
In the end you weren’t worth it

She can’t help but have feelings for him, knowing he’s dating someone else doesn’t help her let go. She wishes she could stop, but at the same time can only think of wanting to be with him. Even knowing who he’s with and not wanting to hurt her. She tries to improve herself for him, but in the end, disappointment is the only ending for those who try too hard.

AlixGHF · Teen
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Reasons to ditch class

"Uhm..." Replied Ethan as he grasped the back of his head and thought hard about why he had dragged her over, his thoughts were, however, rather muddled. This was as at the start when he had been thinking about it and was going to explain he was hastily interrupted by Emma previously which had caused him to forget.

However, he soon let go of his head and instead used his hand to snap his fingers as he remembered why it was he had brought her over here and why he had decided to ditch his class im the first place.

He looked back towards Emma from which ever direction he had just been staring off into as he was lost in thought, and he then began speaking, "Oh, yeah now that I think about it, there was a reason I dragged you out here isn't there."