
In Pokemon With A System

Ayaan_Wasim · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Time Skip - Starting Journey

Time Skip 11 years....

Today is the day I will be starting my journey. In these past 11 years many things happened like getting some quest rewards, increasing stats, doing some research on a really 'awesome thing', learning more skills, going to school, but the most amazing thing that happened was all of my pokemons have evolved to their last form.

(Multiple Flashback)....

Violet gets a body....

[Hidden Quest (Complete) - Make the system fall in love with you

Reward - System will get a living body]

After getting this reward both me and Violet were very happy cause I also loved Violet and she feels the same towards me. She had short violet hair accompanied with violet eyes, she was very beautiful she had right curves in right places which could make anybody fall for her and I was no exception.

«Image Here»

From that day onwards we started to spend of my alone time together she also met wit Rouge, Rei and Levi (It's Treecko evolution kinda reminds me of Levi from Attack On Titan) they got along really well.

Rouge's evolution...

Today Rouge is going to evolve he had been holding it back for a long time to build a perfect foundation for it to become strong.

Rouge {Leo should I start}

Leo -"No no you can start now I'll also be passing my aura energy in your body to merge our aura together during the evolution it will help in making our connection more strong and it will also be of help in the 'thing' we are researching on" (Any Guess)

Rouge {Ok so I'll start now}

When Rouge said that I started pouring my aura energy in his body while also merging his and mine aura. His body was covered in a blinding whitish blue light with some visible changes going on with his body. This went on for 2 minutes the whitish blue light slowly faded and I merged our aura fully. When the light stopped I saw Rouge who was standing there in the form of authentic Red Lucario we both could feel our connection stronger than we ever felt which amazed.

«Image here»

Leo -"Hey Violet are you there"

When I said that suddenly Violet appeared next to me. When I saw her I kissed her lightly and then seperated from her. She then said with a blushing face

Violet [Yes my dear I am there where can I go also my place is near my lover]

Leo -"Violet can you show me Rouge's stats"

Violet [Ok one sec...Yea here it is]

[ Name - Rouge (Lucario)

Type - Fighting, Steel

Age - 4

Strength - F--

Agility - F--

Dexterity - F--

Intelligence - F--

(After each evolution you stats gets reset you keep your strength but you will have to work more to get to the same rank again)



(If hit with a dark attack, its attack increases) Prankster

(increases the priority of status moves by one)


(increases the effectiveness of same typing moves from the usual 1.5× to 2×)


Close Combat, Karate chop, Endure, Counter, Double team, Extreme speed, Focus energy, Mega punch, Mega kick, Protect, Quick attack, Sleep talk, Aura sphere, Cross chop, Brick break, Drain punch, Force palm, Focus punch, Agility, Focus blast, Sky uppercut, Vacuum wave, Reflect, Focus blast, Rest, Bite, Crunch, Blaze kick, Ir.on defence, Water pulse, Howl, Meteor mash, Shadow ball, Psychic, Earthquake, Dragon pulse, Shadow claw, Dark pulse, Sleep talk, Poison jab, Flash cannon, Metal claw

Egg moves:-

Rock smash , Sword Dance, Calm mind]

Leo -"😲 Wow.....He sure has gotten a lot stronger he even got a new ability it's just like my adaptability skill"

Rouge evolution (End).....

Rei evolution.....

She evolved a little bit later than Rouge due to some reason like she needs both ice stone and fire stone at the same time to evolve which we found out after some research cause she could not evolve with just ice stone and another thing was that she had to master all her moves and also she had to master her control over elemental energy so she could control her power easily after becoming Ninetailes.

And the fated day came she was going to evolve today I had gotten both the evolution stone.

Leo -"Rei are you ready"

Rei {Yes Leo I ready you can start}

Leo -"Ok here we go"

Saying that I put both the stones together in front of her then she touched the stones and a whitish blue light covered her also this time I once again released my aura and tried to merge with her elemental energy (A slight difference cause she is not an aura user). Her evolution took about a minute to finish and our connection got more strong.

She looked really beautiful she had now gotten nine tailes. Her fur got more smooth and silky with Ice white fur with some fiery red fur on it. She also got a Ice symbol on her forehead and in that symbol there was also a fire symbol in between.

Rei {Leo see I got stronger}

Leo -"Yea a lot stronger and also beautiful. Violet can you show me Rei's stats"

Violet [Yes Dear]

[ Name - Rei (Alolan Ninetailes)(Hybrid)

Type - Ice, Fire, Fairy

Age - 4

Strength - F--

Agility - F--

Dexterity - F--

Intelligence - F--


Snow Warning

(The Pokémon summons a hailstorm when it enters a battle)

Flash Fire

(Makes the Pokémon immune to Fire-type moves )

Snow Cloak

(raises ability-bearer's evasion by 20% in a hail storm)


Icy Wind, Ember, Swift, Quick attack, Ice beam, Ice ball, Fire spin, Fire fang, Heat wave, Bite, Flame charge, Dazzling gleam, Charm, Fairy wind, Ice shard, Double team, Fury swipes, Protect, Light screen, Reflect, Dark pulse, Agility, Extreme speed, Endure, Sleep talk, Fire blast, Flamethrower, Incinerate, Energy ball, Inferno, Will-O-Wisp, Hyper beam, Solar beam, Iron tail, Shadow ball, Rest, Overheat, Dream eater, Safeguard, Howl, Flame wheel, Blizzard, Zen headbutt, Ominous wind, Aurora beam, Avalanche, Freeze shock, Freeze dry, Sheer cold, Frost breath, Fairy wind, Moonblast, Moonlight, Play rough, Misty terrain

Egg moves:-

Hypnosis, Ice Fang, Draining kiss, Mystical Fire]

Leo -"🤯 Sh...she has quite a move set she also got a new ability I have pity for those who fight her"

Rei Evolution (End)...

Levi Evolution....

Levi had already evolved into Grovyle last year during training after that he has been holding back his evolution for building a sturdy foundation for it to become strong.

Same thing happened Levi now evolved into a Sceptile looked very strong.

(Too tired writing the evolution thing so cut it short)

Levi's stats....

[ Name - Levi (Sceptile)

Type - Grass

Age - 4

Strength - F--

Agility - F--

Dexterity - F--

Intelligence - F--


Lightning Rod

(When hit by electric type move, it deals no damage to the ability-bearer but raises its Special Attack by one stage)


(increases the power of grass-type moves by 50% (1.5×) when the ability-bearer's HP falls below a third of its maximum)


Pound, Leer, Cut, Quick attack, Absorb, Double team, Bullet seed, Leafage, Swift, Mega drain, Drain punch, Energy ball, Double team, Leaf storm, Sword dance, Solar beam, Iron tail, Leaf blade, Giga drain, Slam, Crunch, Leech seed, Focus punch, Agility, Rest, Dragon claw, Aerial ace, Dig, Grass knot, Slash, Thunder punch, Sleep talk, Mega kick, Mega punch, Acrobatics, Seed bomb, Fury cutter, X-Scissor, Protect, Dual chop, Frenzy plant, Earthquake, Focus blast, Dragon pulse, Bulldoze, Hyper beam, Dragon Breath

Egg moves:-

Grassy Terrain, Dragon Breath, Night Slash, Magical leaf, Synthesis]

Leo -".....I don't have words"

Levi Evolution (End)...

(Multiple Flashback) End...

So now you can understand how much powerful I have become now cause those were their old stats now they are more strong they didn't learn any new moves but instead they were master their old moves and then increasing physical stats.

Now their stats look like this.

[ Name - Rouge (Lucario)

Type - Fighting, Steel

Age - 15

Strength - S+

Agility - SS--

Dexterity - S--

Intelligence - SS++



(If hit with a dark attack, its attack increases) Prankster

(increases the priority of status moves by one)


(increases the effectiveness of same typing moves from the usual 1.5× to 2×)


Close Combat, Karate chop, Endure, Counter, Double team, Extreme speed, Focus energy, Mega punch, Mega kick, Protect, Quick attack, Sleep talk, Aura sphere, Cross chop, Brick break, Drain punch, Force palm, Focus punch, Agility, Focus blast, Sky uppercut, Vacuum wave, Reflect, Focus blast, Rest, Bite, Crunch, Blaze kick, Ir.on defence, Water pulse, Howl, Meteor mash, Shadow ball, Psychic, Earthquake, Dragon pulse, Shadow claw, Dark pulse, Sleep talk, Poison jab, Flash cannon, Metal claw

Egg moves:-

Rock smash , Sword Dance, Calm mind]

[ Name - Rei (Alolan Ninetailes)(Hybrid)

Type - Ice, Fire, Fairy

Age - 15

Strength - S++

Agility - SS++

Dexterity - SS

Intelligence - S+


Snow Warning

(The Pokémon summons a hailstorm when it enters a battle)

Flash Fire

(Makes the Pokémon immune to Fire-type moves )

Snow Cloak

(raises ability-bearer's evasion by 20% in a hail storm)


Icy Wind, Ember, Swift, Quick attack, Ice beam, Ice ball, Fire spin, Fire fang, Heat wave, Bite, Flame charge, Dazzling gleam, Charm, Fairy wind, Ice shard, Double team, Fury swipes, Protect, Light screen, Reflect, Dark pulse, Agility, Extreme speed, Endure, Sleep talk, Fire blast, Flamethrower, Incinerate, Energy ball, Inferno, Will-O-Wisp, Hyper beam, Solar beam, Iron tail, Shadow ball, Rest, Overheat, Dream eater, Safeguard, Howl, Flame wheel, Blizzard, Zen headbutt, Ominous wind, Aurora beam, Avalanche, Freeze shock, Freeze dry, Sheer cold, Frost breath, Fairy wind, Moonblast, Moonlight, Play rough, Misty terrain

Egg moves:-

Hypnosis, Ice Fang, Draining kiss, Mystical Fire]

[ Name - Levi (Sceptile)

Type - Grass

Age - 15

Strength - S+

Agility - SSS--

Dexterity - SS-

Intelligence - S--


Lightning Rod

(When hit by electric type move, it deals no damage to the ability-bearer but raises its Special Attack by one stage)


(increases the power of grass-type moves by 50% (1.5×) when the ability-bearer's HP falls below a third of its maximum)


Pound, Leer, Cut, Quick attack, Absorb, Double team, Bullet seed, Leafage, Swift, Mega drain, Drain punch, Energy ball, Double team, Leaf storm, Sword dance, Solar beam, Iron tail, Leaf blade, Giga drain, Slam, Crunch, Leech seed, Focus punch, Agility, Rest, Dragon claw, Aerial ace, Dig, Grass knot, Slash, Thunder punch, Sleep talk, Mega kick, Mega punch, Acrobatics, Seed bomb, Fury cutter, X-Scissor, Protect, Dual chop, Frenzy plant, Earthquake, Focus blast, Dragon pulse, Bulldoze, Hyper beam, Dragon Breath

Egg moves:-

Grassy Terrain, Dragon Breath, Night Slash, Magical leaf, Synthesis]


But now don't forget about m me I have also grown stronger.

[ Name - Leo

Age - 18

Strength - SSS++

(Power, Stamina, Defence)

Agility - SSS+

(Speed, Movement)

Dexterity - SS

(Hand movement, Flexibility)

Intelligence - Ex++

(Thought processing, Learning speed)

Charm - Ex++



Adaptability (Level - Max)

(You can adapt to anything)

Inner Dimension (Level - Max)

(Your own dimension rich in energy and only you and Pokemon can enter)

Aura (Level - Max)

(Can use aura however you want)

Aura Sense (Level - Max)

(By releasing your aura in the surrounding you can sense anything in the radius of a km)

Photographic Memory (Level - Max)

(Remember anything after a single glance)

Cooking (Level - Max)

(What you cook will taste heavenly)

Martial Arts (Level - Max)

(You can fight with multiple fighting techniques like you have been training in them for thousands of years)

Weapon mastery (Level - Max)

(Able to use all kinds of weapon like they are your own limbs)

Stealth (Level - Max)

(Other's can't sense your presence if you don't want them to)

Telepathy (Level - Max)

(You can talk with others in their mind)

Breathless (Level - Max)

(You can live with out breathing)

Singing (Level - Max)

(your voice can captivate anybody)

Fire Resistance (Level - Max)

(Fire can't hurt you)

Poison Resistance

(Poison can't hurt you)

Aiming - (Level - Max)

(Your aim will never miss)

Regeneration (Level - Max)

(You will get healed immediately)]

I am OP.

So now I am ready I was now wearing a dress which I had bought from the system which I said my parents I bought it from the Shop.

«Image Here»

Now let's go say goodbye to mom, dad and their pokemons and then go meet professor Oak.

Eve -"Our son has become so big in such a small time now he's going on a journey"

Alex -"Yea it's true but Leo be careful out there are many dangers so take care of yourself and also you don't have problems with money right?? Afterall you have become so rich after opening the music company"

Leo-"Yea I don't have any problem"

Alex and Eve gave me a long and tight hug before leaving me and saying.

Alex/Eve -"Now go son show the world what you can do"

Leo -"Ok. Bye mom and dad I'll meet you after winning the indigo league"

Saying that I ran towards Professor Oak's lab.

Yea I had my own music company after getting the singing skill with the help of Professor Oak. There was no nice song in this world so I just brought some of the songs from my old world to this world. And now I am a really rich guy.

I reached the lab and went to professor to say him bye.

Leo -"Professor I came to say bye today I am leaving for the journey"

Professor Oak -"Oh yeah I am coming"

He came out after some time.

Professor Oak -"Here take this this is a pokedex it will show your identity as well as it will record all the pokemon you have seen and caught and these are some pokeballs"

Leo -"Thank You professor"

Professor Oak -"No need to thank me it's just that I have a dream to record all the pokemon in the pokedex but due to my old body I can't do it so I want you to help me in completing my dream"

Leo -"Professor you don't have to worry about anything I will help you in complete your goal"

Professor Oak -"Yea I have no doubt in that "

Leo -"Ok bye professor meet you after some time "

After finishing everything I officially started my journey.

To be continued.....