
In Z Finite

This is the story of Zarco, a young guy with a magic stone and not much else, and Caelum, a wingless "angel". "Caelum -That's stupid... Zarco -Eh, it is..." Ahem, anyway, a lot of action & adventure awaits them, as they are forced together on a journey in search of some magic stones of legendary power. "Zarco -Liar! We're currently doing a lot more of "trying to survive" than rock picking around here! Caelum -Yeah, that is pretty misleading." Ok, screw this, I am out, if nobody read this story it will be your fault. "Zarco -The hell are you talking about, you're the one who wrote this... Caelum -Since our writer is unreliable, I will finish this. This story at its core is just a fun rump, focused on action, adventure, and a lot of comedic dialogue and exchanges. If you had at least a chuckle reading this then you will probably enjoy the story. Zarco -Yo, thanks for reading till this point, we will meet again at the pages."

VamV · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

- War Meeting

Basilius sits at a conference table along with his four Knights of Salvation. On the table resided multiple maps and papers.


After taking a few looks through the documents, Basilius breaks the silence in the room by saying.

-How are our forces for the future battle?



-Well, our troops are excited at the idea of ​​massacring the inferior people and retaking our lands, but we are still outnumbered.



-Fine, just what we needed, one more humiliating defeat to them...



-And this time, probably a definitive one.



-Numeric advantage is not the only factor in a war.



-But it is of great influence.



-Our problem is not only the numerical disadvantage, we also have to worry about the being of the prophecy, more specifically its crystal.



-Fortunately, the crystal itself is powerful but it does not make you invincible, according to the report of a soldier who faced Caelum and the creature, the power is only temporary.



-So what are we waiting for? Every moment we waste he recovers more power.



-Calm down Luscinia, we can't afford to make hasty decisions.






-Let's say that these few days since his appearance have already been enough for him to regain all his power, to advance against him and the enemy would be suicide.



-True, given the little information that we have, we should act with the utmost caution.



-So what course of action does your majesty suggest?



-Hum... we must prepare a strategy considering the worst possible scenario, so in that way, we will be prepared for everything.



-The first problem we must overcome is exactly this crystal, we need a way to contain it.



-It won't be easy, I saw two of my subordinates disappear and reappear attacking me, all this in just an instant, that power is absurd.



-But we can still take advantage of their weaknesses, after all, despite all this power, the crystal user is just a mortal vulnerable to all the evils in this world, isn't he?



-And how do you intend to use this?



-Simple, they are right below us, we are already throwing sick animals among other vectors of diseases into their lands, we also deposit all the wastes of the capital in the main lake where they draw their water, we can intensify these actions in this short period and hope that they get sick.



-And what will we do when this war is over? Our people need that land, we will have no use for unproductive land and a polluted lake.



-Indeed, but making enemy forces sick is a viable strategy, as long as you do not permanently damage our lands, you have my full permission to bring the terror of the plague to our enemies.



-I promise not to fail your majesty.


Salus stares straight at Apis and Leo, his smile and snobbish expression seem to only serve to demonstrate that he has won.


Leo then interrupts by saying.

-It would be favorable for us to use chaos and terror against our enemies.



-I see, do you intend to use our gunpowder deposits?



-Yes, a sick enemy surrounded by fire and explosions is just a target waiting for death.



-Unfortunately, these are our last reservations…



-Yes, but if we lose it will be the enemy's newest gunpowder reserves.


Salus then continues, a little awkward from the interruption.

-Your majesty, I am afraid that making an entire population sick is not an overnight job, it takes time to get results.



-I will give you one week, during this week Salus, you shall use all of your medical knowledge in all its capacity do spread disease and misery among our enemies. Leo, I hope all of our troops are ready for combat and excellently trained by then, Apis, prepare the resources, use all that our kingdom has to arm our troops, and ensure the gunpowder will be enough.


Leo, Apis, and Salus

-Yes, your majesty!



-I declare this meeting closed.



-Ah, my king, if you allow me I have one last question.


The other knights face Apis.






-Well, will you really use the crystal from the firmament in combat?






-But, as far as I know, this crystal is responsible for keeping our islands in the sky, using it in combat will not only waste its energy, risking the capital's fall, there's even a risk that the enemy will get their hands on it, so wouldn't it be better to rethink this decision?





Apis doesn't give in to Luscinia's pressure and keeps waiting for an answer from the king.



-Yes, everything you said is true... but using it is our only hope.


Apis is silent for a moment, and when it looks like she was going to say something else, Basilius continues.



-Besides, I am not able to generate enough energy to keep the islands in the air, the way things are going, the fall of the islands is inevitable, our only hope is to have a safe place for them to land.


The knights are a little surprised.


Basilius gets up and leaves the room.


Luscinia accompanies him.


The two walk down a hallway, Luscinia following him clearly uneasy.


Basilius speaks as he continues walking in front, with his back to her.

-I know this war disturbs you, but don't worry, I'm doing everything possible to end it as soon as possible.


Luscinia surprised.

-Yes, thank you.


Basilius stops and turns to smile at her.

-You do not have to thank me.


Luscinia speaks

-King… no, Basilius, are you really going to fight in this war?



-I need to take an initiative if I expect the people to follow me, fighting alongside them is the least I can do.



-Basilius, you've never been to war, you don't know what a real battle is like.



-I have trained since my birth, I'm well prepared.



-How can you be so confident...



-Simple, because I have you by my side.


Luscinia blushes.



-Now let's go, dinner awaits, my guardian.
