

"Time to choose your next world!"

My eyes widened with excitement

"Hell yes!!"

I ran up to his position, walking back to the spot where we started but not stopping there

I looked back with confusion "Uh, we aren't going back to the starting room?"


"Then where-?"

"Just wait and see" He cut me off, not bothering to look back at me

Staying silent, we continued walking in the silence of the void..



"Ok, seriously where are we going?"

Death burst into knee slapping laughter, falling to the ground

My eyes twitched

"Seriously?" I growled

"HAHAAA!! Hoh, Phew. Ok!" He stood up and brushed himself off before reaching in his back pocket and pulling out a big book, handing it to me

"Here's the catalogue. Take your time choosing, I literally have all of eternity" He said, conjuring a lawn chair to sit on

I glared at him one last time before opening the book up

'Let's look at...'


"Hmm?" I heard death grunt

"Why the hell does Spongebob cost 100 Trillion Karmic points?!?"

He pulled the sunglasses he somehow got off his face and looked at me blandly

"Why the hell do you think? You literally can't die there. That universes god of death is dead himself and my manager won't let me take it over so of course it's going to be expensive!"

That of course made sense and shut me back up

'Ok, so cartoons are out of the question... Seeing as how I got Harry Potter Magic..'

[Harry Potter Reincarnation - 1,000,000 KP]

'One Million?'

"Why is Harry Potter so low?"

I heard death sigh "For multiple reasons. One, there is a high chance of dying there. Two, it's mainly occupied by normal humans and three, you already have the main source of power there which cuts the price down significantly"

Nodding, I looked back at the book

"Well I think this is where I want to go"

"You sure?" He took his glasses off again "Because you won't be able to change your mind until you either die again or become a God of that universe"

"Yeah. I know the universe and the power source so it's a decent choice for me"

Death grinned and the book levitated out of hey hands towards him before it disappeared

"Right, well time for buffs and stuff" He conjured another book and threw it towards me, which I barely caught

I ignored the man and opened the book, taking a glance at everything in there

[Enhanced Rune Learning - 25,000 KP]

[Charm Book - 100,000 KP]

[Tuned Wand - 250,000 KP]

"Wait, can these transfer to other reincarnations?" I asked as the thought hit me

"Yeah, if you pay twice as much"

I hummed quietly and looked back in the book again

"I guess I'll take the Tuned Wand, The book of Charms, Enhanced Rune, Charms, and Curses learning and..." I flipped the pages for one more thing to spend my Karmic points on

I flipped to one page that caught my eye

[Ancient Wizard Heritage - 750,000 KP]

'Damn, that's almost as much as the reincarnation itself..'

"..and Ancient Wizard Heritage"

Death's grin nearly split his face as the book flew out of my hands once again

"Knew you would take that one, just know that you could be born in any Ancient houses, Noble or not"

He got up off his lawn chair and brandished his scythe

"This may hurt.."

"Wait wha-?"

I was cut off by the scythe going straight through my midsection, splitting me straight in half

'What the fuc-'

The world suddenly went black yet again and I was no more










'Where am I?'

'Why am I so slippery and why can't I see?!'

'What the fuck got into that God of death?'

I mentally sighed and calmed down, beginning to think about my current situation

'Ok, I'm in a cramped space, everything is really slippery and can't see..'

I froze as I realized what was happening

'I'm a baby...'


This takes place before death gets the authorization to destroy the Spongebob universe..

Couldn't really come up with anything else for this chapter, so it's only 700 words :c

Action will start next chapter, I think. At least Hogwarts and stuff

Faveryycreators' thoughts