
Inazuma 11: Another Chance With A System

A young footballer has died in an accident. He gets transported to a bright room. The room was so bright that it hurt his eyes. What will happen next? Guess you just have to read the book to find out.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Shuuyou Meito

"LeBron James." Isagi spoke out of nowhere. The team looked at him.

"Is almost forty years old and he's still in the NBA averaging 30+ points per season. They say that once you reach age 30 your sporting career is fucked. " Isagi explained.

" But look at that guy, he knows what he's doing with his life." Isagi continued.

"That's because he has the money." Endou added.

" What I'm trying to say here is that once we have money in our bank accounts. I want all of you to use it to get better at the game. Personal trainers, personal chefs, equipment, you name it. I also want you guys to invest in businesses to let that money add up overtime. But, hey. That's for the future. What's important right now is we win this district finals. Are you guys ready to get this W?!" Isagi stood up and shouted with a grin on his face.

"Fuck yeah!!" Max shouted loudly.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Isagi looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Max groaned.

"I'm just trying to sike us up." Max grumbled. Isagi laughed.

"Hey man I'm just playing with you." Isagi replied to him and patted his shoulder.

The bus they were on stopped moving. Endou looked out of the window. He looked back at his team and got up from his seat. "Alright. It looks like we're here. Let's move." Endou commanded. The team picked up their duffel bags and exited the bus.

Kino looked at Natsumi and smiled. "They're very excited." Kino pointed out. Natsumi smiled back.

"That's why I joined." Natsumi replied to her and exited the bus.

"She's acting very weird today." Otonashi whispered to Kino.

"Why do you think so?" Kino asked her.

"She got on the bus with us instead of using her family's limo to get here. That's very suspicious." Otonashi explained. Kino chuckled and patted her back.

"Don't think about it too much, Otonashi. She wants to fit it and she's doing just fine. C'mon, let's get these bags down." Kino told her.



" Another match, another easy win for us. " Isagi mumbled. Endou looked at him.

" You shouldn't really be this relaxed Isagi. We don't know what this team's got in their sleeves." Endou advised. Isagi shrugged.

" Probably some trickery. Like that guy with the boxes of watermelons. I'm sure that's going to come into play later on. " Isagi pointed at Shuuyou Meito's coach who was munching on a slice of watermelon.

"How?" Endou asked.

"Probably somehow switching the ball when we dibble. We're not gonna let that happen." Gouenji muttered from the side. Isagi nodded.

"I still don't understand how Occult couldn't even score a goal." Kabeyama commented while eating a banana.

"Don't worry about that now. It's our time not theirs. C'mon, let's go to our bench." Isagi ordered them. The team nodded and walked there.



"Why the fuck is there a hentai manga over here?" Shourinji grumbled and grabbed the hentai manga.

" Stepsister hentai. They have good taste." Shourinji gave Isagi the manga. Isagi put it back in the bag.

"It's for research purposes." Isagi grinned at them. Someoka's jaw dropped.

"Don't tell me you actually masturbate—

" I don't actually. Why masturbate when you talk to girls instead? I was actually going to put this in Rich Girl's bag. " Isagi grinned mischievously. Max chuckled.

" Do it. We won't snitch." Max promised. Isagi shrugged.

"You just wait." Isagi told him mysteriously. But then he saw something that enraged him.

There were two of Shuuyou's players surrounding Natsumi, Otonashi and Kino. The three girls were in maid dresses. Isagi saw Shuuyou Meito's goalkeeper having a camera on his hand. They were being creeps.

"Oh hell nah. Those are my girls." Isagi looked at Endou.

" Ball. " Isagi ordered. Endou threw the ball at him. While it was in the air, Isagi volleyed it to the goalkeeper.


The ball blasted towards the goalkeeper and it hit his camera. The camera was blasted away from the goalkeepers hands and crashed into the wall.

The camera was broken into pieces. The goalkeeper was baffled.

"Who did that!?" He shouted with the most nerdy voice ever.

" I did. " Isagi grinned manically at him. He was standing in front of the girls. The goalkeeper looked at him and growled.

"Do you know how much that camera costs?!" He shouted at Isagi. Isagi shrugged.

8/ I don't care. What are you going to do with those pictures you took? " Isagi asked him with a frown on his face.

" It's none your business! " He answered back. Isagi snorted.

" When it involves my girls, it is my business. You were going to jerk off to them aren't you?" Isagi glared at him. He had an ominous dark aura around him. He had white circular lines spinning above his red eyes.

"That's not—

"Get out of my sight. " Isagi growled.

" What—

"Go away before I beat the shit out of you." Isagi threatened. The goalkeeper jumped in fear and ran away.

Isagi looked at the girls behind him. He smiled a little. "You guys look cute with those maid outfits on you. Those cats ears make you guys look even cuter." Isagi complimented. Natsumi huffed.

" You didn't need to barge in like that, idiot." Natsumi scolded.

" Yeah, Isagi. He was just taking some pictures of us." Kino pouted at him. Isagi sighed.

"Whatever. Let's go. " Isagi walked away silently. Otonashi frowned.

"He does have a point though. What was that guy going to do with those pictures of us?" Otonashi asked them. Natsumi and Kino stayed silent.

"C'mon. Don't just stand there, let's go. The match is about to start." Otonashi told them and walked towards their bench.



" So what happened? You looked dejected " Endou pointed out. Isagi shook his head.

" I thought I was doing a good thing." Isagi grumbled in annoyance. Endou sighed.

" Just don't think about it too much or you'll get distracted in the match." Endou advised. Isagi nodded and looked at him.

" Let's get to our positions.....

To be continued.....

(Short chapter because I'm sick.)