
In Pokemon With A System

Ayaan_Wasim · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Double Evolution

After entering into the room I saw all my pokemons sleeping there with Violet sitting there in between them. She gave me a knowing smile that told me she knows everything. And since she is bounded with my soul she can feel, hear or see whatever I feel, hear or see. She just told me to take care of Jess and meet her afterwards. I just nodded while seeing Violet disappear and put Jess carefully on the bed so as to not wake her up. Then I recalled all my pokemons to their Pokeballs.

Then I lied down next to Jess gave her a small kiss on her forehead and slept.

To be continued...


Later in the morning...

In a hotel room a beautiful girl with long magenta coloured hair could be seen sleep on the bed with a small beautiful smile. Her eyes were flickering a bit indicating that she was going to wake up. Then she slowly opened her eyes showing her bright blue eyes as she got up from the bed and stretched her body to remove soreness from her body. Yes she was Jessie our MC's third lover.

As she got out from her sleepy state she found that she was in a room which she didn't know. She started panicking cause she thought that someone drugged her and her here without her knowledge.

At that time our MC aka Leo came out from the bathroom with a towel around his waist after taking a bath. When he saw that Jessie was awake he greeted her.

Leo -"Good morning sleepyhead"

Jessie who now saw Leo was now blushing madly by seeing Leo with a towel around his waist but when when she remembered the stuffs that happened yesterday she got a small smile on her face along with lots of steam coming out of her head when she remembered the kiss part. She still with some stuttering greeted back.

Leo -"Did you sleep well Jess"

Jessie -"Yes I slept well but can you tell where are we"

Leo -"Oh sorry yesterday after what happened you were so tired that you fell asleep and since I didn't knew where to bring you I brought you with me"

Jessie after hearing 'what happened yesterday' once again blushed lightly.

Jessie -"T-Th-Thanks for bringing me me here"

Leo -"Anytime for you Jess"

Jessie -"Hey Leo.....Did what happened yesterday really true"

Leo -"What Us having fun or you telling me about your past OR YOU CRYING AND ME KISSING YOU"

I put more force on the last part.

Jessie -"*blush* Everything "

Leo -"Well yes everything you remember is true. And also me and you becoming lovers also."

Jessie -"Really that means we will always be together and you'll never push me away"

Leo-"Ofcourse I'm you man afterall"

Jessie -"It feels like I'm dreaming"

To show Jess that she is not dreaming I lift her chin and took her lips. Jessie's eyes widened along with her mouth at this moment so I took advantage of it and slid my tongue inside her mouth and started exploring it. Jessie also reciprocated the kiss after calming herself down. The kiss in a minute got heated with lots of slurping sound resounding around the room after some minutes we separated to let Jessie breathe as she was now panting with a red face while looking at me. And I just smiled.

Leo -"Now tell me Jess do you think that you are dreaming"

Jessie -"N-No"

Then she jumped on me and hugged me I just took her in my arms and patted her head. After a moment we seperated from eachother.

Leo -"Hey Jess you should take a bath and get ready you can wear those new clothes which we both bought yesterday then we'll go out to have some breakfast."

Jessie -"Yes I will get ready real fast just wait for me"

I just nodded and gave Jess a spare towel which she took and walked towards the while swaying her hips which I think was intentional but I didn't say anything and just smiled and enjoyed the view.

(POV Jessie)...

I removed my clothes and went inside the bathtub. I then put my hand on my lips remember the kiss which just happened my smile widened as I now finally have a boyfriend who doesn't just love me for my looks but for who I am and also is not scared or disgusted with what I do. I just jump and dance at this thought. It's the happiest moment of my life.

Who would have thought that I will just go out to have some fun on a off day from my work and my life will change so drastically.

Previous morning...

Jessie -"James Meowth I am going out to roam the town so don't worry if I am late"

James -"Ok be careful Jessie"

Meowth -"Yes Yes"

I came to cafe to have a nice and warm breakfast but then I heard a gentle voice of 'someone' speaking to me I think. So I turned around to see who it was but what I saw made my face heat up and become red.

A handsome tall young man with long blonde hair tied in back of his head and red ruby like eyes with slit in them making him look intimidating. He also had a noble and dominating aura around him. He was actually asking me if he can sit with me I just allowed it.

We exchanged our names, had some small talk, him flirting with me eventually me agreeing to eat with him I don't know why but I get this feeling of wanting to be with him. I just shrug it off as him being so handsome.

After eating I decided to leave but then suddenly Leo asked me to a date indirectly which I found quite nice but still deciding to tease him a bit by asking him whether he is asking me on a date which he calmly replied without any problem yes which left me astonished at him calmness and straight forwardness so I decided that I should trying to tease him and accepted his request for a date. I don't know why but I just wanted to spend more time with him get to know more about him. I was very curious and everybody knows that curiosity killed the cat.

Time went on and to tell the truth I had lots of fun Leo was very kind, loving and compassionate towards me he listened to every little thing I was saying with full concentration and a small smile. While we were choosing clothes to buy. I could see that he was checking out every nook and crook of my body and appreciating it which I don't know why I didn't feel bad like when my previous boyfriends did the same. It might be cause they were just lusting after my body but Leo was just gave a look of ap appreciation.

I got another surprise during our time in the karaoke that Leo is the world famous singer 'Blink'. It brought my inner fan outside and I started asking him numerous questions which he didn't get annoyed and answered all my questions patiently.

As it was getting late we went to a restaurant to have dinner as we were very hungry. After dinner we had some and because I was having such a nice time with Leo I forgot that I was not a person who can handle alcohol well. I got drunk quickly started talking random stuff but then I told him about my past experiences.

After finishing my story I looked at Leo he had the same cold emotionless expression which he keep which he keep on most of the time. I was sad after seeing his expression so I asked him whether he still wanted me to be his girlfriend. He didn't say anything just quickly pulled me in a tight hug and started comforting me I finally broke down I started to cry. After crying for who knows how long I slept in Leo's embrace due to exhaustion."

Returning to reality I remembered that I have been in the bath for a long time already so I hurry up and get out of the bath dried myself and put on the clothes I bought yesterday. It consists of a white turtle neck t-shirt, black pant, cream color coat and black boots. I also tied my hair into a ponytail.

After getting fully ready I went outside.

(POV Jessie end)..........

I saw Jess coming out of the bathroom fully dressed up. I checked her out from top to bottom and I have to say yesterday's shopping session didn't go in vain she was looking very beautiful and the ponytail added more to it. I noticed that she was also checking me out and I could tell from her expression that she likes what she sees.

I was wearing a simple black jeans and a brown belt with white shirt along with connected ba a silver chain and combat boots. I had the sleeves of the shirt folded and also had a nice watch.

Leo -"Like what you see miss"

Jessie-"*blush*W-who will like this. Anyways you are leaving today right can I come with you on your journey i promise I won't be a problem for you"

Leo-"Sure but what about Team Rocket and your team? what are you gonna do about them??"

Jessie-"About that I think it's time I finally leave the life of crime and I'll tell James and meowth about this hopefully they don't create any problems for us"






And currently we are all set I've done all the preparation before hitting the road and currently I am outside an abandoned compound waiting for Jess to settle her matters with James and meowth. And I can see them walking towards me.

Few moments later.....

James-"Hello I'm James nice to meet you" he said while extending his hands towards me for a handshake.

Leo-"Likewise I'm Leo I'm Jessie's boyfriend" I said with a signature smile.

James-"So you will be leaving now. Hah...I did except us to part someday or the other but not so soon. Well life surely does like to play tricks."

Leo-"Haha...It sure does"

James-"Well I hope you take care of her and keep her happy I never want to be the one to know that she cried cause of you if it ever happens I'll make sure you are not fine ever again"

Leo-"Hai sir I will make sure to make her the happiest woman in the world and by the way are you going to keep doing the team rocket stuff or something else "

James-"Well I've never given it a thought but most likely I'll also be leaving team rocket along with meowth and search for a job"

Leo-"Well if you don't mind i have an offer for you both i have a breeding centre here in Pewter city and it's lacking man power as it's newly made. So if you want you can work there for me the pay is above average and you can also keep in touch with Jess"

James/Meowth-"Ya sure we agree" they said while shaking hands with me.

And with this my dream of being the boss of the main cast has finally come true.







Ya so all is well currently me and Jess are going through route 3 towards Mt. moon and we can see many Pokemons here we're already halfway through the road and walking for the past 4 hours so I decided we should take some break and rest for sometime.

The camp has been set up and the food has been prepared and already eaten. Jess took out her classic Pokemon ekans and i just sent out Rookidee, Pidgey, Nidoran and Scyther out others are inside the inner dimension.

(I dropped the nicknames too much work. I'm just pure lazy)

And I can surely say that Jessie's ekans has taken quite a liking to me cause after we both were introduced and it tasted my food it started slithering towards me and wrapped around me while nuzzling to me.

On the side i could see Jessie pout a bit cause of jealousy for which I just patted her head which was enough to deal with the situation.

I also started training nidoran and pidgey needed just a final push before they both evolve and one fierce battle between them will be enough for that which they will be doing themselves. For Rookidee i made it wear a custom made self adjusting weight suit for it and all my 3 pokemons and then I told her how to practice Ariel Ace and perfect it. Scyther will be training to fully perfect it's X-scissor.

Jessie and ekans after seeing my pokemons were stunned cause due the food made by me and the training they were all much bigger than normal pokemons of their species but still the all didn't lose any mobility cause of it. Instead they were very fast and precise in their movements.

Seeing this ekans was awed and also wanted to become stronger itself and protect Jessie. Jessie also agreed with and asked me for help and I obviously agreed.

But before that I checked ekans stats

[Species - Ekans

Gender - Male

Abilities - Intimidate

Shed Skin

Moves - Wrap, Poison Sting, Bite, Leer, Glare]

Well it is quite weak no wonder she lost to a kid like Ash so many times in the series.

Enough of that for now so I told ekans to first eat the training food i prepared for the pokemons and then start training by fully perfecting all his moveset and battle with some wild pokemons for battle experience. Jessie will look after it's training and train her commanding skills by giving commands to ekans while fighting with wild pokemons.

After finishing everything i went over to see the battle between pidgey and nidoran.

Both were standing far from eachother staring at the other trying find any weakness. After some moments of both being still nidoran took the initiative to attack first. He used poison sting many purple needles with poison dripping from them started to get fired towards pidgey who easily dodged them using agility and then used gust to attack and create some distance between them. Nidoran just braced itself for impact and tried not to get pushed back. Then pidgey's wings started to glow in silver energy and it shot out using quick attack towards nidoran who dodged it in point blank distance and nidoran's arm glowing in purple hit pidgey with it being unable to escape in such close distance.

After getting hurt pidgey fell on the ground poisoned it tried it's best to get up then suddenly she started to glow in a blinding white light and she started to grow bigger in size with its feathers becoming longer as a new long feather growing from her head. After the light faded away in the place of pidgey was a pidgeotto bigger than normal with it's wings spread she gave a loud shriek.

At the same time just after the shriek nidoran also started glowing indicating it's evolution. After the light faded i could see a a small pokemon which was pinkish purple in colour with darker patches. It has large, spiny ears with teal insides, oversized front teeth, and red eyes. Its back is covered with three lines of large spines. The center line of spines is taller than the other two. And a long pointed horn on it's forehead.

They were both ready to start the fight again but I stepped in the middle of them and stopped the match as it was enough for the practice and they were tired and pidgeotto was poisoned so first I healed both of them using my power which again left Jessie shocked who saw me healing my pokemons using magic.

Well that is a problem for the future me so I'll leave it to him. For now let's just ignore that.


To be continued.....