
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

The Popularity Is Skyrocketing! Immortal Cultivators Are Conquered!

And is it safe?

It's just too safe.

I often go to Fengmingfang City to buy things.

The middle road has been walked many times without any danger at all.

And take the teleportation array to Tianyuan City.

It is extremely safe.

However, the transmission fee for five middle-grade spirit stones is not cheap.

For an immortal cultivator like him in the Qi refining period.

If you can walk by yourself, you can walk by yourself.

Would the saved spirit stones be used to improve one's cultivation, or would it be disdainful to use them to buy cheats at Xianwang Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?

Therefore, this immortal cultivator in the Qi refining period immediately looked at the route below.

I want to see other than the arrival of the teleportation array.

Is there anything else.

As for the second route, there is indeed no teleportation array.

This route has a total of 1.2 million kilometers!"

"Safety index four stars!"

"It is estimated to take one hundred and eighty days!"

"This route selects all safe sections, and divides the route into 180 sections."

"At the end of each paragraph, there is a relatively safe rest point recommended. 31"

"Users are requested to go eastward for 3,200 miles to reach the foot of Guming Mountain, then move north along the foot of the mountain for 4,000 kilometers, and then arrive at Kongjiafang City. It is recommended to rest here!"

"According to the forecast, when the user arrives in Kongjiafang City, it will be almost night.

"Given that the user is in the late stage of Qi refining, this application should not rush at night, it is not safe enough, and the second journey can be started tomorrow morning.

"Route for the second day, please continue to move north for three thousand miles..."

second route.

It is the route to go to Tianyuan City purely by oneself.

I am one million kilometers away from Li Tianyuan City in a straight line.

And to walk there, it takes 1.2 million kilometers.

But this is normal.

Because with my cultivation in the Qi refining period, if I don't avoid some mountains, I can go straight.

I'm afraid I won't live for three days.

But the navigation function of Xianwang map is still a bit too outrageous.

He can even predict how many days he will arrive.

Divide the entire route into segments.

Each section will recommend a relatively safe place to rest.

Look at the first leg of the journey.

The cultivator had calculated it in his heart.

At your own speed, start now.

It is really possible to arrive at the Kongjiafang City mentioned above just before dark.

However, at the foot of the ancient Ming Mountain, there is actually a Kongjiafang City?

I don't know how long my family has lived here.

This fairy net map actually reminded me.

It is really powerful.

The immortal cultivator was so shocked that he carefully scanned the next route.

I found that the routes planned for myself by the Xianwang map are all safe routes.

Without entering any mountains, there will be a market or a gathering place nearby.

Go this route, as long as you're not too unlucky.

At the late stage of Qi refining, it is really possible to cover a distance of more than one million miles and reach Tianyuan City smoothly.

This navigation function plans the route.

It's just perfect.

After that, other routes also have different emphases.

Some speeds will be faster and the arrival time will be earlier.

But the security is much lower.

There are also several routes that are slower.

But much safer.

this moment.

This immortal cultivator is really convinced!

The route planning function of this Xianwang map navigation function is really perfect.

Considering all kinds of problems, I have planned several perfect routes for myself.

This immortal cultivator is sure.

Even staring at the map and thinking about it for a month.

There is absolutely no way to plan such a perfect route.

It's incredible.

This moment.

This cultivator was completely shocked by the navigation function.

It is even more joyful for the appearance of the navigation function.

Because of this navigation function.

Even if he is only an immortal cultivator in the Qi refining period, if he wants to go there, he only needs to follow the route planned by the navigation, and the safety will be greatly improved.

There are more places where you can go, so you have more.

If you are within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, what chance is there to be born.

You can also go there more safely.

The navigation function of this Immortal Network map is simply a must-have artifact for a low-level immortal cultivator like myself.

And at this very moment.

There are already countless immortal cultivators whose eyes widened in shock after experiencing the navigation function of the fairy net map.

This navigation function is completely different from what they thought before.

Before, they only thought that the navigation function was just a signifier of a road.

But after really experiencing it once.

Only then did they really feel the power of the navigation function.

no matter where.

The navigation function can formulate different routes according to the cultivation base of the cultivator.

The rich spend their money.

Those without money can also take the safest path for their own cultivation.

And it can be fast or slow.

It completely gave the cultivators countless choices.

Most importantly, even the distance and estimated time are clearly marked.

This allows the cultivators to plan better and make preparations.

Moreover, if you go to some areas that are too dangerous.

when using the navigation function.

Xianwang map will even remind you that it is best not to go there.

It perfectly avoids some situations where you are not familiar with the area you want to go to and may be in danger.

This powerful function, let alone a low-level immortal cultivator.

Even high-level immortal cultivators are in great need.

"This navigation function is really unbelievable. I didn't even know that there is a teleportation array eight thousand miles away from my cave, which can reach the fairy city through transit.

There will be at least half a month of travel time in the future!"

"The routes planned by the navigation function have different emphases. For immortal cultivators who seek stability, 173 can go slower, but for those who love to wander, they can choose fast ones. Every immortal cultivator has different choices."

"I never thought that there are so many options for one route, it's really an eye-opener!"

"For an ordinary map application, it is incredible that the Holy Lord can come up with such a magical function for it!"

"Indeed, I actually underestimated this app before, thinking that it was much worse than before. But now, I really know that I was wrong, not to mention other functions, just the navigation function

It is enough to make the Immortal Net Map a must-have artifact for immortal cultivators to go out!"

"The realm of the Holy Master is really not something we can guess."

this moment.

Countless cultivators in the entire world of cultivating immortals have been conquered by this miraculous navigation function.

Those immortal cultivators who were a little careless about the map of the immortal network, now face it squarely.

They are all amazed.

An ordinary map, in the hands of the Holy Master, can be created with such incredible functions.

The Lord Tianyan is really powerful.

At this moment, the discussion on the map of Xianwang, which was originally popular, rose wildly.

And many immortal cultivators who are too lazy to continue to experience it as soon as they see it is a map application.

I was also attracted by the navigation function discussed by the cultivators, and came to experience the new application.

Exclaimed incredible.

However, they soon discovered that they were shocked, and it seemed a little too early...