
In the movie worlds with my system

A normal college student of blue star accidentally obtained a system fragment due to traffic accident while saving his friend he thought he was dead but when he opened his eyes he was in a movie with mission of collecting the system fragments which are in different world's First world: Mummy world Second world: Resident Evil world Third world: ????? i don't own any of the characters except the oc in the novel

lucifer_112 · Movies
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Chapter 179 : Meeting Chantico (2)

"Don't you think it is time for you to show up?" asked Alex as he looked at the fire.

The flame seemed to shimmer and coalesce into the form of a woman. She stepped out of the fire, her dress made of flickering flames. Her eyes glowed with the same warm light and her lips curved into a smile.

The woman had a beautiful face, with glowing orange eyes, a fair complexion, and long, flowing hair that was the colour of fire. Her garments were made from the same flames that had surrounded her when she first appeared.

"You found me so quickly," said the woman as she stood up in front of Alex looking at Alex interestingly. She felt he was more handsome in person.

"How can I not since your divine power was overflowing throughout the island, goddess Chantico," said Alex.

Goddess Chantico was an Aztec goddess of fire and volcanoes, as well as the goddess of the home and its hearth. She was also the guardian of family unity and the provider of protection against fire and other natural disasters.

"Hmm, I wanted to meet you so I did that, " said Chantico with a playful smile.

"Now can you tell me why you want to meet me?" asked Alex, he was intending to find her but he didn't expect the goddess to make the first move.

Now he is confused. Why does this goddess want to meet me?

And also why is she looking at him like this? He felt something was not right.

"I'm just interested in meeting you since I hadn't heard anything about a god like you," said Chantico, showing genuine interest in getting to know Alex. Ever since she met him in her dream she always thought of Alex.

"Well it is not surprising, since I'm a new god," Said Alex hiding that he came from another world.

"New god? , I didn't think there was such a god born after this many centuries "said Chantico with a surprise on her face.

"Is it that surprising?" asked Alex, since he didn't know anything about the gods of this world.

Although he knew about the common structure of this world, he didn't know about gods as they were not mentioned in the movie that much.

"Yes, but why do I feel like you don't belong in this world?" asked Chantico with suspicion in her eyes.

"Why do you say that?" Asked Alex with a look of shock, how she knew that he didn't belong to this world?

He didn't say anything about him belonging to the otherworld.

"Well, every living being has a connection to the world they were born into. Even gods and goddesses are no exception."

"But I can see you have no connection to this world but when I tried to focus to look into it I was blocked by a mysterious force, which was far more powerful it is far above anything I have seen until now," said Chantico as she observed Alex's expression wanting to know what Alex's reaction will be.

"Wow, you noticed this much," said Alex as he was clearly taken aback by how she was able to sense this. As for the mysterious force, he thought it was the system because his system doesn't allow anyone to pry into his secrets of existence. How can a god-like her be allowed to pry into its existence?

But he was not vigilant, since if a problem arises he has confidence he can take care of her. Although he is not aware of her combat power, he can be sure his power is above her. As he knew that even if his power was sealed he knew he is still the strongest combat power in the world.

Chantico replied, "Yes, since you suddenly appeared in this world."

"Well now this is interesting." thought Alex as this is the first time that someone found that he is not from this world but he wondered why the gods in Percy's world were not able to find it.

He thought both gods in both worlds should be on the same level, but how can she be able to sense it

He then realized that he was not sealed by world conditions at that moment when meeting the gods in Percy's world. However, now that he had been sealed, he figured it might have been caused by that.

"So why did you want to meet me?" Alex asked, the reason he wanted to meet her is just he was interested in meeting the gods of this world and also in search of system fragments, but what is the reason for her meeting him?

"Even among the gods, there are not many male gods."

"So I was curious about and wanted to meet you," said Chantico.

"You mean that is the reason?" asked Alex as he didn't understand is that a reason to meet him, is she that desperate to meet male gods?

Can't she meet other gods?

"Yes, I also found you interesting and observed you for some time," said Chantico with a loving smile.

"So, you are the one who has been watching me?" asked Alex as he covered his body. Now he understood who had been watching him, now he was sure this goddess is really weird.

"Yes," said Chantico not denying that she had been watching Alex secretly

"Why would you do that?" asked Alex not understanding why she was observing him. Does she have any intentions for him thought Alex?

Chantico asked, "Can I ask you something before that?"

"What is that?"

"Can you fight me once?"

With a confused expression, Alex asked, "Fight you? ", why does she want to fight him out of nowhere?

Did he offend her in some way?

This goddess is really odd?

The way she looks at him is weird, and now she wants to fight him?

Are all gods crazy?

"Yes, I have something to confirm," said Chantico with a serious face, as her previous smile disappeared.

"Do I have to?" asked Alex with an uncertain expression on his face as he asked the question.

He is not in the mood to fight now. Ever since his power grew exponentially, he was not able to check his full power, so fighting while holding back is pretty difficult for him.

He also wanted to face someone stronger to test his limits.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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