
MePhone4S x N!Reader

Info: Human AU! L/N stands for Last Name.


As I slowly opened my eyes, I squinted in the darkness that enveloped me. Confusion and fear clouded my mind as I attempted to stand, only to realize that my hands were firmly bound to a pole behind me. Panic seized my chest, causing my heart to race. How did I end up in this situation? What happened before I found myself here? I strained my mind to recall any memories, but they eluded me like whispers in the wind. Suddenly, a voice cut through the silence, drawing my attention. An unfamiliar man descended the stairs, his presence adding an eerie tension to the room. He positioned himself a few feet away from me, his demeanour commanding and distant. My bewildered voice trembled as I addressed him, desperate for answers. "What... What's going on...?" The man's voice held a sort of power, as he posed a question to me in a cold tone. "You're Y/N L/N, correct?" I hesitated, then nodded reluctantly. "Yes... That's me. Please, tell me what's happening." Determination filled my voice, urging him to disclose the truth. He took a step closer, causing my heart to pound even louder in my ears. "Well, MePhone has taken quite a liking to you so, I decide to take you." My eyes widened with shock as I struggled to comprehend his words. "You... You've kidnapped me?" He affirmed my fears with a curt nod. "Yeah, that's right." The realization plunged me into a whirlpool of despair, and tears shimmered in my eyes. The man's hand brushed against my cheek, a gesture meant to offer solace but only added to my distress. I jerked my head away, inadvertently striking it against the unforgiving metal pole. "Don't touch me," I whispered through sobs, my cries intensifying. Sensing my anguish, he sat down next to me, his gaze filled with concern. "Do you need anything? Food? Water?" I remained silent, avoiding eye contact, and directed my attention towards the cold, hard cement floor. The thought of accepting anything from my captor seemed unthinkable. Frustration etched his face as he struggled to understand my reaction. "Why are you being so difficult?" His confusion sparked anger within me, and my voice grew louder with each word. "You've kidnapped me! Isn't that reason enough?" For a moment, silence hung heavily in the air, as both of us pondered the weight of our circumstances. Eventually, my curiosity overcame my anger, and guilt tinged my voice as I asked the man a simple question. "...What's your name?" "MePhone4S." He replied taking a deep breath, I gathered my courage and asked him the question that had been lingering in my mind. "Why did you do this, MePhone4S? Why did you bring me here?" A smirk paints his face. "I've been watching you, Y/N. I've seen how my idiotic brother acts around you, something so valuable. I've seen how much he loves you and I wanted to be the one to take that away from him." I look down in thought. "...MePhone likes me?" I say in confusion. "I thought he hated me." MePhone4S seemed surprised at my reaction. "No, he really likes you and I can see why." My brain was awhirl with confusion. Why did MePhone4S hate MePhone so much that he wanted to take a person away from him? I look down before looking back to him.