
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

This Function Should Be Released Sooner!

This fairy net map!

There are other functions.

A map application can design incredible functions such as navigation.

Not all of them.

The Lord Tianyan is really admirable.

Countless cultivators immediately continued to look down the introduction page.

"Favorite function, you can save frequently used places, and when you need to use it, just click on the navigation.

Seeing this, all the cultivators nodded.

The collection function turned out to be like this.

But this collection function is also very convenient.

After all, some will travel multiple times.

If you have to enter it every time, it is indeed a bit troublesome.

And with this collection function, you can directly collect important places, and click directly when you want to go, which is extremely convenient.

And if somewhere in the depths of the mountain, you encounter an immature elixir.

You can also bookmark this place directly on the Xianwang map.

This is much more reliable than relying on head records before.

In short.

Although this collection function is not as amazing as the navigation function.

But if you think about it carefully, it is also a very convenient function.

And under the collection function.

There are other functions.

"Offline store scoring function: Immortal cultivators can rate offline stores and publish literary reviews.

"The rest of the cultivators can check the ratings and reviews of the store."

"To evaluate a store, you need to ensure that the comments are true. If there are false comments or malicious comments, the right to use the map of Xianwang will be banned. In serious cases, the right to use the entire PHS will be banned."

Evaluation function?

Seeing this function, the eyes of all the cultivators lit up.

They are no strangers to the evaluation function.

Whether it is Xianwang Taobao, or Xianwang Cangjing Pavilion, there is an evaluation function.

Even Xianwang Task Hall has the function of mutual evaluation between employers and task performers.

As for the benefits of the evaluation function, the cultivators have already felt it.

For example, the shopkeepers of Xianwang Taobao, even if it is an online store opened in Holy Land, the customer service inside will be polite to them.

If there is any problem, it will be dealt with as soon as possible without any delay.

And all of this is because of the evaluation system.

Ratings are related to the display ranking of stores and store products.

The higher the display ranking of the store, the more customers it can attract, the better the business and the more money it will make.


If your rating is too low.

Immortal cultivators will feel scruples and choose other shops with higher ratings.

This makes all the online shops in Xianwang Taobao, how can they not care about ratings.

The service is naturally in place.

The same is true for the Immortal Net Mission Hall.

Because of the scoring system.

Employers will not be too harsh.

And the task executors will also try their best to do things well.

After all, if you make the other party dissatisfied, even if the task is completed, you may get a low score.

When the time comes, low-scoring employers will issue tasks.

Immortal cultivators may be unwilling to accept the other party's tasks because of the other party's low rating and fear of trouble.

Unless the other party gives a price far exceeding the market average price.

For employers, a low score means that it will cost more spirit stones to issue tasks.

And if the task performer has a low score.

It may be directly ignored by the employer, and it is impossible to receive a good job to grab.

I can only accept some low-paying jobs that no one wants to do.

In short.

There is no advantage in having a low score, but it is all disadvantages and affects the interests.

In today's Xianwang Mission Hall, both the employer and the mission executor are quite polite and have a harmonious relationship.

So for the evaluation system.

Immortal world is particularly recognized.

And now.

This Xianwang map has even created an evaluation system for offline stores.

It couldn't have been better.

After all, for many immortal cultivators, although there is now a fairy net Taobao shop.

Many things can be purchased online.

But after all, it takes time to wait.

Sometimes certain items are needed urgently.

Still have to go to the offline store to buy.

But in offline stores, the service can only be said to be spotty and appalling.

There are countless ways to deceive people.

Immortal cultivators were used to it before, so it was fine.

But with Xianwang Taobao for comparison.

Immortal cultivators are particularly disgusted with the services of offline stores.

But there is no way to spurn it, because it is simply inseparable.

So you can only look for familiar and word-of-mouth stores as much as possible.

It's okay in the area where I often live.

I also know which shops have a good reputation and don't cheat people, so I won't be cheated.

But if you go to an unfamiliar place.

That's hard to say.

If you ask a local immortal cultivator which store has a good reputation, the other party may be a trustee.

In short.

Shop online.

Countless cultivators have suffered countless losses.

And now.

In the map of Xianwang, there is actually a scoring system for offline stores?

It couldn't be better.

When going to a place you have never been to in the future, if you need to go to a store.

You can directly check the rating and view the comments.

As long as you just skip those with low scores, and the ones that say cheating in the comments, you will basically not step on the cheating.

And if you are cheated.

That doesn't mean you can only swallow your anger like before.

Instead, you can wait until you are far away, give a low score, and speak out what happened to you.

And the low score and the content of the comments can make more immortal cultivators shut down.

So that the black shop earns a lot less Lingshi.

for a while.

Countless cultivators immediately rushed to experience this scoring function with great interest.

Even cultivators ran to Xianwang Weibo with great excitement to share the good news.

"Good news, good news, offline stores also have a rating function, through the map of Xianwang, you can see the ratings of offline stores, and you will no longer be afraid of being cheated by unfamiliar places||!

"There is a scoring system. Doesn't that mean that the service of offline stores will also improve, and those store deacons who sell high-end pills will no longer look at people with their noses arrogantly?"

"I'm depressed! Why didn't this scoring function come out sooner? I went to a mountain range to hunt monsters these days, because I was in a hurry to use spirit stones, and I couldn't wait to go home and sell the materials. I found a similar looking one in the local area. The market sells materials."

"Because I suffered too much, I asked the price first, and only then took out the materials when I thought the price was fair."

"As a result, as soon as the other party received the materials, they immediately turned against each other, saying that the materials were incomplete, there was something wrong with the cutting method, and so on, and the price was directly lowered to 30% of the price offered by the other party."

"I didn't want to sell it at the time, but the other party didn't return my materials at all, just throw me the spirit stone and let me go!"

"I was so angry that I was about to go crazy, but the other party's shop was in the late stage of foundation establishment, so I didn't dare to do anything wrong, so I could only leave in despair with the spirit stone.

"If the map of Xianwang had released this function earlier, I would not have been cheated!"

(Li Wangzhao) "However, at least I can take revenge on their family now."

"I have already found their home on the map of Xianwang, and gave them a one-star review. I also told them all about buying and selling by force. It's a pity that the minimum is one star, otherwise I really want to give his home a rating. a zero star."

"But with my bad review, it's not that simple for their family to cheat people again!"

"Monster Mountain Range, upstairs, I probably know who you are talking about, this family has a very bad reputation, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, the locals don't do business with them at all, they rely on immortal cultivators from other places.

For a while, Xianwang Weibo was extremely lively.

Countless cultivators, because of the scoring function of the Xianwang map, recalled the past when they were cheated by offline stores...

But in these black shops, there are strong people in charge of ordering dishes.

They had no chance of revenge at all before.

But now, the opportunity finally came...

Countless immortal cultivators have found those black shops that made them unforgettable and taught them profound lessons in the map of the immortal network, and left their angry comments...