

[There is one universal belief that is spread around this world

'People are afraid of the Unknown'

Things like unanswered questions - 'Is there a true god?' or mythical locations 'Is El Dorado real? ..'

Many people have come up with theories for answers to these questions, commonly known as conspiracy theories

These theories have gone above and beyond in trying to give an accurate answer to those unanswered questions, and have even been somewhat successful in giving humanity some sort of closure

But there's one question that has still gone unanswered over the Millenniums of life in this vast universe

'What happens after we die?'...]

I shut my computer down and stretched, rubbing the bags out from under my eyes

"That's enough YouTube for tonight... Why was I even watching conspiracy theory videos in the first place? Stupid video algorithms.."

Looking at the clock on the wall, it showed '3:14'

My eyes widened "Shit! I have work in four hours! Damnit!!" I shouted with frustration

This was the third time this week that I stayed up this late, all three times I had work, and the previous two times, I was late

"This is my last strike.. I can't be late" Resigning myself, I set one alarm on my phone for one time at 6:30

..That was a dumb move









The sun shone through the window like a Flashbang on ultra. The room was blistering hot, the AC having been broken a week ago

I tiredly picked up my phone, careful not to smear it in my sweaty hands

[ 9:27 AM ]

[(23) Missed Call(s) From ; Manager]

As soon as I saw that, my expression fell like a bag of gold thrown in the marina trench

"What the hell happened to my alarm?!" I hurriedly got up, grabbing the nearest set of clothes to me

"When did I ever eat peanut butter...?"

Whatever, I'm most likely going to get fired anyways...

"Let's see.. Bus money, keys, Wallet..." Everything here, good

I ran out of my apartment and hurriedly locked the door, running down the six flights of stairs I was on and heading to the nearest bus stop

"The next bus gets here at 9:45, I'm almost five minutes away.."

[ 9:42 ]


My legs began to sprint, I couldn't be any later than I already was. This job was literally my lifeline!

"Left.." No cars ok

"Right.." No cars...

The first steps out onto the road were casual. I had cut my time to a minute and the bus stop was right in front of me, I didn't need to be worried...





And it all went black








"AHHHHH!!!" I awoke from my nightmare with a jolt, patting my body all over

I checked the time one more time "Come on..."

[6:40 AM]

"Oh Thank god.." I sighed in relief, slowly getting up from the bed

This time I actually took a shower, put on some clean clothes, and had some time to spare to eat breakfast

"Bacon and Eggs? Nah... Uhhh, toast should be fine.."

I placed the slices of bread in my shitty toaster, slathered them in butter and took a bite

...Only I couldn't chew it

Accidentally, I swallowed the piece of metal bread and it got lodged in my throat


It couldn't come out, no matter what I tried. So if my last moments, I looked in the toaster to see what caused my death

It was a small lug nut that had somehow fallen off and had melded into the bread slice

'Death by metal nut... Shit..'

I fell down onto the cold floor, face going a sickly purple color, veins pumping furiously to keep me alive but the nut wouldn't allow it

And then it went black again...






My eyes opened yet again to the sight of my plain white bedroom, sun shining through the window like it wanted to melt me to death, and the temperature trying it's best to help it

My eyebrows furrowed

"Something is wrong here" I muttered under my breath

Suddenly, the room distorted and everything went a blinding pure white, with me falling to my ass with the lack of a bed

"Interesting... Cause of death : Heart Failure.. Hoh? You only needed two cycles of Purgatory to break out! Impressive.."

Looking around to see who said that, I came face to face with an old man

Not just any old man though. This old man was dressed in an all black robe. His arms were skeletal and in his hands was a huge Metal scythe

"Greetings! I am Death!"

I went slack jawed


We are back!

This is a sort of rewrite/spirit child//Spin off of my first naruto novel, which some of you might have seen before 'Yet another Naruto Fic'

This one is going to start out a bit differently, and I'm going to try and pace it much better than last time. Keyword try

Of course, from the title, this is going to have multiverse traveling. Pretty much anywhere tbh, so suggest some worlds?

P.S : This won't interfere with my RE fic, for those wondering, byeee

Faveryycreators' thoughts