


After Anko's dramatic entrance and her speech we moved out and i fixed my attention on the grass nin, whose body Orochimaru planned to take... I talked with my teammates in casual conversation as i felt Orochimaru take over the grass nin's body and kill the remaining two members by the time we had to move in front of the gate, as the signal was given Kabuto innocently put forward the idea that since we were sufficiently strong enough we should split up and search for scrolls individually. As we moved in different directions i made two reinforced shadow clones one to assist Naruto and his team in case some changes occur and other with the instructions to lock onto the chakra signature of Orochimaru and follow him for this day forward.

Meanwhile i swiftly made my way toward the tower in order to play my part as a team player...


I Lurked in the shadows for 5 days as i tried to minimize any influence me being there could cause...' I know me being born was enough to change the course of the world, specially when i overpowered myself to the point of breaking many barriers ... even then i feel like i need to go according to the plan that i first created, not much time is left before i start have to act out'.

The days were peaceful... well as peaceful as they can be in forest of death with this many shinobi dying and general awfulness of some chakra signatures...'Man it almost feels like i can taste them...Ugh!!...'I got repeated information from both my clones that the basics of the timeline are preserved until now and i sighed in relief, silently plotting, 'I almost feel like i can give Obito competition by my efficiency as I move in the shadows...'

'Anyway onto more important things than my evil fantasies, the clone reported that everything was almost the same except that Naruto was a little bit stronger with a better Taijutsu..., I still don't get how Sakura advanced 3 levels just by cutting her hair like that, it was pure bullshit no one can be that OP...'

As i spied my other teammate, the one who fought Sasuke arrive, 'Damn! I always forget his name... what was it?? Yuri? Yori? YAUiiII...Ugh!' I silently gave up on remembering what his name was as I ruffled some twigs on myself and rubbed some dirt on my clothes a bit before coming out and moving towards...Yauii??.. Forget it, i nodded at him silently and signed for how many scrolls did he get. After some brief signals we both silently waited for Kaubto who was 10 minutes away from our position and was traveling with team 7 as he made his way towards the tower.

A brief questioning in which i portrayed myself as annoyed at him I questioned Kabuto about traveling with another team as Naruto silently stared at me with a complicated expression on his face.

"Its been a while Naruto-kun" At my happy proclamation he nodded as we chatted at bit like old times in the academy before Sauske grunted as the time for the exams was aAfter Anko's dramatic entrance and her speech we moved out and i fixed my attention on the grass nin, whose body Orochimaru planned to take... I talked with my teammates in casual conversation as i felt Orochimaru take over the grass nin's body and kill the remaining two members by the time we had to move in front of the gate, as the signal was given Kabuto innocently put forward the idea that since we were sufficiently strong enough we should split up and search for scrolls individually. As we moved in different directions i made two reinforced shadow clones one to assist Naruto and his team in case some changes occur and other with the instructions to lock onto the chakra signature of Orochimaru and follow him for this day forward.

Meanwhile i swiftly made my way toward the tower in order to play my part as a team player... bout to be up. I nodded as i waved and parted with my current team into the tower. I sighed as the proceedings seem to be so slow i almost dosed of before making our way to the preliminary arena.

Looking at those two statues i can't help but think that ninjutsu is overrated 'I get it that it is cool to wield lightening and blow fire but its too flashy for my taste'. I silently used substitution with a reinforced clone as i silently marveled at the ability that the game gives me, 'I don't even have to make a seal tag to make the clone reinforced after the first time.'

'What would happen if I just go there and behead Orochimaru now??' looking at the sound jounin from the shadows of the statues I quickly discarded that idea as i still needed that slippery snake and also that he may not be here but just a shadow or perhaps his favorite mud clone.

I silently slipped away leaving the rest of my boring grinding to the clone.'Its not like those genin could even scratch it...hmmm..Nah! they cant lets fulfill what i can though with Orochimaru away from his hideout. As i thought back to every detail and trap that my clone discovered following Orochimaru I just silently transformed into a rat and my my way into the hideout 'Ninja's sure underestimate this jutsu....or perhaps they never mastered it to the point where you can make the changes solid...hmmm food for thought'

Looking through the various battle plans, the placement of summoning seals, the placement of various forces and almost every instruction was there in Orochimaru's personal library. ' These supervillians sure are idiots' as i quickly memorized these details i delved deeper into Orochimaru's notes and finally found what i was looking for...

The notes on impure world reincarnation ,'Say whatever about his morals that guy is still a genius'. I looked at his notes and my understanding of the technique increased,the Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation binds the soul of a deceased person to a living vessel, restoring them as they were when they were alive in order to do their summoner's bidding. It was originally created by Tobirama Senju. This technique used a seal which acts as a gateway for the soul of the target to cross the borders of the pure realm and reside temporarily in a body. But due to it just being a gateway full powers of the deceased can not be brought over by the original technique. Orochimaru, being the genius he was, managed to change the seal after doing extensive research in seal and summoning, to gain the ability to actually summon the souls and bind them with talisman to gain almost the same amount of power as they had during that prime. He actually managed to restrict the amount of power with one could be summoned as he was planning to summon the rest of the hokage's at 10% of their power. Even though i was angered by his audacity to think he can control my dad, I know he would fail and quickly read through the rest of the notes.

After going through the rest of the notes and memorizing anything important I quickly exited the area as i traveled back to Konoha as my clone told me that the prelims were over and he beat Kunkaro quickly using basic kenjutsu as he explained to other that he sensed him hiding on the back pack of his puppet.

AN//Hey guys...the voting button is back but maybe it would be better if you tried to vote don't you? maybe there is a glitch that only works for you?...come on come on try it try it, don't worry your favorite author-sama will never try to take advantage of you guys...*evil laugh in the background*

Ahem...now that i am done with the drama I was expecting quite some of you to ask me question about the story on instagram...but Alas! many of those free little quips are still with me and i don't think i want so many of them... you would help author-sama won't you?? I'll even tell the first 3 persons that says hi what I would do with Itachi's blood....ain't you curious!!


Anyway please leave a review guys they are what motivates me to right and i would appreciate it a lot plus i can't actually message you guys back on this site so all i have is reviews...

Ping me on insta



KIRITO_SAMAcreators' thoughts