
Inazuma 11: Another Chance With A System

A young footballer has died in an accident. He gets transported to a bright room. The room was so bright that it hurt his eyes. What will happen next? Guess you just have to read the book to find out.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs


"They play so defensively. And what is that 'Bewildered' Hissatsu?" Someoka muttered as he and his team were running back to their side of the field.

It has been 25 minutes since the match started. Isagi and the team can't help but be surprised at how defensive Shuuyou Meito is. They had a somewhat difficult time stealing the ball from them. When they did, Isagi passed the ball to Someoka. Someoka was about to score when Shuuyou did the 'Bewildered' Hissatsu, Someoka completely missed the goal.

Natsumi who was watching from the sidelines had a serious aura around her.

All of a sudden, she widened her eyes in realization

"I think I've got it." She muttered and smirked. She walked out of the bench and looked at Isagi.

"Isagi!!" She shouted loudly. Isagi looked at her.

"Call a Timeout now!!" Natsumi shouted at him. Isagi nodded. He looked at the referee and did the timeout hand sign to him.

The referee nodded and whistled.

"Ooooh. What a surprise! Raimon has called for a timeout. The match will be paused for 90 seconds. I wonder what will happen after the timeout is over. "

Team Raimon gathered around the bench. Natsumi was standing in the middle. " What is it that you want to tell us, Natsumi? " Isagi asked her curiously.

" I have already figured out the trick behind the 'Bewildered' Hissatsu Technique." Natsumi revealed. The team gawked at her. Isagi was very impressed.

" Good job! Natsumi-chan! Please, tell us what you've figured out about the Hissatsu! " Isagi complimented her with a grin on his face. Natsumi blushed a little before she composed herself.

"When they create the dust storm. The people behind it were moving the goal, that's why Someoka's shoot missed the goal dramatically." Natsumi explained and grabbed a small whiteboard from her bag.

"I have devised a plan. When you three...." Natsumi pointed at Isagi, Gouenji and Someoka.

"Are about to shoot, pass it to Shourinji. He has a Hissatsu Technique that is a header." Natsumi explained to them. The three strikers nodded.

" Ehh? You want me to score? " Shourinji pointed to himself. Natsumi smiled and nodded.

" Yes, I do. I trust that your Kung Fu Head can finish the job?" Natsumi asked him. Shourinji puffed his chest.

"You can count on me!" Shourinji replied excitedly. Natsumi nodded.

" One more thing, when they have the ball, get two defenders surrounding them. One for being the distraction while the other two tackle the ball away from them. " Natsumi continued. The team nodded. Endou grinned and clapped his hands.

" Alright! You heard her! Let's do this! "

" Right!! "




" And we're back! This time Raimon has the ball!"

Isagi has the ball and was dribbling it. A defender arrived in front of him. Isagi went right and the defender followed his movements, but he didn't expect Isagi to go left the next second.

Isagi passed the defender and passed the ball to Gouenji. Gouenji received it and started dribbling.

Two defenders arrived in front of him. Gouenji immediately passed it back to Isagi.

Shourinji was running up the field with them.

"BEWILDERED!!!!" Three defenders shouted and started kicking the ground. Dust flew up from the ground and created a dust storm that blocked the striker's vision.

Someoka stopped dribbling the ball. Shourinji started performing a few kung-fu stances, making shockwaves as he did them.

"Shourinji!" Someoka shouted as he passed the ball towards him. Shourinji jumped up and performed a header.


The impact of the header made pinkish electrical energy which surrounds the ball. The ball blasted through the dust storm.

The team looked at the disappearing dust storm in anticipation.

The dust storm disappeared, revealing the football in the goal.


"GOAAAAAAAAAALLLLL!!!! What a pass!!!After 25 minutes of an unscored game! Raimon is finally in the lead by 1 goal!!"

" Let's go Shourinji!! " Someoka high fived the Kung Fu enthusiast. Shourinji grinned.

"Nice header, Shourinji." Gouenji complimented.

" Yeah. That's some nice moves you got. " Isagi added. Shourinji blushed a little.

" Thanks guys. But if it wasn't for Natsumi, we wouldn't have figured it out and scored a goal. " Shourinji muttered. Isagi nodded.

" Of course. We must thank her after this match is over. " Isagi raised both of his eyebrows repeatedly. Shourinji gasped at him.

"You're seriously going to put that hentai manga in her bag?" Shourinji asked him.

" Already did. She didn't notice a thing. " Isagi grinned mischievously. Shourinji sighed.

" If you get found out. We're not bailing you out. " Shourinji replied to him. The people around him nodded in agreement. Isagi shrugged nonchalantly.

"It's worth it." Isagi smiled and went back to his position.

It was Shuuyou's turn to kick off. Isagi and team were on the defensive. The strikers were passing the ball around.

They got past Raimon's strikers. Otonomo, a forward for Shuuyou Meito passed the ball to his teammate, Akeido.

Max ran towards Akeido, intending to swipe the ball away from him. Akeido smirked.

"No one can steal the ball from me! Fake Ball!!" Akeido shouted. Max narrowed his eyes.

"Take this!!" Shishido slide tackled and kicked the ball away from Akeido's feet. Akeido widened his eyes in horror.

The ball flew back towards Otonomo but Handa got there before Otonomo could receive it.

"Gouenji!" Handa shouted and passed the ball to Gouenji. Gouenji who was being guarded by the defender Sujimichi, jumped up to receive the ball with his chest.

Gouenji landed on the ground with the ball in his possession. His back was facing the goal and he was being guarded by Sujimichi. But then he found Isagi who was open and kicked it towards him.

Isagi received the ball and looked at the goal.

"Ego Shot!!"

Isagi growled and kicked the ball.


The ball blasted

"Ahhh!!!" The goalkeeper, Aidoru tried to dive to his left to stop the incoming ball but failed to do so because the ball was already in the goal.


"GOAAAAAAAAAALLLLL!!!! Amazing link up from Gouenji! And It's another one from The Wonder Kid Isagi!!"

Isagi ran towards the Shuuyou fans and celebrated in front of them.



The away fans celebrated with him. Isagi laughed happily. Gouenji ran towards him and they high fived each other.

They made their way back to their side of the field and high-fived Max, Shourinji and Handa.

It was Shuuyou's turn to kick off again. They attacked Raimon aggressively. Robo, their midfielder made a pass to Geimu, their striker. While the ball was still flying in the air, Manga, their captain arrived beside him.

"Time to use... Our secret technique!!" Manga smirked. Geimu picks Manga up by the legs and holds him with his left hand like how a person grabs a baseball bat.

"Dokonjou Bat!!" They shouted as they hit the ball in the air.


The ball flew towards the goal. Endou jumped up and caught the ball easily.

"Ehhhhhh!!!" Geimu shouted dramatically. Endou deadpanned at them.

"Better luck next time, I guess. Now, Someoka!!" Endou shouted and kicked the ball towards the pink haired striker.

When the ball was inches away from Someoka's foot, he tapped it with his foot and the ball landed on the ground.

Someoka turned towards the goal and raised his right leg.

"Dragon Crash!!"



"GOAAAAAAAAAALLLLL!!!! Excellent save from Captain Endou! Wonderful assist as well!! Someoka scores an amazing goal! And now the scoreboard is 3-0!!! And it isn't even halftime yet!"

Isagi looked at the defeated team of Shuuyou Meito. He grinned sadistically.

"This is what happens when you don't talk to girls....

To be continued.....