
In World of One piece with Hanma bloodline

Sorry in advance for my bad english and grammar, english is not my first language, and it's my first time to write, it's just for my fun cause I can't get this idea in my head so yeah thats it. Onepiece and baki story and characters are not owned by me except the OC in my fanfic, the cover is not mine, if it yours message me if you want it to be removed. A normal human who got trucked kun meet a lazy looking gandalf and got reincarnated in a world of one piece as a older twin of Rocks D. Xebec with Hanma bloodline.

Comfy_choncc · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 07: Meeting marie and the 39th branch

"Hey berrion you go buy our supplies I'll go look for the log pose" i said he just nods and we part ways, looking where that random shop is a man talks to me " hey kid what you looking for", "the random shop, mayor k said it's in this area" i said and he guide me where it is, I'm shock that the people in this village are the one's approaching and starting a conversation to us they didn't even know us, guess no pirates ever reach this far in this island if they're this carefree as i see the shop.

The shop looks like a blacksmithing place very open, wooden wall at both side of shop and behind the cashier, a flat wooden roof.

On the floor there's a variety of items from weapon to different kind of stone to foods and rums but didn't see a log pose, "hello customer what can i help you" said the woman behind the cashier "do you have log pose you selling" i said "we don't currently have that but i can tell where you can find and get one and it's not for free of course" the woman smile at me waiting for my response as i hear another's woman voice " I know where can you get one and it's free" said the woman,

I look where the voice come from and saw a woman dress in a white long sleeve polo and black shorts with a pinkish hair colored, walking towards me and repeat what she said, I look down at her as she's smaller than me and look her in the eye and said "where" she flinch and ask " are you strong", "what do you think" I said, marie and the cashier fall to their knees, sweating and looking at me like they see a ghost, well that might be correct as i try if they can see it too the aura of me portraying a oni, [SPOILER FOR BAKI IF YOU DIDN'T READ THE MANGA], (copying what baki does when he fight yujiro and the others fighter's see the animal of what baki is portraying).

As they see a oni aura coming from me they only look at the floor and scared to look at me as i speak "I said what do you think miss" , marie began to stutter her words "yo.. you're ve..very..v..very str..strong mister ", as she try to calm herself down "relax I'm not going to hurt you just tell me where" i said, as she took a deep breath and calm down for a second "Inside of the marine base" marie said "show me where that marine base is btw what's your name", "marie mister..", "call me xorrin" as we leave the shop while the woman in the cashier is still on the floor.

At dew's quater Dew telling his man to prepare and tell them about the new arrivals at the island, his man's already know what's gonna happen and get their weapon's and a rope and straps for capturing their target. A marine man outside dew's quater shout "heyyyy dew the captain said 1hr is too long and said bring them in 30mins if not you know what's gonna happen the captain said".

Dew immediately run's outside and grab the marine and shouts at the marine saying "how can we do that huh, we got no information or whatsoever and you're saying capture them for 30mins, fuck that I'm going to your base and tell that to your captain" the marine man smile and said "do you really wanna do that now, there's nothing you can do that a captain's order" as he laugh,

veins on dew forehead is getting visible as he throw the marine at his man's, dew man's smile 'BANG BANG' two gunshots fired by dew man's and said "boss are we doing this now", " yeah boss are we really doing this now", "ohhh boss we were ready for this, boy's lets raid the marines" "Ougghhhhh" dew man's said as they follow their boss who already left first and leave the marine with two bullet holes in his head.

At the marine base

"Do you receive a report what dew said for capturing the new arrivals at 30mins" the captain said, "there's still no report back sir", "then you go there and find out what he said and find the one who supposed to report that" captain said.

At the gate entrance of the base you can see about 20 mans rushing towards the gate, suddenly a sound of a gun ring to the guards of the gate as one of the guards flop to the floor with a hole in his chest the other guard yells" there's a intruders coming tell the captain" as he pull his short and prevent them to enter but he easily got outnumbered he block one of them but got stab and slash by the others.

Inside the entrance They hear " there's a intruders coming tell the captain" all of them immediately grab their weapons and the one of them run to the base and tell the captain.

As the entrance gate got breached by dew and his man got welcome by a 10 gunman that shower's them with bullets,

thankfully dew and his man prepared for this as they have a metal shield and form a circle to protect each other from bullet while moving forward, dew throw some daggers at the gunman's when they reload and the number got reduced by 6 and all dew man's charge at them and slash each of them until something fire and explode near them and the see at the base of marines a 2 cannon appear firing at them causing some of dew man's flying and get killed the half of them.

Dew and his man got scared and don't know what to do as they didn't know the marines had cannons.

Dew thoughts are mess right now not knowing what to do.