
In the Light of Destiny

Three friends on different paths in life to make their dreams come true.

Aluna_Bloom · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 18

"Hello little sister." The voice says

"Hello brother, Do you know who this woman Kylen is in love with?" She asks

Sighing "Are you still trying to get his money? You told me you don't even love him." The man says.

"Yeah, now his brother is married, he never even looked at me even when I followed him overseas." She says. "Do you know who she is or not?"

"No I don't but I am not in his social circle. I think I might have an idea of who you can call." He says

"Really, who?" she asks

"Ledger, If anyone knows about Kylen he does. They were friends at one point and still have some of the same friends. He may have seen her or met her. I think he will be the best resource for something you want to know about him." He let out an evil chuckle

Wednesday afternoon, Emma's phone rings, it is Lia. She wants to see if Emma wants to go have a girls shopping day. Emma agrees to go with her. As she is leaving the condo she calls Kylen, when he doesn't answer she leaves him a text message letting him know where she will be and that she will be home late. While she is walking to her car she doesn't notice someone is waiting for her in a dark corner. When she reaches for the car door, suddenly a cloth is covering her nose and mouth, then she sees darkness. She wakes up to voices, her body is heavy, she can't move her arms and legs, she opens her eyes slowly. The voices are coming closer.

"I want you to take pictures of her and get her pregnant." A voice that belongs to a woman says

"I will be glad to do it." A male voice says

"That is the point, when he realizes she is pregnant by another man, he will label her as a slut and come back to me." She says.

"Ok, I will do it only because I have been wanting a taste of her ever since I saw her." He says. "I think I might have fallen in love with her." He laughs.

"I don't care how long you have wanted her, just do it already." She says

"Sure when she wakes up. I don't want to do it with a lifeless body, even one as sexy as hers." He chuckles.

Emma shuts her eyes, when she hears the footsteps coming closer to the room. She feels a body coming towards her. She felt his breath on her ear, the feel of his breath on her makes her skin crawl.

"You will be mine as soon as you're awake, I want to see your eyes when I take you and have my way with you." He breathes in her ear.

She opens one eye half way to see the man. When she sees the face of the man she gasps low so he doesn't hear. How can Ledger be this person? She thought. She looked out the window and it was dark outside. She looked at the moon shining through the window, hoping that Kylen would find her soon. She started to feel movement in her hands and legs. She was happy about that. The room she was in started to become colder. All she could do was have hope that Kylen would find her before Ledger came back to rape her.