
In the Light of Destiny

Three friends on different paths in life to make their dreams come true.

Aluna_Bloom · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 5

She smiles at him. With that smile his heart stops for a millisecond.

"It really is peaceful here. I think I have found my new favorite hide away place." She giggles.

"I like it." He smiles at her "Can I ask you a question Emma?"

"Yes, if I can't answer, don't blame me." She smirks

"It will be an easy question." He chuckles. "What kind of man do you like?"

She sighs "I want a man who can love me with all his heart. Someone I can make a family with. A simple man I feel safe with. Likes to take walks, read books to me and I can read to him."

"Sounds simple enough, I think I know someone." He says

"Really, you do?" she asks

"Yes, I will let you meet him later. But right now I think I should get you home because it is late." He gets up and holds out his hand. She takes his hand, it is warm, her heart speeds up at the contact.

They return to the car, driving down the highway they couldn't help to steal glances at each other. Soon they were back at her dorm. Kylen walks around to open her door. She smiles when he reaches for her hand to help her. When she steps out of the car her foot steps the wrong way, she falls into his chest as he catches her before she falls.

"Thank you." She says as she blushes in his hold.

" You're welcome." He can feel her warm breath as he holds her in his chest. She looks up at him with her gray eyes.

He couldn't help but to lean down to brush his lips against hers. Her eyes widen in shock but soon she recovers and starts to kiss him back. They pull away breathless.

"Wow" He whispers against her lips.

She smiles "Yes truly that was… Wow." she looks into his eyes. "I was having a wonderful day with you. I forgot to tell you that I got the third female lead in the show: "Helpless Hands'' I am working in the Brassica Agency."

"With Mr. Jonas?" He asks with his eyes filled with concern.

"Yes, I got tired of waiting for you to call me back." She raises an eyebrow

He rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah, we were going over a lot of candidates for a male role this last month." He smiles

"I had fun, I have been stressed out and this was a big help, thank you." She says

"You're welcome. Do you think we can have dinner next time?" He asked nervously

"Yes I would love to." She places a kiss on his cheek and goes to the building. Turning one last time to look at him with a smile.