
In This Hogwarts Without a Savior - TL

The night the saviour of the Wizarding World should have been born... Harry Potter died under the unforgivable curse. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, the man who's mere name inflicted fear in all British wizards, regained the wisdom and ambition that belonged to him from the Horcrux. Darkness has completely enveloped the island of Great Britain. Wizards are divided into high and low according to their bloodlines. Pure bloods firmly hold the authority that belongs to the superior, and those unfortunate enough to be called mudbloods, can only be as humble as mud, trampled on throughout their lives. The Ministry of Magic, which is supposed to enforce justice, is full of villains, and the castle, which is supposed to impart knowledge, is full of oppression. In these dark times. Jon Green, who came from across time, was brought into the exiled boy's body that truly inherited the title of “Hogwarts".

cmluis · Book&Literature
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Chapter 3: Lily Potter

A sensation akin to being crushed under the weight of a wheel overwhelmed Jon's entire being, engulfing his senses.

This nauseating and excruciating pain, as if every fiber of his being were being compressed, churned his stomach. Once his feet, which had been momentarily suspended in mid-air, touched solid ground again, Jon could no longer bear it. Clutching his abdomen, he arched his body, dry heaving uncontrollably.

"The sensation of apparition takes some getting used to. Sit down and have a cup of hot chocolate. It will ease your discomfort," Lily's voice sounded beside him, cold yet unmistakably caring.

Jon breathed a sigh of relief, accepting the cup of warm chocolate from her hand. He lowered his head as if to take a sip, although his lips never touched the liquid. Suppressing the discomfort surging through his body, he focused his attention on his surroundings.

It was a modest log cabin, furnished with the utmost simplicity. A solitary stove, two weathered armchairs surrounding it, and a grimy wooden table constituted its meager contents. Clearly, it served as nothing more than a transient safe house.

Through the narrow window, a verdant forest came into view—an evidently inaccessible location.

Jon cradled the cup of hot chocolate with both hands and observed Lily, who gracefully ignited the stove with a flick of her wand, casting a warm glow in the room. The feeble flames flickered, casting a renewed vigor upon them.

Undoubtedly, she possessed a striking beauty, though her crimson locks were slightly disheveled. Her face, pale from lack of rest, and her sunken eye sockets revealed fatigue. Draped in an oversized gray robe, she appeared quite exhausted.

Lily noticed his gaze and returned it with her own green eyes, reminiscent of the potion professor's missed portrayal in the original book.

Jon drew a deep breath and posed his first question after arriving at this place of refuge.

"Mrs. Kris… after escaping with you, will she be in danger?"

Although he didn't harbor a strong sense of belonging to the orphanage, Mrs. Kris had provided him with sustenance and shelter for over a year.

From the depths of his heart, Jon did not wish to see those who had aided him becoming entangled in danger on his account.

Lily raised her gaze to meet his, her eyes, once calm like still waters, now imbued with a discernible tenderness.

"The individuals who seek to seize you have perpetrated heinous acts in the past. However, now that they have gained complete dominion over the magical realm, their masters will no longer permit wanton killings. They will simply erase the memories of everyone at the orphanage. Obliterating all traces of your existence in this world, and they will not inflict harm upon anyone connected to you."

Upon hearing her words, Jon released a relieved sigh, his grip on the teacup loosening.

"You exude a maturity surpassing your peers, far beyond that of an eleven-year-old," Lily remarked, her gaze unwavering.

While her tone clearly conveyed her sentiment, Jon did not exhibit much sensitivity to her comment. With a playful twinkle in his eye, he responded.

"Children dwelling in orphanages require a faster growth of knowledge, don't they? Though I don't consider it something to boast about."

Lily fell silent. It seemed as if something weighed heavily on her mind, causing her complexion to darken.

However, this silence endured only briefly. Regaining her customary composure and indifference as she addressed Jon.

"Regarding your general situation, Crouch has already informed you of it during your time at the orphanage. At least, he did not deceive you about being a wizard possessing magical aptitude. I need not reiterate it now. I understand that many questions still linger in your mind, but fortunately, we have ample time until dusk descends. Allow me to provide answers to those questions."

"But before I provide you with formal guidance for admission, you must first answer my question," Lily asserted, her expression mostly unchanged but her tone growing slightly more serious.

"Why is it that upon hearing the name Barty Crouch, you decided to follow me?"

"Were you acquainted with him before?"

Jon maintained a composed countenance. Upon arriving at this haven, he had anticipated that Lily would eventually pose this question, provided she had no other issues at hand. Thus, he had prepared a plan within his heart from the beginning.

Observing Lily's current demeanor, it seemed she harbored minimal wariness towards him on this matter, prompting a quiet sense of relief within Jon.

He remained uncertain whether the Lily before him possessed the ability to employ spells such as Imperius.

While skilled wizards could wield such magic, they seldom resorted to deploying it surreptitiously against others, particularly not against an 11-year-old child.

However, if the circumstances grew exceedingly… delicate, even upstanding wizards would not be so hesistant as to withhold their reservations.

And presently, Jon's actions clearly fell far below that level. Nonetheless, he must provide a adequate explanation.

"I am not acquainted with him, but from the moment I laid eyes upon him, I sensed a lack of sincerity beneath his gentle façade."

Jon and Lily locked gazes, with no inclination to avert their eyes.

"He harbors a distinct disdain and revulsion towards me, which I could discern right from our initial encounter."

"The more he glorified the splendor of that magical school to me, the more I perceived it as fabricated. I couldn't comprehend a single word within the admission letter he urged me to sign, save for the title atop it."

"After writing my signature, who's to say whether I would truly attend the magical school end up enslaving myself unintentionally? Prior to your arrival, I had not contemplated signing anything with him."

"It was merely his status as an adult well-versed in magic that I, being a child, lacked the means to confront him. Your arrival afforded me additional choices. Although this choice remains veiled in uncertainty and carries considerable danger, it remains preferable to aligning myself with an individual of greater suspicion, does it not?"

"Hence, it was only when you and he were engaged in a conversation that I sought to divert his attention by inquiring about his name. Thus allowing me the opportunity to escape with you."

Jon's words held a firm foundation, with 90% of his account holding true, save for the last sentence. Unless one delved into his innermost thoughts, no flaws would be uncovered.

Of course, Lily had not "dissected" his mind, but she continued to regard Jon with an air of bewilderment.

There was a moment of silence permeating the air before Lily finally spoke, fixing her gaze upon Jon's innocent smile.

"I have never encountered an 11-year-old quite like you."

She appeared to struggle with her choice of words, prompting Jon to interject.

"You mean... sharp?"

"No, it is as if you are a youthful ghost, one who has perished a thousand years ago. There are countless complexities within your heart."

Jon's expression soured suddenly.

They had only recently become acquainted, and their familiarity with one another limited. There was no need for Lily to refer to him as though he were an ancient monster.