
In Pokemon With A System

Ayaan_Wasim · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Human Stat Ranking

So yeah these are the stats humans can get.

But first I'll tell you that charm stats depends on your luck and the intelligence stat depend on how much you study how much you develop your brain and what all things you can comprehend. So these two stats depends on the people.

Average Human

[ Name - ???

Age - ???

Strength - E++

(Power, Stamina, Defence)

Agility - E++

(Speed, Movement)

Dexterity - E++

(Hand movement, Flexibility)]

Strong Athletic Human

[ Name - ???

Age - ???

Strength - C++

(Power, Stamina, Defence)

Agility - C++

(Speed, Movement)

Dexterity - C++

(Hand movement, Flexibility)]

Average Aura user

[ Name - ???

Age - ???

Strength - S++

(Power, Stamina, Defence)

Agility - S++

(Speed, Movement)

Dexterity - S++

(Hand movement, Flexibility)]

Strong Aura User

[ Name - ???

Age - ???

Strength - SS++

(Power, Stamina, Defence)

Agility - SS++

(Speed, Movement)

Dexterity - SS++

(Hand movement, Flexibility)]

This is cause the Aura users don't know how to train properly and since their foundation is weak in the later stages they are weak. But MC has gotten the aura training mannual which is perfected to it's limit that is why he is so strong.

MC's Current Stats

[ Name - Leo

Age - 18

Strength - SSS++

(Power, Stamina, Defence)

Agility - SSS+

(Speed, Movement)

Dexterity - SS+

(Hand movement, Flexibility)

Intelligence - Ex++

(Thought processing, Learning speed)

Charm - Ex++



Adaptability (Level - Max)

(You can adapt to anything)

Inner Dimension (Level - Max)

(Your own dimension rich in energy and only you and Pokemon can enter)

Aura (Level - Max)

(Can use aura however you want)

Aura Sense (Level - Max)

(By releasing your aura in the surrounding you can sense anything in the radius of a km)

Photographic Memory (Level - Max)

(Remember anything after a single glance)

Cooking (Level - Max)

(What you cook will taste heavenly)

Eternal Youth (Level - Max)

(You will stop aging after 21 years and will not die of old age. You can give this ability to others by making them drink your blood. Others will not get this ability if they drink your blood without your permission)

Martial Arts (Level - Max)

(You can fight with multiple fighting techniques like you have been training in them for thousands of years)

Weapon mastery (Level - Max)

(Able to use all kinds of weapon like they are your own limbs)

Stealth (Level - Max)

(Other's can't sense your presence if you don't want them to)

Telepathy (Level - Max)

(You can talk with others in their mind)

Breathless (Level - Max)

(You can live with out breathing)

Singing (Level - Max)

(your voice can captivate anybody)

Fire Resistance (Level - Max)

(Fire can't hurt you)

Poison Resistance

(Poison can't hurt you)

Aiming - (Level - Max)

(Your aim will never miss)

Regeneration (Level - Max)

(You will get healed immediately)

Electric resistance (Level - Max)

(Electricity can't hurt you)]

Bit of stat improvement by Training and got one new skill and also maxed it out.