

I was lounging in my bathhouse enjoying the warm water, and washing away my opponents' blood, thinking about the fight. When he suddenly absorbed those shadows, he had lost all reason. Come to think of it, Moria didn't seem like he was all there with his fight against Luffy when he absorbed all the shadows on the island. He could've used his own shadow to much greater effect in that form. This is truly troublesome. I had planned on using that technique as a trump card if things went south. Now I'm going to have to reevaluate. A hammer isn't any good if you never hit your target.

I further reflected on how I could've handled the situation. Having Doppleman stand directly to my side during a fight maybe isn't the best idea. He's essentially my get out of jail free card. Let's think this through. With my ability, I can generate shadows. I've recently discovered that I can manipulate shadows from inanimate objects for an attack. I can probably find a way to fight together with Doppleman where he's essentially the tank, and I'm the ranged dps. It's a shame that the Kage Kage no Mi's strongest ability, taking another person's shadow, is such a long process in a fight. The enemy would have to be standing still, or incapacitated for that to happen.

I looked over to see Doppleman playing about in the water without a care. This body sure is cruel, a devil fruit user loses all their strength if they're in water up to their knees. Moria's a tall bastard with one fatal flaw. He has incredibly stubby legs! I'll never feel safe in a bath tub ever again.

I lounged in the mansions dining room, enjoying an orange, and some pancakes with my crew. The early morning light peeking through the curtains.

"Bad! Bad Kumashi! How many times do I have to tell you not to talk? I'd have Doctor Hogback sew your mouth shut if it would make you look cute!" Perona berated Kumashi bran flakes flying out of her mouth as she got more and more wound up.

"Kumashi's not that bad of a guy you know Perona?" Absalom finished his statement with a sip of coffee, not bothering to look up from his newspaper.

"Just you wait Cindry-chan, you'll be fixed by Moria-sama soon. Then we can be together just like how you always wanted." Hogback was absently playing with his eggs mixing them into the table.

"Go kill yourself." Cindry sat next to Hogback completely monotone.

"How about you Lola, care for a bite?" I gestured towards a smorgasbord of food piled upon a trolley being manned by Red.

A look of fear crossed her face as she slowly shook in place.

"Oh, no need for the cold shoulder Lola-chan~. I've returned your shadow. Is this how you reciprocate my hospitality?"

In the background of my conversation with Lola, Cindry began throwing plates at Hogback.

"So cruel, Cindry-chan!"

Lola worked up the courage to look me in the eye. Slowly, resolve began to take form.

"Will you marry me?" she said with complete seriousness.

Like a computer being unplugged, the side conversations in the room ended abruptly. A drop of sweat rolled down my back. I've never expected to be proposed to before. By a stranger no less!

"No." My face still wore the shock from her proposal.

"Oh." She looked down, dejected.

"Horo horo horo horo" Perona laughed with the back of her hand covering her mouth.

"Ha! She got you good, Moria-sama!" Absalom was laughing so hard, he smacked the table jostling the glasses.

The only one who wasn't laughing was Hogback. He seemed to be shrunk into himself, a sad smile upon his lips.

Gaining a sudden burst of energy out of nowhere, Lola looked up with fire in her eyes.

"You obviously value me for my connection to my mom. If you're going to hold me here, I demand you free my crew!" Gone was the scared persona she had a moment ago. In its place stood a commander of men, Charlotte Lola, Captain of the Rolling Pirates.

I paused for a moment, considering my options. Her brief display had earned a bit of my respect.

"I have unfortunate news to tell you Lola." I began with a serious tone of voice.

"This morning as my minions patrolled the graveyard near the forest, they discovered many piles of ash surrounded by clothes."

"But I've only been gone an entire day, there's no way those guys could've gotten themselves killed in the light like that!" Lola looked at me with utter disbelief.

"It's regretful to your crew, but today is the day we've finally left the Florian Triangle. Without your guidance, perhaps a large number of them…perished. Red, bring me that katana, and the hat that came with it."

"Here it is Moria-sama." Red presented me the blue cap that Maroon Tie was wearing.

"No! No, no, no, no! It can't be! The Risky Brothers would never go out like that! My nakama!" Fresh horror marred Lola's face.

"Shh, shh, it's going to be okay. I gave her shoulder a pat. I know the pain of losing a crew."

"Y-you do?" She looked up tears and snot falling from her face.

"I lost mine in a fight to that bastard Kaido." I grimaced as if I was in deep sorrow.

"It's a pain that never really goes away, but you can always keep them in your memory, and live on how they would want you to live." I smiled consolingly while spouting out some bullshit about a crew I never lost.

"I'll tell you what, my minions will comb the forest for any survivors. I'll return their shadows, and let you see them off. In exchange, you promise not to cause any trouble. That sound good?"

"Y-yes, please, Moria, Moria-sama." Her lip wobbled, and she broke out into fresh tears.

God, but do I hate talking to emotional people. I swear, children can be more rational than an emotional adult sometimes. Using her as a bargaining chip with either the Marines, or Big Mom better be worth it.

"Moria-sama, Moria-sama!" Absalom rushed over from his side of the table holding his newspaper aloft.

"What is it this time Absalom?"

"Look at this!" Absalom shoved the paper in my face.

"You want me to buy Al Harrington's wacky inflatable arm tube guys from Al Harrington at Al Harrington's Emporium? I'm not interested. Save up some of your money, and buy them yourself." I leaned back, this guy's always asking for trouble.

"Not that, this!" He pointed at a picture of two guys standing before a banner that said 'Ukkari Hot-Springs Resort Grand Opening.'

Well I'll be damned.

"Good work Absalom."

"Thank you Moria-sama! I've been diligently searching for leads since that night." He beamed at my praise.

"Attention! We're stopping at the Ukkari Hot-Springs Resort island on our way to East Blue."

"Ahh! A spa day! This will be perfect to unwind!" Perona dragged Kumashi and left in a hurry. Probably to do whatever it is she does when she's alone in her garden.

"Fos fos fos fos! An excellent place to practice medicine. The rich and sick will always be found at spa resorts!" Hogback raised his arms in jubilation. He was one step closer to being together forever with a perfect Cindry.

"Not to mention all the naked women!" Absalom wolf whistled, and thumped his foot on the ground. A drop of drool came out of the corner of his mouth.

Absalom is literally salivating at the prospect. Heh, never change Absalom.

"Absalom, will you marry me?" A shy Lola asked.

"Wha-what?" Absalom looked spooked. No doubt flashbacks of the pig Lola forcing herself on him were running through his mind right now.

"I didn't hear a no. Come here hubby!" Lola ran at Absalom with her arms outstretched, attempting to kiss him.

"No! I said no! Stay back! I'm warning you!"

"These are good pancakes Red. Did you cook them yourself?"

"Ah, you're embarrassing me Moria-sama." Red kicked the ground bashfully.

"Captain, saaaave meeee!"

"Did you hear something Red?"

"Must be the zombies dancing outside Moria-sama."

AN: Spa chapter, or time skip what do you guys think? For reference, the time skip would be to a meeting with the Shichibukai. Did anyone catch that in the last chapter, two brothers, one wearing red, and another green tried to save a pink princess from a castle?