
In the Naruto World With Godly Powers

A boy named alex reawakens in the naruto world. on break because I don't have the energy for it.

AETWriter · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


Our protagonist awakes, he looks around, having been told by God where he was going, he was prepared. He had a vast knowledge of the Naruto world, so it was perfect for him.

As he looks around, he sees it is raining heavily, and due to the look of his surroundings he could confirm he was located in the Rain Village, but now was to find out what era he is in.

He continues to gaze around, looking for any available signs, until he noticed a group of 3 people, who he immediately recognized as the Legendary Sannin, facing again another shinobi, who he also recognizes as Hanzo of the Salamander. Seeing this, Alex instantly realizes that he had been reborn into one of the worst possible eras, the second great shinobi war.

he continues to watch the Sannin as they face Hanzo, their fight raging on as he spectates unnoticed.

Alex was a short boy, around 5 feet 2 inches tall, and had curly black hair. He looked down at himself, seeing he was still in the same body he had in his past life, but at a younger point, this body looked around 14, whereas his old one was 25. He was wearing a simple torn and beaten black t-shirt and ragged, brown pants. He was obviously a poor orphan in this village.

Alex decided he wants to try out the supposed power God granted him, so he weaves the hand sign for the simple transformation Jutsu, and in a puff of smoke, his form had changed to that of Hanzo, who he was still watching in front of him before he quickly reverted the Jutsu.

Alex decided then that since he could use chakra, he would devote this life to himself, not caring for anyone else unless he wanted to. Especially since God told him his power was supposedly unrivaled in this world.

At this point, Jiraiya had dropped to a knee, Orochimaru holding a wound, and Tsunade barely conscious. Alex saw this and realized that this is exactly what happened originally, causing Hanzo to survive and dub the 3 shinobi the Legendary Sannin.

Alex decided he didn't want this for no other reason than he felt like it, but that's all the reason a godly being needs. With the click of a finger, Alex appeared between the Sannin and Hanzo.

"What!?" Hanzo said, peering at the boy who just appeared in front of him "I don't know or care who you are brat, get out of the way." he said calmly, obviously unfazed by Alex's sudden appearance.

Alex simply laughed, and reappeared in front of Hanzo, jumping up and grabbing his face, slamming it into the ground, and leaving a small crater as he cracked the man's skull into many pieces, killing him instantly.

"Don't mess with me, pathetic filth." alex muttered before looking towards the Sannin, approaching them slowly, "You three, you were trained by the Third Hokage, correct?"

Orochimaru's mouth opened first, "Yes, but who the hell are you kid?" He said, still stunned from the display of strength.

"Orochimaru, I assume." he responded, peering into the man's yellow eyes, "You desire to acquire the ultimate power, to collect every Justu no matter the cost."

Orochimaru was speechless, unable to speak as this mere child seemed to have just read his mind.

"No words?" Alex laughed, "Fair enough, you're going to die anyway." Alex carried on, he decided to become known as the strongest, he would need to kill those who could pose any threat at all.

"Wha-" Tsunade started when Alex appeared before her, brutally kicking her head clean off her body before simply walking to the now collapsed Jiraiya, placing a hand on his back and encapsulating him in flames, when they disperse the corpse gone, disintegrated to dust. Orochimaru was still stunned, no words leaving his mouth as he watched his teammates get slaughtered by this child.

Finally, Alex walked towards Orochimaru, pointing a finger at him before lightning zaps from the fingertip into Orochimaru's heart, killing him instantly.

"I'd hoped he'd at least try." Alex sighed, slightly disappointed. "I guess this form is kind of unthreatening, maybe I should use genjutsu to appear older?" and that he did, waving a few signs with his hands, making him appear to all but the greatest genjutsu masters as albeit short, an older man of 25 years.

Alex sighs and decides to walk into town, he didn't like these clothes, so he decided he's going to find some new ones in the poor town.

Walking through the town he sees many people stricken with poverty, sitting in the street and diving into trash cans looking for food. Alex thought for a minute that killing them would be the most merciful thing to do, but decided against it. Although he had just killed 4 Jonin+ rank ninja, there were no witnesses, but here nobody knows who's watching.

He continues walking, coming to a few stalls made of soft, slightly rotting wood where simple clothes were sold. He seems to have a few coins and notes on him, so he uses them to purchase new clothes. They weren't anything special, just a simple black t-shirt again, with fewer holes this time, and a pair of brown shorts. He continues walking, wondering what to do next before deciding this village had nothing for him, but what could he do? It was wartime, he couldn't just stroll into a major village without raising alarms and being arrested, or even worse attacked, not that they could defeat him, it'd just be a pain. He briefly played with the idea of disguising himself as a character he knew was around at this point fighting in the war, but he ultimately decided on his plan; he was going to end the war himself.

He thought long and hard about how to end the war, he had two options, either join a side or make his own.

He pondered the options for some time before deciding that he hadn't come to this world as such a powerful person to just follow orders. He was going to finish this war with his own hands, not as a henchman to some pompous kage.

After deliberating for ages, he chose that his "side" was going to occupy the land in which the hidden sound village would eventually take, but he assumed it empty or at least weak at the moment.

Even with his immense power, Alex couldn't get to the sound instantly, it took him about 2 days of travel with regular breaks to eat, drink and test his abilities to arrive.

When he arrived at the land, he scouted the area and found nothing but a few very small villages, each with about 20 people minimum and 100 maximum. Talking to the villagers here, he saw that the land was not owned by a country, and so decided to formalize the plan in his head to take it for himself.

He approached the village chief of the largest of the villages in the area, asking about their hierarchy and how they operate. "Well son, we work on a succession system, our chief dies and his oldest family member takes over the role." he starts, "but if no such family exists then a tournament of power is held with anyone allowed to enter and compete in the battle for the title, even outsiders are allowed to enter."

"I see, Is it the same for all the other nearby villages? And what's your status right now, chief, family-wise I mean?" Alex asks, his intent painfully obvious.

"No family, son." the chief started, "and the nearby villages usually skip the succession part altogether, with a tournament being held for the title no matter what."

"I see, it would be a shame if something happened to you now, wouldn't it?" Alex said, a large, evil grin covering his face as he coats his hand in chakra, jabbing it into the old man's chest, killing him instantly before dispersing his chakra through the body, eating away at the flesh before it turns to dust.

Luckily, he had arrived at night, where only the chief was awake and tasked at guarding the village, so in the morning there was a commotion, but alex was not in the village, he was in other villages doing the same, gathering info and killing without even the slightest clue it was him left behind.

Alex waited around a week before returning to the initial village, who'd tournament was soon to be held, he entered, talking and making pleasant conversation with many of the locals. He decided that it would be easiest to rule through the procedures already in place, rather than through fear like Nagito does later in the timeline.

As the tournament arrives, alex of course sweeps the floor with everyone, knocking them all out easily, and becoming chief immediately.

Strangely enough, this village didn't seem against an outsider being the new chief and welcomed Alex.

As a few days pass, Alex was laying in bed and was ready to leave the village to go and enter another villages tournament when a panicked knock came at his door, opening it revealed a young boy, panting as he explained that all the other nearby villages were plundered and razed, and around 300 people had arrived here seeking refuge.

Alex was shocked, but not too much so since it was wartime after all. "Understood," he said in a monotone voice, "Find a place for them to stay, I will sort this out."

Alex leaped from the open window in his home and saw a nearby party of probably 10 ninjas running their way, As they got closer Alex Identified the ninja as those of the rain village, his hometown, not that he held any extra sympathy for them.

Alex ran towards them in return, holding his arm up as he approached, causing them to stop too, confused at the gesture. But before they could say anything, half of their heads were rolling on the floor and the other half's bodies were split in half vertically.

"Pathetic" Alex said, laughing slightly before returning to the village. "The ninja responsible have been dealt with, you can return home if you wish," he said to those seeking refuge, who not one of moved a single muscle.

"We want to stay and serve under you in return for protecting" is what they had decided, which made alex happy. Loyalty through trust is much stronger than that forced through fear.

Thanks for reading. If there's bad grammar, spelling, or anything else wrong with it, I know. I haven't slept for ages and am making this novel out of boredom to keep me awake lol.

AETWritercreators' thoughts