

Our dad brought us home safe that night, which was a great relief

Also, I figured out that we were in London


Well, we drove beside gigantic clock tower on our way home, that's how

Speaking of home, we were living fairly well off

It was a two story, five bedroom house with a bunch of space out in not quite the suburbs of London

That's where all of my plans came to fruition

My mother was let out of the hospital a few weeks after I was reincarnated, giving me my first good look at her and my father side by side

She was a woman of a medium height, about 5'8, a dirty blonde curly haircut that reached her shoulders and poofed out like a lions mane. Her eyes were a bright silver, glowing a little whenever it got dark

Her face was chiseled and didn't have any sort of imperfections besides a scar that went down her right eye from an accident in her childhood

Our father, who we figured out was named Sean, was a really Tall man, almost 6'4 and having to duck under a lot of the doorways

His hair was a dark ginger, straight and combed to the side. His eyes were colored a dark green that you could compare to Harrys. His face was thin and covered in a light stubble

They were both in their mid twenties, which was really surprising for owning such a large house

Anyways, enough about my new parents and more about how I'm doing

They named me Jack, like my previous life, which was a godsend. Jack Penn was my name, no clue if it's related to Pendragon or something but whatever

I looked like a perfect mix between both of the elder. Ginger colored, curly long hair that reached my ears by the time I was two, and green eyes with hints of Silver that shone when it was dark

My sister turned out to be my twin, looking exactly the same as me, really. My parents named her Sophie, Sophie Penn

Besides that, I showed off my genius all throughout my years, obviously

At a few months old I learned to crawl, and at 7 months, I began to walk

Reading, of course, was no problem from prior knowledge, so that was completed at One years of age

Surprisingly, my Mom /was/ descended from a line of mages, but she wasn't aware of it at all

Yup, they were muggles


"Mah! What's this book??"

I had just finished most of the 'library' (Bookshelves) in the house and had begun to look through the attic for anything new

I heard her step up the wooden stairs and poke her head up into the dimly lit space

"That? That's a family heirloom that's been passed on for generations now, only nobody has been able to open it since the 1300's, so I assume it's just broken"

Of course. she didn't even know if I understood all of that since I was only two (That read all of the books in the house, however, but she didn't need to know that), so she just stepped back down after warning me not to play with anything dangerous

Looking back at the book, it made me wonder

'So couldn't this be activated with Magic?'

It would make sense. If the line had just been Squibs or Muggles since the 1300's, then magic should be the key

I had been practicing only with channelling my magic throughout my body, reinforcing my muscles and bones with it, so I channelled it into the leather lock it had over the spine


Hearing the lock click, made me grin like a madman

I opened the cover and was greeted by a few lines of text on the first page

'Familiar of blood, drop your life force onto this paper and be tested'

I assume 'Life-force' would be a drop of blood, so I started searching around for something sharp

I would have opened up my inventory and pulled out that Senbon needle I got or the sword, but no matter what I did it wouldn't open, so I assume it will open when I get to Hogwarts or something


'Rake.. Old photos.. Wooden sculptures..'

"Jeez, they have everything but sharp things up her- Aha! An old kitchen knife set!"

It was hidden way in the back corner, behind a bunch of stuff

The block they were on was carved with what looked like runes

Again, no inventory so I can't study my book of runes at all


Pulling the blade out of its wooden sheath, it almost blinded me from how reflective it was

The back of the blade was covered in a filigree of a rising tree, made of a bright silver and very sharp

How I could tell it was sharp?


The thing almost cut to the bone with a slight push, even through all of my slightly magically enhanced skin


The blood dripped off my exposed appendage and fell on the books pages, covering the letters


It started to hum for a moment before the words and letters started to change and move

'The Grimoire of the Ancient and Noble Family of Penn welcomes you, descendant'
