
In Pokemon With A System

Ayaan_Wasim · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Prank on Giovanni

(I'll not be taking be taking Misty in the Harem cause I'll feel really sorry for Ash atleast he should have one person with him who will take care of him. And the Harem will consist of mostly main leads and some side character. Afterall MC can't handle so many people he also had a limit. You can suggest some name of side character and I'll see if I can do anything with that or not.)

I have been walking on this road for quite some time now I met lots of pokemons but none of them were whom I wanted to catch.

(You can guess which will be the next Pokemon. Hint: it's final evolution will have two types and one of it is flying type)

I also made Rouge, Rei and Levi fight any Pokemon I could but they just one shot all of them and didn't even break a sweat. And when I fought with wild pokemon for the first time I completed another hidden quest which was

[Hidden Quest (Complete) - Fight with a wild pokemon (Fight without

using a pokemon)

Reward - Pokemon will not feel threat from you and they will not run away from you]

I was happy with the reward from the quest cause it will help me a lot in the wild between pokemons. But for or now we have decided to stop near a lake to cause it will be dark in sometime.

Leo -"Levi can you bring some woods from the forest for fire"

Levi {Yes I'll bring it Leo}

Leo -"Rouge can you help me in setting up the camp"

Rouge {Yes I'm coming}

We properly setup the camp put fire with the help of Rei I cooked some food for me and gave some handmade Pokemon food for them each one has their own flavour according to their liking I always keep their food in the system inventory (They like the food I make which is very tasty due to my skill so have to make handmade food for them) After eating we all did some light training, I also had to brush Rei's fur I have been doing this from the day she was born she also liked this very much so she always makes me brush her fur before sleeping. After finishing up everything we then went to sleep as we have to reach Viridian City by tomorrow I have to do 'something' after reaching there.

Morning came we all woke up by 5 in the morning and started our training in the Inner Dimension for 2 hours according to the outside world I had to get electric resistance skill and also spend some time with Violet. After finishing our training we were all sweating like something. Then we all took bath, dried ourselves and I even had to brush Rei's fur then after everybody were ready we got out of the Inner Dimension and started to walk towards Viridian City.

When we were also to see a legendary pokemon who brings good luck to others. Yea it was Ho-Oh I even got one of its rainbow feather. At the same time I asked Ho-Oh while shouting that whether it can come near me so I can check the reward I got from the system yesterday. But I was surprised that this reward was so effective Ho-Oh agreed to come near me so to take the chance I clicked a picture of it to show it to professor Oak. The picture came beautifully. After that I asked Ho-Oh that whether it will battle Rei or not and it agreed to battle Rei. In this battle I will not give any command to Rei and she has to battle Ho Ho by itself. I did this so Rei could get some battle experience and so she can get better understanding on how to control fire energy by seeing Ho-Oh. And as expected Ho-Oh won the battle cause of his rich battle experience. After the battle Ho-Oh once again flew away into the clouds.

By afternoon we reached Viridian City it was a huge city, very beautiful. Before going to the Pokemon center I roamed around the city I also went to Pokemart to restock some thing. Then I went to a spa which was for both pokemon and humans there all of us got a nice and long massage which helped us relax from the fatigue from the training we do. After feeling relaxed we went to a restaurant to eat something to say the truth it was not that nice because due to my cooking skill the food I make is very tasty but cause of that the food others make and the food I make has a difference of heaven and earth my pokemons also agree with that. After finishing the meal we at last reached the pokemon centre there I met with Nure Joy I greeted her and gave her all my pokemons for treatment.

Leo -"Nurse Joy can you tell me where is the phone"

Joy -"Oh yeah it's just around that corner"

Leo -"Ok Thank You"

Joy -"No problem also when your pokemons are done with the treatment we'll call your name you can come and pick them up"

Leo -"Ok"

I then went to call professor Oak to tell him about the incidence that happened today and to show the picture to him.He picked up the call asked me how I am and stuff I answered him for all the things. Then I told him about Ho-Oh he was actually surprised cause not many people see things like this but when I sent him the picture he got more surprised cause he had never seen such a beautiful picture of Ho-Oh in his life ever before. After answering some questions from professor I kept the call.

Then I called my parents to tell them that I reached safely they asked me a lot of questions and I obviously answered all of them patiently then I kept the call when my name being announced in the speaker saying that my pokemons are all healed.Then I went to the counter and picked my pokemons.

Then I went to a hotel booked a room and went inside it there I first gave some Pokemon food to everybody then I brushed Rei's fur. When finished everything thing I thought since I came here I should probably do a prank on a 'certain man'.

So using my aura sense I took note of the location of the 'certain man' and went to pay him a visit. After reaching his house I read the name plate which had the name 'Giovanni' written on it.

Using my stealth skill I safely entered his room and looked around the room it was very lavish all the things were really expensive. After looking around for a while I found a wardrobe which I opened and saw a lot of clothes but I looked towards his underwear seeing them I started to smile creepily.

I asked Violet to buy a lot of red ants which she did then I put all the red ants on Giovanni's hehe.. underwear. Now we just have to wait till morning and we can see Giovanni dancing with ants in his underwear.😎

Then I went near the sleeping Giovanni and started to pray to God to give him strength to survive tomorrow. After finishing the prayer out of his house with a smile on my face because I have to go to Viridian forest tomorrow so I'll have to sleep early.😇


Third person pov ....

Leo has left for the Viridian forest.

In Giovanni's house you could hear him screaming and cursing.

Giovanni -"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh....WHAT THE¢÷€÷`¥¢√|√|×%✓©®!*-"'#();$&3 HOW THE HELL DID THESE ANTS COME INSIDE MY UNDERWEAR"

And this is how a beautiful morning has started in Viridian City with Giovanni worrying about his junior brother which was bit by many red ants and was now swollen.

Third person pov (End) ....

To be continued....