
In The Dark:The struggles of love

My eyes was heavy with tears,I walked down the street with no direction in mind like an arrow shot into the air just to test how strong the hands of a warrior is. My parents would be so disappointed especially if they found out the guy who impregnated had denied and rejected the pregnancy. I'm a fool for believing Kelvin really loves me. That bastard. Amelia is in her last year in the University and is getting ready for her internship in her boyfriend, Kelvin's place of work. She found out she is pregnant and Informed Kelvin about it in which he rejected vehemently. Will Amelia birth the child? Will Kelvin come back? Will she go for her internship in the company? Will she find love again? Read IN THE DARK to find out how Amelia journey ended.

Babatunde_Aminat · Urban
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7 Chs

A New Phase

Victoria helped her daughter up and guided her to her room down the hallway.

She opened up the door and led her to sit on the bed. Amelia looked around the room slowly, trying to take in the arrangement of her room and the overwhelming emotion that was taking over her.

"It's going to be difficult," she said to herself.

Victoria who stood beside her, with tears shining in her eyes, held her daughter's hand and squeezed it.

"We are going to be fine", she assured

" Amelia, to go through this, you need to be strong, for you, me, and your baby" She continues.

Amelia thought about how to. continue, studying with her pregnancy, how to cope with her mental health, and how to build relationships with people again.

"It's going to be difficult to trust again" She whispered to her mother.

Victoria nodded and sat beside her still holding her hand.

"Amelia" She started.

"There is a lot to live more than you know, everybody falls and makes a mistake, I made a mistake too and that is how you came into existence. Your existence to me now is no longer a mistake, it's a blessing in disguise, you give me a reason to want to continue". She stopped to allow her daughter to process all she had said.

" You made a mistake too and I want you to accept it because that is one of the first steps to healing. You hurt me and you hurt yourself but I know we will heal" She stopped again while Amelia sniffed.

"For you to grow, baby, you must learn. Learn from your mistakes and past hurts, that's where maturity comes with healing. It's going to take time to heal, but you will heal" She finally stopped to listen to what her daughter had to say.

Amelia fumbled with her word for three seconds.

"Mom, how do I heal? On what basis should I heal? What do I do from here, how do I survive till I heal?

Victoria sighed in understanding.

" Time will heal you, Amelia".

"You said on what basis should you heal? You are going to have your baby, you can't bring the baby into all this. You need to heal for the unborn child. The baby deserves a mother who has healed from her traumas and past regrets. I made that mistake with you" She said now getting emotional.

"I brought you into all this, I didn't heal on time".

She held her mother's hand tightly.

" Mom, I will do better, I will heal," She said firmly with tears glistening in her eyes.

Victoria smiled softly and continued.

"You will finish your degree first and work on your career while taking care of your baby, I will be there through it all".

" You will survive it, Amelia. Do you know that to truly survive anything, you have to be full of faith that you will survive it in your mind" She continued.

Victoria raised her daughter's head with a finger and touched her chin lightly to keep her face on hers, with an affirming look, she mouthed, "Amelia, you will survive".

Amelia smiled softly and thought to herself.

" I was not expecting my mom's reaction to be like this, I was expecting violence and anger rather she understood and refused to castigate me or give me names.

Victoria noticed her daughter's faraway look and touched her face lightly. This act brought back her attention and she placed her hand on her mother's own on her face.

"Mom, I was expecting your anger, I didn't want to come home because I was dreading your reaction" She explained to her mother.

Her mother smiled and gently removed her hand from her daughter's face.

"You may have made a mistake, but I want to be your refuge".

" I want to be your safe zone, your comfort zone". Be vulnerable with me, I'm your mother".

"I need to correct you with love and understanding, that's why I'm your mother".

Amelia starts to tear up again at her mother's words. She felt so emotional that her heart started to hurt in a good way. She Hurt because she had made a mistake and had cried all day but she felt good because of her mother's comforting words and love. She pulled her mother in for a hug and cried while pulling her tighter to herself.

It was at that moment that she knew what was meant by A mother's love. It's one of the strongest feelings in the world.

It's just natural. And that's what she is currently experiencing.

At that moment, she thought to herself" I want to be more, I want to do more". That was when she felt a surge of energy to do well for herself, her mom, and her unborn child. She touched her stomach and rubbed it with love.

"My baby", she said softly.

How is it?

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