
In the anime verse with Discounts

Yugo dies and is given a second chance by god he tells Yugo that he can chose what world he wants to reincarnate into after Yugo chose god brought out a spinning wheel with a bunch of different things written on it they were powers he could get god spung it and what Tugo got shocked both of them I don’t own MHA only my characters so...

Green_Wood_3759 · Anime & Comics
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Discounts and new life

Both me and god were trying to process what had happened it landed on 9 free discounts on anything god finally said." Well nothing we can do about it now so chose what you want have fun." I sat there and thought days past and finally I said." Okay I know what I want." ." Wow you actually thought about this I thought you would take like an hour not seven days." Then I told him what I wanted.

1: I would like to be the nine tailed fox also I would like ears and nine tails on my body and be able to use the tails as I wish along with chakra to al of the nine tails chakra .

2:one punch man powers but I still have to train and I want to keep my hair.

3: I would like to be reborn in MHA.

4: I would like Deku to have a quirk.

5: I would like to be born into the Yaoyorozu family.

6: I would like a phone to be able to call you because you are nice to talk to.

7: I would like Ban's immortality.

8: I Would Like would like all the different types of chakra and I would like to know every justu.

9: I would like the ability to travel to different anime worlds and when I go to each worlds I They one power from that world.

With all of that said we said goodbye to each other I a blinding light and blacked out I woke up to someone saying." Congrats Mrs. Yaoyorozu you have two healthy baby's ones a boy the other a girl." ." What do you want the name them." The woman said." How about Yugo for the boy and Momo for the girl." The man said both of them agreed to those names.

4 year time skip

This year is the one were I awaken my quirk or my discount in the past 4 years I started training at 3 my parents tried to stop me but I wouldn't so they didn't bother to bring it up anymore my training regimen was OPM's regimen 100 sit-ups 100 pull-ups and a 10K run soon it got easier so I made the regimen harder soon it was 1,000 sit-ups 1,000 pull-ups and a 50K run. I went down to breakfast to eat my sister Momo had already awakened her quirk as I started to eat I felt an unbearable pain and fell to the ground screaming in agony after a while I blacked out when I woke up I was in a hospital I felt something fluffy touching my arm I turned and saw nine pitch black tails I ran to a mirror I also saw purple tech black ears my human ears disappeared to I was looking at my new features when suddenly a flood of information flew into my head it was all the justu I was ecstatic about this I was jumping in joy when I heard the door creek I immediately started the hand sings for chidory lighting formed around my hand I saw the person come in it was my mother I immediately stopped using the chidory she ran up and hugged me she said." Thank god you are all right I thought you were going to die but it was your quirk it seems that it is a powerful one at that." Soon I got discharged from the hospital we immediately weren't to the doctor to see what quirk I had we got my quirk was one that was new I got to name it the name was demon fox and chakra they were surprised at the first name but I kept to it.

11 year time skip

Today was the day that I take the UA entrance exam in the past 11 years I have been training my tails and my body then I mastered martial arts and learned how to use shrunken and And katanas I was a master at both of them but I still trained with them as I was walking to the auditorium I saw a familiar green hair boy we went into the auditorium and present mic told us what the test was I aced the written part then all of us went to our fields and the next part started I waited because I wanted to give them a head start they all thought I was stupid I stood there for 3 minutes and then I got into a running stance and disappeared soon they saw robots being destroyed one by one in seconds soon all the robots were gone At the end the test I was in first place I beat all might's score by 200 points. The next week I got a letter telling me I got into UA the next week I was walking towards class 1-A I got to the door I pushed it open and went to a seat soon I felt something touch my tail I thought it was the chair or something soon I felt my tail being stroked the sound that came out of me surprised everyone in the room I purred soon all my tails were being stroked I started to purr louder and louder finally I looked back and saw all the girls in the class and even some boys lining up behind me wanting to pet my tails my sis Momo was directing this she turned and saw me glaring st her she then said." Well I just wanted to pet you tail then you purred so now everyone want to pet them." Everyone nodded at me." Fine." I said then I wrapped my tails around all of them soon the teacher walked in and told use his name was Aizowa he then looked at me with stars in his eye before he could say anything I knew what he wanted I wrapped my tail around him to he was so happy he asked us to go to the training ground and said that we would be doing a quirk assessment test the first one wa a softball throw he said." Hey you blonde what was your farthest throw in middle school." The blonde said." It was 80 meters." Then our teacher said now throw it with your quirk Bakugo threw the ball while yelling DIE the ball flew and it was 706.3 meters everyone was amazed after a couple people throwing the balls the girls asked Momo who she thought would get first place she then said." Brother Yugo will be first no one is stronger than him." Some of them didn't believe her and thought Bokugo would win but after Yugo got first place they all went home when they got home Yugo went straight to training he kept training each day the next day we were told to put on our costumes and meet up st the same field they did the test at when they all got there someone yelled." I AM COMING IN FROM THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON." It was All Might everyone was like OMG it all might. He told us we were doing battle training I asked All might if I could talk to him in private he asked me what I needed I said." Could all of the teams fight me and could I chose 10 people to be on a elite team lead by me." He was confused at my request but he agreed we walked back to the class and All Might said." Yugo would like to tell the class something what he is about to say is approved by me." I walked to the front of the class and said." Hello all of the teams will be fighting me after the battle I will chose 8 people to be on a elite team lead by me cakes the AMBU black ops you all will get special privileges that no one else will get they are during villain attacks no teacher can they'll you what to do only I can do that second I have seen that everyone likes my tail so my team will have access to my tail at all times there are 8 different jobs for the people in my group they are heavy hitter, defenses,escape artist, scout, strategist,captain,vice captain,an trapper now that I have told all of you this you will have five minuets to make a strategy oh and Deku I would like to talk to you in private please." After I said that we walked to a private room and I said." You have a spot in the AMBU but you will get special training because you don't have control over OFA don't worry I won't tell anyone just wanted you to know." He was shocked at what I sad but he was okay with it back with the class Bakugo asked." Well Momo what is his weakness since you are his sister you should know." She just shook her head and said." No I don't know if he even had a weakness." Soon after the five minutes were up they decided to attack him all at once I was standing on top of a tall building soon people started go come at me from all sides I Higgs made air waves With my tails then something tied to hold me down I looked at my feet and saw ice there I smiled while breaking the ice I started to twirl my tails around making a tornado It pulled all of the students into the air I won the match we all went inside and I said." That was pretty good but only some of you will be on my team first is the people on my team they are me Bokugo,Shoto,Deku,Uraraka,Tenya,Jirou,

Kirishima now these are your jobs heavy hitters me Shoto Bakugo and Deku defense Shoto and Uraraka scout Jirou and Tenya escape artist are Shoto Bakugo and me strategist Deku and me captain me vice captain Shoto that is all after class meet me in the training field also call me captain."