
In the end you weren’t worth it

She can’t help but have feelings for him, knowing he’s dating someone else doesn’t help her let go. She wishes she could stop, but at the same time can only think of wanting to be with him. Even knowing who he’s with and not wanting to hurt her. She tries to improve herself for him, but in the end, disappointment is the only ending for those who try too hard.

AlixGHF · Teen
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45 Chs

Formal introductions to acquaintances

"Well, apart from that, I also wanted to see you again, actually, I've wanted to see you ever since the last time. It's a surprise to see you here, though. Actually I didn't even know you went to this school, it's surprising." He shook his hand slightly above his head in a motion that Emma thought he had made to further show his surprise.

"…Since last time?" She asked curiously. She lifted her free hand to her chin and clutched it tightly whilst trying to think back to any times she might've met a weird guy such as this one before. She thought for a while before giving up with a sigh and looking at him somewhat impatiently for answers.

"Woah, you don't remember?" He said dramatically as if he had been deeply hurt, he clutched his chest, above his heart, and made fake sobbing noises.