
Incarnation of chaos in Against the god

a soul floating in a space without any concept of space and time. space that only had infinite darkness. The soul meets a goddess and will be reincarnated into the world Against the god **English is not my main language. so apologize for the mistakes in words and grammar in the chapter**

Baggas · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Wish and Reincarnation 2/2

Dewi: okay.

Soul: First I want a system that has a shop, inventory, status, and missions. The shop provides everything there is including things from anime and novels that I've ever been, Status can make me see my stats or other creatures, read inventory can put everything in it. And the mission helps provide my goals that I need to achieve.

The Goddess: My system will give you but for everything in the shop you have to pay on a point system. System points can be obtained from missions and killing enemies, also I will limit the inventory I can not include living creatures, and for others it doesn't matter.

Soul: okay that's fine. My second wish is to be reborn as Yun Che and not damage my veins.

The Goddess: okay, no problem.

Soul: and finally…. I can always communicate and talk with Dewi

*** There was a moment's silence.

The Goddess:…. Are you sure about that? You're not begging for anything else?

Soul: 1000000% .. I'm sure!?. While talking loudly and confidently

The goddess smiled.

Goddess: I can grant that but I do not accompany you physically, you can communicate with me through the system.

Soul: why is that?

The Goddess: Because my power is there physically it will break the balance, the unexpected things of the story line, the calamities of the world ...…. Now are you still sure after hearing that?

soul: Okay, no problem ..

The goddess smiled again then said: okay because everything is finished. I will reincarnate you as well as see you later Yun chen. Smiling back

Yun Che was stunned as he said: I'll see you later. Then he disappeared.

after a few days i thought i would edit this chapter ,I'll try to find a more reasonable excuse in the mc final wish.

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