


I started to sweat internally a little bit, reforming my plans

Initially, I had meant to maybe wake up in the woods somewhere in the Scottish forests, maybe practice my magic for a couple years, meet some magical creatures and wait for Voldemort to die

Now, however, I'm going to have to deal with Hogwarts Shenanigans, along with Dumbledore and his scheming..

Though, I may not even have to deal with Dumbledore

I might have to deal with Dippet or Umbridge

Death could have put me anywhere...

I shook my head

He wouldn't do that. He wants entertainment and where better than the original timeline


'Ow! What the hell was that?!'

My eyes opened a little and wandered around the liquid environment, landing upon another figure beside me

'I have a Sibling?!'

Upon closer inspection of the body, it looked fairly well formed meaning that we were close to birth

'A sister? Hmmm..'

Speaking of the devil, the walls around us started to contract making me cringe in slight surprise

'I guess I'll go first, I really do not want to be abused by a stereotypical older sister..'

I slid my head towards the opening and began to push myself out with the aid of the world around me


My eyes were bombarded by the bright hospital lights and the air coming into my lungs burned like Lava was being poured down my throat

'Fuck! What the hell?!?'

I started to scream from the pain, making me cry in the process

"First one is out, it's a boy! Second is coming in closely" I heard a British voice say

In the background, I could also hear a female voice screaming her lungs out

"Come on honey, just pus- AHHHHHHH!!"

What I could perceive as another male voice tried comforting the woman, but got his hand squeezed to dust instead

"Second one is here! A girl, Congratulations Ma'am!" The doctor told the woman who stopped screaming in favor of panting heavily

"Oh Thank the lord..." She said, before 'passing' out

"Helena?! Helena are you ok???" The second male voice, what I presume to be my father, asked worriedly

"Ms.Penn? Can you hear me??"

The woman still wouldn't respond as the heart monitor was going weaker and weaker

The doctor pressed a button on his waste as a group of nurses poured inside

"We need her in emergency, stat!!" He yelled as the bed was rolled off

My father just looked on, tears streaming down his face

My sister and I cried even harder, witnessing this scene

'What the fuck death? Seriously??'

My blame was for the man up above, the asshole

The two of us were brought into a room with a bunch of other babies, being left in our own crib

I mentally punched myself

'I can't get sad at every death I see. Hell, she may not even be dead..'

Letting go of a breath I didn't know I had in, I closed my eyes and began to focus on my inner energies

'Take my mind off everything that's happening at least..'

Eventually, I began to rhythmically breath in and out, clearing my thoughts completely




The cry of my sister interrupted my meditation, snapping me back to reality


Looking around, all of the objects in the room were a mess, strewn out onto the floor in various ways

'Was that my magic??' I was shocked. Had I unlocked it this soon?

The nurses ran in hearing the screaming and saw the mess that I created

One of them huffed "Tom really needs to learn how to clean up after himself, I don't care if he's the son of the boss"

They cleaned up and walked out, not suspecting a thing

I slumped back down in my crib, dumbfounded

'They didn't suspect anything? really?? Huh..'

The door opened once again, my father walking in by himself looking a little bit better

He walked up to our crib and picked us up with a small 'hup'

"We're going home you two, your mother will be fine, I'm sure" The man smiling a little bit

I mirrored his smile, my sister not doing anything due to her being passed out

'Step one is complete'

'Step two : Cultivate my Magical power'

Dumbledore is going to be bashed slightly. I really can't believe he didn't orchestrate Harrys years all himself

I'm really trying to kill off people left and right today. First Lisa and now almost Helena. I need to lay off the sad influences..

I didn't want to write in everything that needs to happen for newborns so just imagine they did all of that in the span of Jacks magic being awakened and their father coming in

I'm also going to go Gray. Dark and light is gross, so middle ground it is

Faveryycreators' thoughts