
In the anime verse with Discounts

Yugo dies and is given a second chance by god he tells Yugo that he can chose what world he wants to reincarnate into after Yugo chose god brought out a spinning wheel with a bunch of different things written on it they were powers he could get god spung it and what Tugo got shocked both of them I don’t own MHA only my characters so...

Green_Wood_3759 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

New world

After class me and my team went to the training field once we got there I said." Okay today we are going to start training we are going to be here a long time so call your parents to tell them." They all called their parents and told them after I said." Good now Bakugo you will be putting your hands in boiling water to make you sweat a lot to make bigger explosions Shoto you will be practicing control you will put fire in you hand and put ice in your other hand and put all your power into them while keeping them that same size Uraraka you will have me throwing things st you this will improve your reaction time and help you do a better job a defense the things will go from big to small Jirou you will put you ear plugs into the ground and make sound waves as far as you can when you as far as you can then go as far under the ground as you can Tenya you will be running around the field without the use of your quirk Kirishima you will be doing the same thing as Uraraka but you will let them hit you Momo you will be eating make sure to gain a lot of fat you will need it tomorrow Deku you will run your quirk around you body and don't turn it off." Everyone started doing what I had asked them I was throwing things a Uraraka and Kirishima They all were working hard after 4 hours of this I said." Okay time to head home make sure to eat well and go to sleep early goodbye." When everyone got home their parents asked what they looked so dirty and tired they told them about what happened at school the parents weren't very happy about it but they knew it was to make them stronger but they did want to meet their captain so they asked their children to get him to come over


At school everyone in the AMBU was asking me to come over to their house I agreed to all of them we got to class and today we were going to make our hero names I made my name Demon Fox they agreed to my name although it was a little weird they agreed after class my team and me went to training

3 year time skip

Today was the day that we graduate I decided it was time to go to a different world after graduation I went and told my team they were really sad because I was their friend and got them stronger but they had to except we said goodbye and then I used my world movement skill I went to a void there was a book in front of me that said

Please write what power you want and what timeline please I wrote great red's power and I write 4 months after canon I blacked out I woke in a small apartment I got up and looked around and went to what was the kitchen and made some eggs after I ate I looked around and found a computer I went on it and enrolled me into Kuoh academy the day as I was walking into the academy I heard a lot of people saying." Who is he is he a new transfer student he's really tall." When I got to the student council room I knocked on the door and someone said." One second I be right with you." After a minute someone opened the door she said." Hello I am Sona I am the student council president what can I do for you." I reply." Hi I am a new student my name is Yugo and I am coming to get my class schedule." She said." Oh yess I have been waiting for you here us your class schedule." I took my class schedule and went to my class I opened the door and the teacher said." Okay class

This is our new student he will be in our class so give him a good impression could you please introduce yourself please." ." Hello everyone I am Yugo I will not be answering any questions so don't ask thank you." After I said that I smell the one thing that I hate the most a cat I looked around and tried to pinpoint the smell then I found were it was coming from it was a small white haired girl with a cat hair clip I decided to ask her about it after class During class they taught things that I already knew so I was looking out the window right after we were dismissed for lunch I went to the girl and asked." Hey I was wondering if you have a cat or petted one on the road to school." She just shook her head and said." No but why do you smell like a fox." I was surprised I said." No I found some fox hair a couple weeks ago I was making a little fox out of it." It wasn't an entire lie

I was making a little fix but it was made out of my fur so I went to the lunch room but the girl went to her club room and told her president." I think the new student is weird I think there is something that he doesn't want us to know he asked me why I smelled like a cat but he smelled like a fox he said he was making a little fox out of fox hair but there are no foxes in this state or town so I think we should look into it." Her present said." Yes well Koneko sense he was cached your interest tell him to come to the club." Koneko nodded and went back to him when she got to him she said." My president would like to talk to you after school please." I nodded and said." Sure I'll will fallow you to the club after school." During the next class I had a feeling that someone was watching me someone was but the were out of the class room looking through the window in the door after school I purposely went straight home without meeting with Koneko but What I didn't know was that something was fallow me home when I thought I was alone I took out one of my tails and took some fur off it once I got home I started to make some food I made some and did my daily training after I decided to put a shield around my home but what I didn't know was that the thing fallowing me was connected to something and the people watching saw me with my tail the next day at school While I was in class someone knocked on the door and said." Could Yugo Yaoyorozu please come with me thank you." The one who said that was a handsome boy with blond hair I got out of my seat and fallowed him we walked to a room on the other side of the school and he said." My president wants to talk to you." I fallowed him into the room when I got in there I saw 3 girls and one boy one being the one that brought me here I sat down on the couch and the girls with crimson red hair said." Hello my name is Rias Gremory I am wondering what a yokia is doing in devil land." She looked at me and released some of her magic power as did everyone in the to try to intimidate me I was unfazed and said." What is a yokia I am not one of them also why are you all trying to intimidate me with your magic power as if I am weak." They all were shocked that their magic didn't do anything one girl in there was angry at me because she thought I was mocking them she was Koneko she punched me dust flew everywhere everyone was about to ask her why she did that because now that I was dead before that said anything I spoke." Now why did you do that Koneko why would you try to kill me you know the thing I hate about cats is that they all lose their temper so quickly just like you." As I said that I released some of my power everyone in the room dropped to the ground gasping for air I stopped and walked out of the room the president said." I need to tell my brother about this this is an emergency." After she said that she called her brother her brother said he will check at the end of the day he also asked were he is living she told him and then he hung up after school I went home once I got inside I went to take a bath I was cleaning my tails to be as clean as possible after my bath I went to put on my special clothes that have holes for my nine tails when I heard a knock on my door Bell I yelled." What do you want I'm busy." The person at the door replied." I'm Rias's brother I have come here for a Yugo Yaoyorozu." After I heard that I opened the door and there stood a crimson haired guy at my door I said." What do you want but before you ask I don't know what a yokia is so if that is what you need go away." He relies with." No that isn't what I want what I want to know is what you are doing here and what you are." I said." Okay please come." We sat on the one couch in my room and I said." First I am a demon fox with nine tails second I am here to have a normal high school life and third would you like to be my first friend here." He was shocked at all my answers and at my question he said." Okay I will be your friend what would you like to do." As he said that I got so excited I made a board out of my magic and made a two armys one was crimson red the other was pitch black I said." Would you like to play a war game with me the person who wins will get one free prize whatever it is." He nodded we played the game after half and hour we both had two pieces left he made the one move I didn't expect he moved his knight towards my sorcerer and won the game I was shocked he had a grin on his face he said." Okay since I win I want to know the full extent of your power." I then said." Physical or magically." He thought about it and said." Physically." I say." More powerful than anything in this world." He was shocked at my answer he was about to say something but we heard my door bell ring he said." I'll get it." He walked to the door and opened it and there was his sister she whispered." So what did you get out of him." He then said." Yeah I got a lot of things out of him and we are now best friends too." She was shocked she barged into my house while I was making more tea she yelled." Who are you and why are you friends with my brother just what are you." I then said with an aggravated voice." First it is not polite to barge into a house that is not yours and start yelling at the owner second why can't I be friends with him." I said all that while releasing some of my power on her she was on the floor her brother was scared for her so he was trying to pry her off the floor but she wouldn't budge seeing the scared face and his best friend he immediately stopped and ran to his room hoping that he will still want to be his friend both of them were very confused at why he ran to his room she said." Why did he do that he had a scared face on why would he be scared."