
In the end you weren’t worth it

She can’t help but have feelings for him, knowing he’s dating someone else doesn’t help her let go. She wishes she could stop, but at the same time can only think of wanting to be with him. Even knowing who he’s with and not wanting to hurt her. She tries to improve herself for him, but in the end, disappointment is the only ending for those who try too hard.

AlixGHF · Teen
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

A peaceful lunch

Emma then smiled back at him, "I'm sorry again for bumping into you, I'll be more careful in the future, but you should probably go deliver the delivery, I don't want to keep your customers waiting!" She called out cheerily as she moved to the side to make way for Daniel to walk by.

"Yes, and don't worry, it's fine." He replied with a smile that matched hers, "Bye then, and make sure to drop by the shop later, I'll whip something up, specially for you." He added with a wink.

Emma's cheeks reddened slightly as she nodded her head up and down vigorously, causing Daniel to chuckle lightly before he once again began walking away from Emma to deliver the coffee.

Emma glanced at him briefly as he walked away before turning around and heading in the opposite direction herself. She began to hum to herself quietly as she walked.