
In the end you weren’t worth it

She can’t help but have feelings for him, knowing he’s dating someone else doesn’t help her let go. She wishes she could stop, but at the same time can only think of wanting to be with him. Even knowing who he’s with and not wanting to hurt her. She tries to improve herself for him, but in the end, disappointment is the only ending for those who try too hard.

AlixGHF · Teen
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45 Chs

A disaster waiting to happen

As she was listening to the girl talks her anger was building up exponentially, and after hearing everything the girl had to say, her anger exploded and she tried to put her feelings into words.

"Not a big deal?! That's… That's…!" The girl couldn't even find the words to describe how infuriated she herself was to hear that, she couldn't begin to imagine being the one going through that… her anger instantly dissipated and was replaced with pity and sadness upon seeing the girl's face. She felt terrible for the girl, she also felt awfully guilty as she'd been giving the girl a hard time when she'd evidently been going through so much already.

The girl racked her brains for an idea on how to cheer up the girl in front of her, just looking at her sad and teary face would make others feel sad and want to protect her. She was also worried others watching the situation may assume she'd been bullying the girl and that was why she was in tears. She couldn't let people ruin her reputation like that, her father had told her to always be an upright person, she mustn't let him down.

An idea struck her and she stood up, adopting her most warm smile in hopes of improving the girl's mood, "Hey, actually there's a new cafe that opened up nearby." She outstretched her hand and offered it to the girl to pull her up, "Want to go check it out with me? I heard it's good."

The girl still on the floor looked up at the bright face of the girl in front of her. She couldn't help but feel affected by the girl's warm attitude, and the infectious smile on the girl's face quickly spread to hers. Their smiles were almost blinding, the girl on the floor wiped the tears rolling down her face with the sleeve of her jumper and accepted the hand of the girl.

The girl pulled her up gently and they stood facing one another for a brief moment, they shared a warm smile and the girl then began pulling her away in the direction of the cafe.


After the incident, the two girls began to grow fonder and fonder of each other with each meeting, and with every meeting, they began seeing each other more and more.

At this point, they knew each other frighteningly well and spent the most time with each other. They always comforted and supported each other through hard times, they knew each other's weaknesses and strengths and they cared more about each other than they cared about themselves.

They'd been best friends for around 5 to 6 years.


Chris had been listening to the story intently, however, there was one thing that bothered her about the story, she decided to voice her thoughts as she tapped the table gently with her index finger.

"But… Emma, why were you crying that day anyway?" She asked with a hint of concern and a hint of intrigue.

"Actually her-" Ren began to respond when Emma interrupted her with a light nudge with her elbow and by placing her hand on Ren's shoulder.

"Yeah, actually, I dropped my ice cream on the ground 10 minutes before Ren found me. Tragic, right?" She looked straight at Chris with a face devoid of any and all emotion.

Ren turned to her and gave a look of confusion, but didn't refute what she'd said. Just how Chris also didn't say anything after having noticed the strange look Emma had on her face, and the uncertain and confused expression Ren had on hers.

She instead just smiled as usual and accepted whatever it was Emma wanted to tell her, she was especially fond of her, she understood that sometimes there're things you just can't share with others at a specific time, and wanted to respect Emma's feelings.

If Emma couldn't tell and trust her fully yet, she'd just try harder, and become a better pilled of support for her. As for now, the most she'd been able to offer was her warm and caring embrace, which Emma accepted eagerly, Ren pouted upon seeing the two have their moment and crashed the hug. The two let out light laughs and wrapped their arms around her too.


After Emma had returned home, she had been wondering about what to do in regards to the lecturer, Mr Thomas. Last time, she had failed in her quest of talking to him during lunch, which ended up in her falling asleep in school, but that's not the point.

Since he hadn't gone to the cafeteria it probably meant he hadn't been able to have any lunch, he'd also been looking really busy during this past week. Emma thought about what to do and decided perhaps she could try making him some lunch and bringing it to him or leaving it on his desk with a note.

With her spirits high, Emma got up from her bed and went downstairs. When she'd reached the kitchen she'd begun wondering what Mr Thomas might want to eat, she did like him, but that doesn't mean she would be such a stalker that she'd know all his likes and dislikes.

She couldn't remember anything in particular that she'd seen him eat, she'd always been too busy staring at his handsome face to notice what he was doing in particular. Emma decided to just check online to search what guys normally enjoyed eating, before realising she had no idea where she left her phone. She rushed back upstairs, and checked every cupboard and crevice, even knowing full well that there was no way it'd be in those places. Before finding it after she had trudged back down to the kitchen in defeat and saw it sitting halfway on the kitchen table. It looked as if it were close to falling off, she hastily picked it up and searched for possible dishes and their recipes.

In the end, she went for her third choice since they didn't have any of the necessary ingredients for the first one, and for the second it looked like it would take too much time and too much skill, both of which she didn't have. Her choice was lasagna, she began taking the things she would need out whilst reading the recipe.

Haven’t been feeling too well recently, hopefully I’m not coming home with something….

Feeling damn tired as well… Take care of yourselves readers! Don’t turn out like me LOL

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