
In Pokemon With A System

Ayaan_Wasim · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Harem member 3

After getting ready I went outside to roam the town I will be staying 1 more day than planned to because after finishing my race evolution I am tired and I don't think I will be able to the travel long distance today so I'll be resting and explore the town.

I had first gone to a cafe to get breakfast I came out alone today with all my pokemons with Violet in the hotel to have some peaceful alone time and enjoy the silence.

The cafe small cozy one there were seating arrangement both inside and outside so I thought to take a seat outside to eat while enjoying the cool breeze flowing. At that time I saw a very beautiful girl with a voluptuous body who made my heart skip a beat when I saw her she also gave me a feeling of familiarity walk towards the cafe and take a seat outside.

The girl had long pinkish red hair which went down till her ass, bright blue sky like eyes which made me sink into them, a pair of green pearl earrings that complement her bright blue eyes she was wearing a white one piece sleeveless frock which reached near her knees. She was simply breathtaking.

[Image Here]

After staring for a good few minutes I finally came to reality and I went towards the girl and spoke.

Leo - "Hello miss is this seat taken??" I asked with the most brightest and most handsome smile I could give.

The girl looked towards me and I instantly blushed intensely. After a few moments of staring at me she opened her mouth and started speaking while stuttering.

??? -"N-N-No it's n-no-not."

Leo -"Then may I sit here and accompany this beautiful lady for a warm breakfast"

Smoke started coming from her head as she blushed so hard that her face became same as a tomato but she still said.

??? -"Pl- please h-have a seat and make your self comfortable"

Leo -"Thank You Miss....."

I stopped cause I didn't know her name and that time she immediately said.

??? -"Jessica"

I gasped in my thought when I heard her name she is Jessie one of the most loved and hated villain in Pokemon franchise. I couldn't recognise her cause she looks so young and beautiful most probably around my age. The anime didn't do any good in showing her beauty and here instead of her common comet-tailed hairstyle now she has just let her hair flow down her back. But to be true this hairstyle looks much better and suits her more than her comet-tailed hairstyle.

I quickly came out of my thought and said

Leo -"Thank You Miss Jessica"

Jessie -"Your welcome mister..."

Leo -"Ohh sorry I forgot to introduce myself after seeing such a as yourself. I am Leo 18 years old a pokemon trainer, professor, breeder and a singer. By the way nice to meet you Jessica"

Jessie just chuckled at my detailed introduction.

Jessie -"Nice to meet you too Leo you sure are very talented..... and handsome also I am 20 years old."

Leo -"You are surely looking very young and beautiful for a 20 year old"

Jessie -"I am flattered"

While we were talking to eachother the waiter came to us to take our order.

Waiter -"Good morning sir, ma'am can I please get your order please"

Leo -"Hey Jessica you can order anything you want it's on me think of it as as a treat for a beautiful lady who allowed me to sit with her and enjoy eating with her"

Jessie -"You are quite the flirt aren't you but I like it"

Leo -"I sure am but it's no problem if like it right"

Jessie just smiled at me which captivated me and it took me a moment to come out of it. Then me and Jessie ordered some food and then talked with each other about some random stuff and laughed from time to time I also got the courtesy to call her Jessie or Jess and ofcourse I quickly choose to call her Jess.

After eating and paying the bill we got ready to leave but I stopped Jessie.

Jessie -"Leo what happened why did you stop me do you have something to say??"

Leo -"Hey Jess do you want to go out and spend the day with me"

Jessie -"Ohh.. are you perhaps asking me on a date" she asked while smiling mischievously.

Leo -"Yes just that. So are you up for it" I asked with a cheesy smile.

Jessie -"Sure I would love to"

Leo -"Really.. Then let's go and enjoy the day"

So for the date we first went to a shopping mall to look around and if need get some clothes for us. We first went to the clothing centre and Jess was looking at the clothes everywhere with lots of passion which made chuckle lightly at her behaviour of the beauty. Jess made me change through lots of clothes to buy for me at the end I bought a black pant, white shirt, black sweater, black shirt, white pants and a navy blue shirt. But the best thing was when Jess started to choose clothes for herself she showed me all clothes it the best moment of my life the clothes sticking tightly to her voluptuous body was a feast for my eyes after changing she bought some t-shirts, jeans, a trench coat and also like a gentleman I was I was holding all the bags myself.

After that we roamed around i bought some milkshake for both of us while we were walking Jess stopped in front of a glass display of a jewelery shop where she was looking at a necklace. It was a beautiful golden necklace with a bright blue butterfly pendant. It was looking very good so I asked Jess whether she wanted to buy it but she just denied and said she was searching for something nice but nothing interested her. But I could see that she liked the necklace very much and wanted to buy it but since she didn't want to take advantage of me by making me spend too much money on her she declined it.

We even went to the museum there were lot of interesting things to see. Many bones of ancient Pokemon there I flexed a bit of my pokemon knowledge.

The day went on like this we played in the arcade, had lunch, sang in the karaoke she was very surprised to know that I was the famous singer Blink. When she got to know that she just on me and started asking me lots of questions she also took my autograph saying she was my fan.

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys about this being a pokemon trainer is very costly so I did some stuff other than being an assistant professor. I bought a music company on my name with the help of my parents and professor Oak with my money which I saved for many years which is named as 'Knight Studio'. The music industry of this world is very bad there is not a single good song so I brought some songs from my previous world here and with the help of my skills and photographic memory I could recreate the songs with ease. In that I became a very famous singer also to not cause any trouble during traveling I kept my face and name hidden from the world and used an alias for my singing career which was Blink. I also have a breeding center of my own where I still had to assign someone to take care of it. Well we'll worry about that later now let's enjoy the date.

We were having so much fun that we didn't notice how fast the time passed currently it was night. So I brought Jess for dinner we ate some food while talking to eachother and laughing. Then we ordered some alcohol for ourselves we drank for sometime and I don't think Jess has good alcohol tolerance she got drunk with just the second glass.

(People are allowed to drink from 10 years here)

She has started spouting stuff like how good I was to her, how much she enjoyed the day with me and such. She then turned to me and asked

Jessie -"Leo do you like me and want me to be your girlfriend"

Leo -"Yes ofcourse then why would I ask you for a date"

Jessie -"Do you like me or it's just for my body"

Leo -"Well I can't say no to that but I mostly like you for your personality sometimes cute, sometimes angry, a bit bossy and loving. But having a body like this is a added advantage."

Jessie just gave a soft laugh to my statement.

Jessie -"You are quite shameless but that just certainly adds more charm to you"

I just gave a cheeky smile.

Jessie -"Hey Leo I think you should know about me then dicide whether you want me to be your girlfriend. I would surely like to be your girlfriend but I think you should know about me."

After saying that Jess started to tell about her life how it went till now. To be frank her life was very sad that they made my heart ache.

Jessie's mother, Miyamoto, was a high-ranking Team Rocket agent. When Jessie was around the age of five, Miyamoto left on a mission to the Andes to record the voice of the elusive Pokémon Mew. However, after Miyamoto disappeared, Jessie was put into a foster home which had very little money. There were times when she had no choice but to eat snow because of a lack of food, but she revealed in Snow Way Out! that the "snowgasboard" meals were one of her few happy childhood memories.

She told me that she had a crush on a boy she had gone to school with, named Astin, who was leaving to become a Pokémon Coordinator. She refused to go with him because she and two friends were training to become pop idols. Unfortunately, while her two friends passed, Jessie's audition didn't go well and her idol dreams were quashed.

Then when she was old enough, she left home to become a Pokémon nurse. However, she was unable to go to a regular nursing school and went to the Pokémon Nurse School, which was intended for Chansey. She was quite skilled at things such as bandaging, and even showed a Chansey how to do it. She quickly became good friends with that Chansey. However, because she was not a Chansey herself, Jessie couldn't do things like use Sing to soothe Pokémon, instead falling asleep herself. Ultimately, she failed to graduate, and on graduation day, she simply packed a bag and left. As she was leaving, Chansey came up to her and offered her her nurses' hat, but Jessie refused to take it. Chansey then broke her egg-shaped pendant she got as proof of graduating in half and gave one half to Jessie so that they would have something to remember each other by.

Then she told that while she and one of her friend who was James were at the Pokémon Trainers' school Pokémon Tech, they both received the lowest scores in the history of the school so they had to leave the school.

After leaving the school Jessie and James joined a bicycle gang in Sunnytown, where Jessie was known for swinging a chain above her head as she rode her bike, acquiring the nicknames "Big Jess" and "Chainer Jessie".

She had also joined contest in hoenn region but didn't pursue it. She had been a model before for sometime.

She also said that was currently a member of Team Rocket a very powerful criminal organization along with James and meowth. Also sometime before joining Team Rocket, she had several boyfriends, all of whom left her and/or treated her badly. She had once even worked at a TV station as the weathergirl and also she was once a ninja.

They had joined Team Rocket separately and were on initially unfriendly terms after being grouped with Meowth but they quickly made up and became good friends. While Jessie and Cassidy quickly became bitter rivals, she had befriended trainee-hopeful Christopher and inspired him to pursue his ambitions outside of Team Rocket.

Team Rocket member Wendy held a grudge against Jessie for failing to pay for a drink and instead made Wendy pay, but she got her revenge when later and added the charge to Jessie's overall Team Rocket bill.

After telling these all things to me she just gave a painful smile to me she said

Jessie -"Now you don't want me to be your girlfriend right? I know nobody would want a person like me to be there lover but don't worry you can say it if you want I'm used to it"

I didn't say anything and just hugged her tightly

Leo -"No why would I do that I like you not your work and I am sure that you must have joined team rocket cause of some bad circumstances"

Jess just gave me a surprised look at what I said.

Jessie -"R- really you'll not push me away even after knowing that I am from a criminal organization"

Leo -"No Jess I love you and I won't leave until you say me to"

Jess after hearing what I said just responded to my hug tightly while crying little bit said

Jessie -"Then please don't ever leave me take me with you"

Leo -"Jess I will take but I have to tell you that I will be having more than one lover and I already have two lovers. So do you still want to be my lover."

Jessie -"Yes I don't care about this as long as you love me"

Leo -"Ok then I'll take you"

After saying this I used one of my hand lift her chin to make her look at me. "And never let you go away from me" I said that I and took her lips I didn't go deep as it was just to calm her down and express my feelings.

A Few Moments Later.....

I separated from Jess and she looked at me with a genuine smile on her face but still crying remembering her past. So I did what any gentleman would do I said her cry all she wants and then the dam broke she crying to the point she became so exhausted that she slept in my embrace.

Since I didn't know where to take her I took her with me to the hotel where I am staying. Obviously after paying the food bill.

After entering into the room I saw all my pokemons sleeping there with Violet sitting there in between them. She gave me a knowing smile that told me she knows everything. And since she is bounded with my soul she can feel, hear or see whatever I feel, hear or see. She just told me to take care of Jess and meet her afterwards. I just nodded while seeing Violet disappear and put Jess carefully on the bed so as to not wake her up. Then I recalled all my pokemons to their Pokeballs.

Then I lied down next to Jess gave her a small kiss on her forehead and slept.

To be continued...


[ Name - Leo (High Human)

Gender - Male

Age - 18

Psychic Aura - Beginner

Strength - F--

(Power, Stamina, Defence)

Agility - F--

(Speed, Movement)

Dexterity - F--

(Hand movement, Flexibility)

Perception - F--


Intelligence - Ex++

(Thought processing, Learning speed)

Charm - Ex++


Luck - Ex++

(Luck is Luck)


Adaptability (Level - Max)

(You can adapt to anything)

Inner Dimension (Level - Max)

(Your own dimension rich in energy and only you, your Pokemon and others whom you allow can enter)

Psychic Aura (Level - Max)

(All the abilities of Aura and Psychic)

Photographic Memory (Level - Max)

(Remember anything after a single glance)

Cooking (Level - Max)

(What you cook will taste heavenly)

Martial Arts (Level - Max)

(You can fight with multiple fighting techniques like you have been training in them for thousands of years)

Weapon mastery (Level - Max)

(Able to use all kinds of weapon like they are your own limbs)

Stealth (Level - Max)

(Other's can't sense your presence if you don't want them to)

Underwater Breathing (Level - Max)

(You can breath inside water)

Eternal Youth (Level -Max)

(You will stop aging after 21 years and will not die of old age. You can give this ability to others by making them drink your blood. Others will not get this ability if they drink your blood without your permission)

Singing (Level - Max)

(your voice can captivate anybody)

Status Nullification (Level - Max)

(You will have no effect of status related attack)

Aiming - (Level - Max)

(Your aim will never miss)

Regeneration (Level - Max)

(You will get healed immediately)

Massage (Level - Max)

(Any pain will go away with your message and make the person refreshed)

Observation (Level - Max)

(You can get information about anything)

Viridian Power (Level - Max)

(Your have power to heal pokemons and hear their thoughts)]

[ Name - Rouge (Lucario)

Type - Fighting, Steel

Gender - Male

Age - 15

Strength - S++

Agility - SS-

Dexterity - SS

Perception - SSS-

Intelligence - SS++

Pokeball - Premiere ball



(If hit with a dark attack, its attack increases) Prankster

(increases the priority of status moves by one)


(increases the effectiveness of same typing moves from the usual 1.5× to 2×)


(Raises Speed each time the Pokémon flinches)


Close Combat, Karate chop, Endure, Counter, Double team, Extreme speed, Focus energy, Mega punch, Mega kick, Protect, Quick attack, Sleep talk, Aura sphere, Cross chop, Brick break, Drain punch, Force palm, Focus punch, Agility, Focus blast, Sky uppercut, Vacuum wave, Reflect, Focus blast, Rest, Bite, Crunch, Blaze kick, Iron defence, Water pulse, Howl, Meteor mash, Shadow ball, Psychic, Earthquake, Dragon pulse, Shadow claw, Dark pulse, Sleep talk, Poison jab, Flash cannon, Metal claw

Egg moves:-

Rock smash , Sword Dance, Calm mind]

[ Name - Rei (Alolan Ninetailes)(Hybrid)

Type - Ice, Fire, Fairy

Gender - Female

Age - 15

Strength - S++

Agility - SS++

Dexterity - SS+

Perception - S

Intelligence - S++

Pokeball - Repeat ball


Snow Warning

(The Pokémon summons a hailstorm when it enters a battle)

Flash Fire

(Makes the Pokémon immune to Fire-type moves )

Snow Cloak

(raises ability-bearer's evasion by 20% in a hail storm)


Icy Wind, Ember, Swift, Quick attack, Ice beam, Ice ball, Fire spin, Fire fang, Heat wave, Bite, Flame charge, Dazzling gleam, Charm, Fairy wind, Ice shard, Double team, Fury swipes, Protect, Light screen, Reflect, Dark pulse, Agility, Extreme speed, Endure, Sleep talk, Fire blast, Flamethrower, Incinerate, Energy ball, Inferno, Will-O-Wisp, Hyper beam, Solar beam, Iron tail, Shadow ball, Rest, Overheat, Dream eater, Safeguard, Howl, Flame wheel, Blizzard, Zen headbutt, Ominous wind, Aurora beam, Avalanche, Freeze shock, Freeze dry, Sheer cold, Frost breath, Fairy wind, Moonblast, Moonlight, Play rough, Misty terrain

Egg moves:-

Hypnosis, Ice Fang, Draining kiss, Mystical Fire]

[ Name - Levi (Sceptile)

Type - Grass

Gender - Male

Age - 15

Strength - SS++

Agility - SSS-

Dexterity - SS

Perception - S++

Intelligence - S+

Pokeball - Friend Ball


Lightning Rod

(When hit by electric type move, it deals no damage to the ability-bearer but raises its Special Attack by one stage)


(increases the power of grass-type moves by 50% (1.5×) when the ability-bearer's HP falls below a third of its maximum)


Pound, Leer, Cut, Quick attack, Absorb, Double team, Bullet seed, Leafage, Swift, Mega drain, Drain punch, Energy ball, Double team, Leaf storm, Sword dance, Solar beam, Iron tail, Leaf blade, Giga drain, Slam, Crunch, Leech seed, Focus punch, Agility, Rest, Dragon claw, Aerial ace, Dig, Grass knot, Slash, Thunder punch, Sleep talk, Mega kick, Mega punch, Acrobatics, Seed bomb, Fury cutter, X-Scissor, Protect, Dual chop, Frenzy plant, Earthquake, Focus blast, Dragon pulse, Bulldoze, Hyper beam, Dragon Breath

Egg moves:-

Grassy Terrain, Dragon Breath, Night Slash, Magical leaf, Synthesis]

[ Name - Noir (Rookidee)

Gender - Female

Type - Flying

Age - 3

Strength - A-

Agility - A++

Dexterity - A+

Perception - A-

Intelligence - A

Pokeball - Ultra Ball


Keen eye

(prevents the Pokémon from losing accuracy)

Big Pecks

(prevents the ability-bearer's Defense stat from being lowered)


Leer, Peck, Drill Peck, Tackle, Swift, Dual wingbeat, Sand attack, Hone claws, Fury attack, Pluck, Power trip, Taunt, Scary face,

Gust, Quick attack, Steel wing

Egg moves:-

Roost, Air slash, Sky attack, Brave bird, Fly]

[ Name - Sky (Pidgey)

Gender - Female

Type - Normal, Flying

Age - 2

Strength - A

Agility - S--

Dexterity - A++

Perception - A--

Intelligence - S

Pokeball - Standard Pokeball


Keen Eye

( prevents the Pokémon from losing accuracy)

Big Pecks

(prevents the ability-bearer's Defense stat)


Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister, Feathers Dance Agility, Wing Attack, Roost, Double Team, Steel wing

Egg moves:-

Air Slash, Air Cutter, Attract, Heat Wave]

[ Name - Bruce (Nidoran)

Gender - Male

Type - Poison

Age - 3

Strength - S--

Agility - A++

Dexterity - A++

Perception - B+

Intelligence - A+

Pokeball - Moon ball


Poison Point

( Contact with the Pokémon may poison the attacker.)


(Deals more damage to a Pokémon of same gender.)


(Hustle increases the ability-bearer's Attack by 50%, however, it also reduces the Accuracy of all Physical moves by 20%)


Leer, Tackle, Swift, Poison Sting, Peck, Focus Energy, Fury Attack, Toxic Spikes, Double Kick, Horn Attack, Helping Hand, Toxic, Flatter, Poison Jab, Head Smash, Dig

Egg moves:-

Confusion, Horn Drill, Take Down, Protect, Rock Smash]

[ Name - Katana (Scyther)

Gender - Female

Type - Bug, Flying

Age - 6

Strength - S--

Agility - S+

Dexterity - A++

Perception - A

Intelligence - S

Pokeball - Cherish ball



( Swarm increases the power of Bug-type moves by 50% (1.5×) when the ability-bearer's HP falls below a third of its maximum)


(Powers up the Pokémon's weaker moves.)


(Raises Speed each time the Pokémon flinches)


Leer, Tackle, Swift, Fury cutter, Quick Attack, False swipe, Wing attack, Agility, Double team, Slash, Focus Energy, Air Slash, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Counter, Cut

Egg moves:-

Brick Break, U-turn, Aerial Ace, Night Slash, Double hit, Laser Focus, Psycho Cut]