
And So It Begins

After waking up from what felt like was a long time Jace looked around.

'Huh' he thought seeing nothing just blackness.

'I guess I did die' he was some how ok with this but still he was bored 'Wait if I'm dead doesn't that mean I'm stuck here?!?' He thought in panic not wanting to spend eternity or however long just siting here or floating, he couldn't tell.

Now that he thought about it he had no sense of touch or smell and he couldn't tell if he had hearing since he didn't know if there was any noise.

He was starting to lose hope thinking that he was going to be stuck in here forever floating eternally in what he now considered hell thinking to himself 'man i was really hoping to be reincarnated after i died'

In that instant a massive wave of energy crashed into him and a bright white light seared and simmered his eyes luckily for him he was dead and in an astral form otherwise he would have been vaporized but even so he still felt an immense amount of pain throughout his body but it centered at his eyes.

and then it stopped with only a soft glow remaining "My child I have heard your struggles" said a massive booming voice that Gave him a sense of serenity. "and so I shall grant you three wishes, please don't hold back, I shall not take offense".

Jace was utterly gobsmacked 'Who was this being with the great power to grant any wish?' was one of the many many questions in his head.

"I-I" he choked out as he tried to reign in his thoughts

After doing so he set his mind to the task if finding out what wishes he would like to make.

(AN: for the nit picks, this doesn't mean he should instantly ask to be a god since being an astral form with no task is super boring to him he has an active mind and likes things to do although preferably in his last life not anything physical)

"I wish for more wishes" he said knowing that he probably wouldn't get it but he had to try.

"Forgive me my child that is the only wish I may not give you" said the god or that's what he thought it was "ok... well then, my first wish it to be reincarnated into the star wars universe with a system, my second wish is to have The greatest force power in the star-wars universe, my third wish is to be able to create new force powers" Jace stated with a little apprehension and a little excitement but mostly fear that the so called god would not grant his wishes

"HMMM" rumbled the god loudly "interesting wishes indeed my child, but doable ones"

"May you find peace in your next life"

And then well nothing happened except the god disappeared

"Um hello" he tried to ask but nothing came out in fact he couldn't feel anything realizing this he started to panic *Stop your squirming fool, your fine* "hello"? he tried to talk again *truly i don't know why my creator choose you to grant those three wishes to, you seem to lack the intelligence to be worthy of them, I'm in your head I'm the system* 'oh um, well what are your functions he thought' slightly offended from what the system said but it was outweighed by his excitement that had instantly destroyed all his fear.

The system then instead of telling him just ingrained its functions into his conscious.



'ok so correct me if im wrong your functions borderline unlimited? isn't that a bit op and cheaty?

*system has deducted privilege to use functions 9-...*

'ok I guess I earned that' He thought sadly wishing he had controlled himself'

*are you sorry for what you said?* the system asked sassily


*system granting privilege to use function 10*

-a few hours later-

'system where am I' Jace thought questioningly

*you are a fetus in the womb of Shmi Skywalker*


Hey My Dudes and Dudettes tell me if you want us to go to another time in star wars. but anyway tell me how and what you enjoyed and where I could improve.

Don't forget to vote yer powers stones!

Below_Averagecreators' thoughts