
Incarnation of chaos in Against the god

a soul floating in a space without any concept of space and time. space that only had infinite darkness. The soul meets a goddess and will be reincarnated into the world Against the god **English is not my main language. so apologize for the mistakes in words and grammar in the chapter**

Baggas · Anime & Comics
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Wish & Reincarnation 1/2

soul: ...

Goddess : heyy! What an expression! You should say "what! impossible ! you should have kidnapped me! "

soul:… Maybe a normal human who just died would say that but now… .. I feel like I'm not a normal human anymore, maybe not even a human anymore. Because it's been floating here for a long time, maybe centuries.

Goddess : …. Right and wrong. Your soul has succeeded in adapting to this environment and absorbing the essence of this place but you can also be said to be still human because you are not fully integrated with this place.

soul: so inconceivable that I became like that ... ..

Goddess : ....

Soul: Haaa * ... never mind I don't care as long as I still have enough awareness so it doesn't matter…. Also why did you come here goddess? There's no way you can just tell that ...?

Goddess : yes you are right I'm not here for that. I'm here to reincarnate you

Soul: Reincarnation? Back to Earth?

Goddess : No, I am here to reincarnate you into a world. Against the gods

Soul: Reincarnation to Against the gods huh…. Can I change the place of reincarnation?

Goddess : No, but you also get 3 wishes that will help you survive in the world over there. You can ask for anything….

Soul: Wait .. it looks like you have a hidden purpose…. There's no way you want to reincarnate me without any purpose.

Goddess : You are a careful and smart soul, but believe me I will not harm you or harm you. For my purposes why I reincarnated you you will find out in the world over there.

Soul: ... Alright, I believe in you.

Goddess : haa .... * sighs * Alright, for your 3 wishes?

Soul: ... Can I think for a moment?

Goddess: Okay.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Baggascreators' thoughts