
In the Naruto World With Godly Powers

A boy named alex reawakens in the naruto world. on break because I don't have the energy for it.

AETWriter · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

The Village of Secrets

Alex had finally decided on a name for the now enlargened village of around 450 people, "The Village of Secrets." As time passed, the workers of the village, which were most people, as there weren't many professions besides that, had expanded the small village Alex won chiefdom of, and it was big enough to house all the people comfortably now.

"Sir, this war is dangerous to us, and this rapid expansion may cause us to be seen as more than just a pillaging target." Alex's new advisor, Yuu said, his light purple hair glimmering in the morning light. "We may be forced to join a side as manual laborers, they are always looking for people like that to help at these times."

"I see, thank you for your concern Yuu, but we aren't going to give in to anyone. Our village is ours alone. It isn't something to sell off some larger country." Alex responded. "If anyone comes with any such offer their head will be returned to their village on a pike."

"Understood, sir." Yuu replied again, bowing his head slightly, "Forgive me, I know you are strong sir, but there are only a few shinobi residing in our village, their number is only around 7 men and 4 women. 3 of the men are medical ninjas, whereas 1 of the women is also. The rest either specialize in various ninjutsu or genjutsu. I don't think this group is anywhere near enough to defend this large of a village, what should we do in terms of defense?"

"I will protect you all until we bolster the numbers of shinobi we have available. Please send the 11 shinobi to me as soon as you can."

"Understood, I will have them brought here now." You finished, before leaving the office.

Alex sighed, knowing that his new land had not even a slither of power outside of himself.

A few months pass, and Alex, who had ordered the 11 shinobi the village had to take pupils, who were decided based on the amount of chakra they possessed. Now, Alex was walking around the town, people smiling and waving to him as he passes, him returning the gesture.

He arrives at his destination, a small field where the 11 Jonin level shinobi were stood, each with 3 children, anywhere from 13 to 17 in front of them, who Alex was here to test.

"Okay, you teachers, you can watch from afar." Alex starts, "All 33 of you, attack me all at the same time, no holding back." he carries on, "Try with all your might to kill me."

As he finishes, most students hesitate for a moment, other than one of them, his eyes red as he charges at Alex, attempting to plant his fist into the leader's face, but unsuccessful as Alex dodges effortlessly. "Too slow," he says, taunting the other children.

All of them now charged, all trying to hit alex with Taijutsu.

"It won't work, your taijutsu is too slow," Alex says.

The children realize him to be correct and retreat into the trees to formulate a plan, which Alex allowed as he wanted at least to try to break a sweat.

After a minute or two, a kunai lands at Alex's feet, before exploding as Alex jumps back, but as he does he realizes another kid is behind him.

"Waterbomb Jutsu!" the boy shouts, shooting a ball of water at Alex, who cuts through it with his bare hand, chopping at the boy's head, knocking him out.

"One." Alex counts as he takes out the first of the wannabe ninja.

Another boy appears from the bushes, shooting a ball of flame, which alex holds out his hand, dispersing the ball instantly, before excreting chakra strings from the tips of his fingers, shooting them out and attaching them to the boy, throwing him into the air.

"Two." Alex carries on counting.

"Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, EIght." Alex continues to count as he takes down each child until only one is left, the red-eyes buy, which Alex now realized was the Sharingan, wanting to test his capabilities as he approaches the boy.

"Your eyes," Alex says, staring at the boy, but not into the eyes. "The Sharingan nests within you I see."

"Y- yes sir!" The boy says, "My name Is Vee Uchiha. My parents were criminals in the leaf and were imprisoned, so I ran away due to the shame, and arrived at a nearby village, where a nice old man took me in before he passed away."

"I see, that explains it." Alex says, "I believe you could be a great help to this village. Train hard." He sighs, "Anyway, come at me with all you've got."

The boy moves fast, instantly arriving before Alex, landing a punch on the man's chest, which does not affect him at all. "That was good, but there wasn't enough power in it." Alex sighs, counting "Thirty-Three", as he knocks the boy to the ground in a single attack.

After an hour or two, all the ninja trainees had been healed, and Alex stood before them. "You all pass, you are now Genin of the Village of Secrets. Be diligent and work hard." Alex started, " But sadly, we don't have the facilities to give 11 teams of 3 a Jonin leader, as I want more genin, so instead I will be assigning you all into 3 teams. 2 teams of 15 and another team of 3. The teams of 15 will be headed by one jonin each, and the team of 3 will be mine to personally lead. Alex points at three boys, the Uchiha boy, Vee, as well as 2 others, a short boy with shoulder-length pink hair around 14 years old who he saw healing the others during the test, and a girl with short brown hair, the fringe long enough to cover her eyes who seemed capable too, she used earth and water style ninjutsu, which would work well to balance the team.

"You three will be my team, I'll let you two argue who gets who between yourselves," he says, smiling evilly at a man and woman of the 11 jonin, dismissing the rest, before taking his 3 genin to his office.

"So, give me names," Alex says, staring at the 3 genin.

The boy steps forward, his pink hair shimmering as he moves forward, a smile covering his face, "I'm Aki, and she's Natsuki!" He says, Natsuki nodding behind him.

"So, we have Vee, Natsuki and Aki, understood," Alex says in a stern tone. "Well, our first mission is a simple one, we are going to scout out the land, we need to make sure we aren't being targeted in this war."

"Understood." the genin say in unison, as Alex stands, and leading them to the front of the village.

"Are we ready?" Alex asks his team, who nods in response as they leave the village and enter the forest.

After a full day of scouting, they set up camp in the north of the land their village sits, with Alex keeping watch as guard whilst the others sleep. He didn't need to sleep, although he enjoyed it, it wasn't at all necessary for him due to the power he was bestowed by God.

A few hours pass and Alex hears a sound coming from the forest. Assuming it to just be an animal, he pays little attention until its source made itself apparent. A group of 4 ninjas, one Jonin, and 3 genin from the leaf village came into the clearing. Alex raised a Kunai, ready to slaughter them in an instant, but they didn't attack, instead introduced themselves.

"Hello, I didn't expect to see anyone here," The Jonin said, reaching out his hand for a handshake, which Alex accepted. "We're Shinobi from the hidden leaf, we were here on a mission but it was cancelled and are being recalled to the village, but we seem lost." He carries on, "Could we perhaps camp the night here?"

Alex was wary of the group but didn't want to meaninglessly kill in front of his students, who had woken up from the sudden appearance.

"Fine, but answer some questions for me." Alex started, "What was your mission here?"

"I'm sorry friend, that is classified information. We are in a war after all."

"I understand, we were actually about to move camp, could you please come with us, we aren't very strong..." Alex lied through his teeth, before leading them to the village gate.

"We're here," Alex said, instantly appearing behind the Jonin, binding him with some rope, whilst his students did the same to the genin.

"Wha-" the Jonin said, struggling to wriggle free. "Why are you doing this?!"

I hope you enjoyed it, I really don't care about grammar, spelling, or consistency with this novel, I'm just writing down stuff because I am bored. Please leave comments, I like comments :)

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