
In the Light of Destiny

Three friends on different paths in life to make their dreams come true.

Aluna_Bloom · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 16

"She is a keeper." Mr. Kyle says

"Yes I love her with all my heart." Says Kylen

"When will you have children?" He asks

Emma's ears perked up when she heard the question. She is waiting nervously for his answer.

"Whenever she is ready, but I can't wait to be a father. I see you with yours and I get jealous sometimes. We are the same age and you already have four." Kylen says

Emma releases the breath she didn't know she was holding. She walks from the kitchen with a bag full of food, she hands it to Mr. Gretzl.

"Thank you again, the kids will love it." He says turning to leave

"You gave him all the food?" He asked with one eyebrow raised.

"No, I didn't, there is enough left for the two of us." she smirks

"Good, I love your cooking." He says kissing her lips.

The kiss starts to get heated. He starts walking backwards pulling her along with him. He starts to unbutton his shirt. He breaks the kiss long enough to get her blouse over her head. She places her hand on his belt buckle.

"Wait Kylen let's eat first" she says

"Food can wait, I missed you all day. I am glad you let him leave with food." He chuckles

"I need to tell you something important." She breathes out.

She tries to get him to stop so she can tell him the news. He kisses her neck and she lets out a small moan. Forget it can wait, she grabs his face and starts kissing him on the lips, she licks his bottom lip, he opens his mouth to let her play with his tongue. He picks her up bridal style and takes her to the room. Removing her skirt he groans as he sees her perfect body made just for him. He removes the rest of his clothing along with hers. She looks at him in his eyes.

"I love you, Kylen" She says with nothing but love in her eyes.

"I love you too baby." He says back to her. With that he leans down and kisses her.

He slowly kisses her down her neck to the valley of her breast. She can feel the heat of his lips wherever he kisses her. He starts to rub her left breast while he sucks on the other, soon he starts to show the left side the same attention. She starts to moan. He smirks against her skin, that is his favorite sound, letting him know she wants more. He places himself between her legs and with one thrust he is in her fully. She moans louder as she bites her lip to hold it back. He pinches her nipple, the moan she was holding came out as a pleasure scream. He smiles looking down at her.

"Fuck Emma you are so tight, I love you so much. I want to love you forever." He says while thrusting in and out of her.

"Kylen, I am cumming." She screams

"Cum for me baby." He says reaching his own climax

"Fuck, Emma." He grunts as he shoots his cum inside her.

When he is done he lays next to her the only sounds that can be heard are heavy breathing. Emma turns on her side and smiles as she sees Kylen is about to close his eyes, she decides that she will tell him the great news.

"Kylen, are sleep?" she asks

"Almost, do you need something?" he asks.