
In TDG with Bleach System(dropped)

smut smut smut smut...... Netori netori netori..... Blackmail...blackmail......blackmail..... Action....action...action Pedo....pedo...pedo... cuck nie li.....cuck nie li...... Ass whooping of everyone that I don't like...... Face slapping...bashing..... cursing....lot of cursing. IF U DON'T LIKE IT DONT YOU FUCKING READ IT.....AND SAY HOW DISGUSTING OR RETARDED IT IS....IF U DO I SwEAR IM GONNA CURSE U TO OBLIVION. NOTE: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Vergin_till_now · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 11

"So were you able to achieve the basic bow form." Ban asked, after few seconds.

"Yes, but it takes a lot of soul energy from me and the surroundings so it's a little unstable for now....I am practicing on controlling my soul energy." Ning'er replied as she nodded her head.

"Ohh by that I remember did you hide your true soul power in Academy..." ban questioned, he knew the reason but still asked.

"Yes, I didn't want to gain too much attention... especially from the sacred family. If they knew I am already very strong they will surely try to speed up the arranged marriage. I need to lay low until I am strong enough." Ning'er explained her reason.

"Hmm...yea you are right about that." ban agreed.

"So how was your training and journey." she asked as she sat down on the grassy field.

It was almost time for the sun to set...so the temperature was good...for relaxing.

"Well for one, I am very strong. And other it was quite boring. Everyday was like hunting, eating, training more hunting and sleeping sometimes.

I really missed our time and wanted to come back sooner...but I had to resist that urge." he replied as he too laid down beside her his hand under his head.

'He missed me...he thought of me while he was away...' Ning'er felt happy and a pleasant feeling surged through her heart. Her cheeks turning a little red.

She then calmed herself and said, "I see, well now you dont have to leave...and even if you do take me with you. Now I am strong enough to protect myself."

Ban looked towards her and saw her gaze which exuded confidence gazing right back.

He then smiled and said, "Sure"

They then talked about few more things...

"So Ban I was wondering what kind of girl do you like, I mean....you know." Ning'er abruptly asked this which surprised Ban but he smiled and said.

"Well for one a girl who can cook delicious food and is just like you Ning'er." he smiled

"L... like me...You mean...you...like me? " Ning'er got flustered and was blushing very hard at Ban's reply.

"Hm? Why you don't like me?" he made a fake sad expression.

Ning'er seeing that quickly responded, "No no I...I mean I..I like you too Ban" she said all the blood gushing towards her face...'I..I finally said it...' her heart was beating crazy.

Ban then got up and said, "Well I guess it's time I give you the gift which I talked about before."

He then took out a necklace with Red tear drop like gem in the middle.

"May I?" he asked

Ning'er nodded her head like a chicken...and ban got behind her...he put on the necklace and said, "You look beautiful Ning'er, Will you be mine."

"Yes..." she whispered but he was able to hear it.

Bam pulled Xiao Ning'er into his embrace, picking her up in princess carry he flash stepped and appeared Inside a room.

Ning'er was surprised, "Isn't this too fast...i mean.."

ban didnt let her continue and dropped her on the bed. "You agreed to be mine, are you denying now....if you don't want to I wont force you. But remember from then on I can't be with you too...you know I am the sin of greed and being greedy is in my nature." he said while looking at her with a sad and angry face.

Ning'er who heard him wasn't able to think of anything, ' I don't like the look he is giving me now....no I agreed to be his...I shouldn't falter now. I don't want to lose him.'

She then extended her hands and said, "I am all yours ban." with all the love she had.

Ban slowly bought his lips upon hers, she responded messily trying to kiss back...it was her first kiss. Ban invade her mouth with his tongue tasting all the parts of her mouth. Ning'er slowly accepted his tongue and responded with hers.

Their tongues wrapped around eachother until Ban pulled back a saliva string forming as he noticed Ning'er hard breath. Ning'er was lost in pleasure.

"Hehe now that's the face I wanted to see my dear Ning'er." he laughed...he then quickly dove in and began kissing down her neck and pulled away her robes from her body to see Ning'er desperate struggle to cover herself with her arms.

"Are you still trying to hide yourself from me Ning'er." ban said....


He then Stood up and turned his back, "I guess you didn't like me...in the first place Guess it was just a little crush you had on me...since I helped you in your desperate time....Well I'll leave and you can dress up and leave too." he said as he started to walk towards the door.

'Fuck man....if she dont stop me my plan of taking her today will fail...' he thought as he took slow and short steps...

Ning'er who was shocked at Ban's words, felt like someone was squeezing her heart....and she felt like choking. Tears started to form on her face....





To be continued.

(A/n: So what's gonna happen...any Guesses. Will she let him fuck her or...ban have some other plans for her. Give reviews and powers stones to know...lol😝)