke Lucas, of all those present this was the closest to the old King, after Duchess Hiracy.

The most calm one was probably Duke Lians, probably knew that this hope came with a price high enough to doubt if it is worth it, but again, the ancestor is the first King, there is no better person to save the Kingdom.

— Ace, go out and leave me alone with the Dukes for a while.

I looked at Duke Lucas, his persistent gaze gave me no room to question and it was probably not the King's intention to go against the Dukes and, in revealing this information, he probably has to be sincere.

I bowed and left the laboratory, there was no reason to look back, the Dukes had their own considerations judging not only their emotions and convictions, but also the well-being of the people and their descendants.

When I left the King's room, I came across Darcy, she looked a little nervous and she was hurrying to the stairs, it didn't matter, however, I shook my head and went back to my position, until the sky fell yet I am the commander of the entire army of the Kingdom Martins.


The King did not tell me much about what he had written in the letter, but he explicitly informed me that it contained the vital steps for the future battle between the legions of the Lins army and the legions of the Martins army.

The castle was divided into a total of five floors, the first being the room of the throne, on the right side of the corridors was the king's fourth and on the left side of the corridor was the prince's fourth.

At the back was a large room that was divided between the pantry, the kitchen and the one where the king and the prince ate their meals. There was also a queen many years ago, but nobody knows what happened to the king's mother and it is taboo to comment.

The second floor, in turn, was where the residence of the servants and guards of the castle was located, who took turns every six hours. The third floor was the library, hundreds of thousands of books covered the shelves, but in addition to books there were secret rooms and even the King did not know the complete architecture.

The third was where I was now, destined to send and receive messages from across the Kingdom, including reports, data and vital information, but since the rise of the rebels, we have begun to doubt some messages.

The place was open, there were several cages containing pigeons, the employees had the function of transcribing the message, cataloging and passing it on until it was delivered to the King. I walked up to the top floor, from there I could see the whole city, its beauty and greatness made me wonder if we were really in a bad situation.

I opened a hatch that was hidden at the bottom, there were some cages, but instead of pigeons there were crows. I took one of them and took it with me.

I gave the crow a small snack and wrapped the message and put it in the capsule last, then put it on the crow's body, under the wing.

I could see the crow going east, considering the speed of the crow, it should take a few days for the crow to reach the east fortress.

I left there, this time I went to the entrance to the chamber where the King lived, whatever it is, I remain chief of the Royal Guard.


We were all tense, Drake and Lians were standing, but I was a little down so I decided to sit on the floor, the floor was made of an extremely comfortable brown carpet so I didn't bother.

They probably wanted to hear my opinion, in the end I don't even know how I felt, Arthur and I were close friends and when he died, I felt the need to care for and support his son who is now the King, and this young King already had many responsibilities.

* What would my brother say at this point in the championship ?! Damn Arthur, why did you have to die now ?! *

— You can start talking, you two, I know what situation we are in and I will not act hastily, the situation requires tact and reflection.

* You are not well my friend * — I believe that you see this laboratory and the same as confirming that the being that resides in the prince's body is the Ancestor, even if it is not the Ancestor, for knowing something that not even the ancient Kings knew , shows that it is someone from the direct succession line.

— I believe that Lians is being hasty, and if at that moment there is an enemy who was imprisoned or a renegade? What will we do ?

— Hear your words Drake, even if it was one of the two what would a King of our Kingdom do ?! Mercy is not a custom said in our traditions and there are only a few prisons in the Kingdom.

— But exactly what kind of enemies did our ancestors face? If at least one percent of the myths are true, then our ancestors fought and killed true gods!

— Exactly, they killed true gods and even after the great loss of files, there must still be reports of an alleged enemy kept below the THRONE.

The war of words between Drake and Lians continued for a while, without the presence of Hiracy the decision to support or arm against the possible ancestor was ours and even afterwards Hiracy would still have to follow what we decide.

*What would Arthur value in the current situation? The duties of a King or the revenge of a father?*

Without any challenge, the Dukes should prioritize Kingdom order and power, such a tradition was bound by our laws, when a Duke performs the test for succession he must be totally impartial and forget the blood ties.

The King himself made that decision when he had to choose between his son and his daughter, although we forced him to make that choice, there cannot be two Kings just as there cannot be two heirs.

*So that's the choice, sorry brother I'm sorry ...*

I stood up and waved to stop this endless discussion, in the end I had duties not only as a father, but as one of the governors and leaders of this country.

— I believe that we must support the ancestor.

— But ...

I waved to interrupt Drake — We must ask for more than just a laboratory to make sure he is really the ancestor. If he is really the great Martinus, he must know our own ancestors better than ourselves, we will question using this point.

Drake was silent and nodded, the most worrying will be Hiracy, after her lover never came, having probably died on a hunt, she created a passion for the King and her death brought loneliness to her life.

— what are you going to do if she hiracy tries something weird?

*Even if Hiracy disagrees, we have already decided and we must respect and follow our choice * — Hiracy is desolate, but we must first see what he will show us, we will offer our support only if we are sure of his identity.

— Let's go there now?

— Ace said he is injured and needs a week to recover, anyway, we will meet with him within a week.

— According to Lucas.

We left the King's room, then nobody said anything, everyone had their duties and functions, and at that moment I needed a bottle of wine.

* I feel that we have chosen the best option, but why do I feel that I will not have peace going forward? *


I am a week on the road, this area did not have many bandits nor many animals and wild species as traders used this route. I was nervous, I pressed the sword tightly around my waist.

I looked around to confirm that I was alone and I got off the horse, I naturally approached the forest, the horse had the coat of arms of the Royal Guard, no one would steal it.

I avoid stepping on branches or in the bush, I didn't want to make a lot of noise and the forest was not very dense, there were probably hunters out there.

— You're very nervous, don't you think? Or are you planning something funny?

I turned to the side and saw the man leaning against a tree, as if it were a part of his house, I observed his clothes, nothing unusual. A leather vest, white shirt, boots and pants that cost less than a bottle of wine.

— Go screw Goliath, did you get the message I sent? What did the barracks say?

— The barracks have been incommunicado since the King's death was announced, but there is a way if the information is large.

*You will probably hide that the information came from me, bastard, but it doesn't matter now.*

I made a face and narrowed my eyes, but I relaxed my fist, I knew that this conversation would decide life and death, at least my life and death — It seems that the Kingdom really did have a card up its sleeve, and I can guarantee that it is important.

* Big ... * — I need to be sure how big it is.

I received his suspicious look with disapproval — The three Dukes are in the capital now and now I am going to get Duchess Hiracy, the King asked us to return quickly, so only the Duchess and I should return.

*Will the Duchess leave the fort in such a situation ?! But why send it personally Era ?! Considering the position of the vice commander and her strength, it would be a precaution against eventual accidents and if the thing is really precious, it makes sense to send someone important and strong.*

— What about the letter up your sleeve?

— I don't know anything about it, probably only Ace, the Dukes and the commander will find out.

— How long do you think you will reach the fort in the East.

— Considering the speed of my horse and the time to rest, I estimate that in a week I will arrive in the East. It is certain that the Duchess will use her personal horse, if she lends me one of those strange horses, we will return to the capital in a short time.

*Probably the army of the Kingdom Lins is organizing for a total attack in the east with the objective of taking everything, they must attack in a short time.*

— How long do you think Hiracy will stay in the capital?

— Three days would be the maximum, even so it would still take two weeks to return to the East alone and considering that the King and Dukes have at most one month and a few days, the King himself could not be absent from this battle.

—In the last battle the soldiers were very frightened by the great and all powerful wizard, many of them were unable to fight and this will mean that on their return with the Duchess the King will have to take soldiers out of the capital.

* I am aware of the situation * — This will keep the Duchess away for almost a month. In addition, the capital will be unprotected, we can attack the group on the way to further delay its arrival.

— Yes, but we will not attack the capital, the Dukes would be on guard and probably your dear commander will be on guard in your King's city.

I narrowed my eyes and took the hilt of the sword — We have a deal!

— Calm down hahaha, the agreement continues, you will be responsible for trying to convince the commander to change sides after the fall of the East.

*So I hope* — Anything else?

— No, we already have enough information, from now on, await the headquarters instructions. Do not do anything that draws attention.

He turned as he said this and waved back, I wanted to stab this animal right here for saying Darcy's name. She is only mine!

I got back on the road after that, I still had a long way to go and I couldn't be late anymore.