
Get a room or join in you two

Standing outside the main villa, Lena smiled at me. "Let's get this over with." Taking a deep breath, the humid air making even outside feel small. With a smile from Cat, the older woman opened the door, leading the way with the two of us pulling up the rear.

Immediately, we could hear laughter coming from further inside, or outside as it turns out. The patio doors were wide open, a group of about twenty women split between the table, loungers and pool edge, Beth laughing with two women we couldn't see. It wasn't hard to guess who, if the lack of others with them was anything to go by; Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.

"Ah, the final three have arrived. It is wonderful to see you, we missed you at breakfast this morning." Beth stood up and offered us a champaign flute each.

Cat smiled. "That is my fault. I wanted to catch up with these two since Kara used to be my assistant before I sold the company to Lena." That had Beth glancing at me. "It would seem you can't leave a city for a year and a half and know everything that happens in it."

Laughing, Beth sipped her drink. "That is very true." She stepped back for us to follow. "Now I know you will get to meet everyone today, but I have to introduce you to a dear friend of mine - Lena, you know her - Pamela Isley and her wife Harleen Quinzel."

Ivy rolled her eyes. "You are lucky you are my friend. The only time I hear my name anymore is Harls and and Arkham."

Harley grinned. "I only call you Pammy when I really mess up. I haven't done that in a while." Her sunglasses stopped us from seeing her eyes, but I could feel her looking between us all.

Ivy turned to her wife. "I can think of several times you haven't been in trouble, but let's not start something we can't finish." I looked down at her words, the implication in no way subtle. Turning back to us, Ivy smiled. "It's nice to see you again Lena, Cat Grant I have heard much about," She looked me up and down. "but you I don't know."

Lena sneaked an arm around my waist. "This is Kara Danvers, my girlfriend."

I smiled. "It's nice to meet you. How do you two know each other?" Lena's hand tightened on my waist ever so slightly, her heartbeat picking up a fraction too.

The red haired woman was now looking at Lena, a shine in them that I didn't want to think about. "Lena and I met on one of her old projects not long after college - which degree was that again?"

Lena hummed. "Business degree."

Ivy grinned, hand reaching to tough Lena's other arm lightly. "That's right." Her eyes roamed Lena in a way that made my blood boil. "You are a lucky woman Miss Danvers."

I hadn't even see Harley move, but suddenly she was wrapping her arms around Ivy from behind. "Stop flirting with her before you make me jealous." She kissed her neck. "I would hate to break my promise of no destruction, and Sunshine here is too cute to hit."

Breathing deep, I tried to control the anger building before I did something I'd regret, like burn a hole in Ivy's forehead. Thankfully, Cat pulled their attention to Beth and the plans for the afternoon.

"So you have been vague about the plans for this afternoon, what exactly do you have planned?"

Beth grinned, leaving us to ourselves to get everyone's attention. "Yes. Today we are going to playing some games, relaxing and just having some fun."

Even Harley and Ivy turned to Beth, leaving the two of us alone. Without thinking, I pulled Lena closer and leaned in as thought I was going to whisper in her ear, burying my head in her neck instead. To anyone that looked our way, it would appear I was kissing Lena's neck, which at this point wasn't far off.

Lena turned her head to whisper. "Not that I mind, but what are you doing?"

Breathing in the scent of Lena's purfume, I muttered. "Calming down before I burn a hole in Ivy's head and give away my identity." The heat in my eyes started fading, letting me breathe easier.

"Okay then." I felt her head move, but didn't dare look at what was happening around us, Beth still talking about the afternoon ahead. Calm again, I lifted my head from Lena's neck, giving her a small smile when my eyes met hers.

"Get a room or join in you two. It's time for a swim." I pulled back at Harley's words, looking to find some of the group in the pool, including the two villainess' themselves and Beth.

"Let's go." Lena stepped forward out of my grasp to the pool, pulling her dress over her head to reveal her black swim suit. I moved to follow, joining Cat sitting on the edge as Lena used the steps into the pool.

"Not feeling like a swim?" Cat tipped her glass back to get the final sip.

I leaned back and kicked my legs gently. "Not really. I didn't bring contacts and swimming with my glasses on sounds like a disaster." With about half the group in the pool, they started playing a game that seemed to involve shots, lose and you had to drink. "What are they doing?"

Cat was also watching the game in front of us. "I'm not sure, Beth made the game up and it doens't make sense to me." Sure enough, as we were talking Lena swam to the edge and took a shot before swimming back to the others. "She'll be fine. Lena has a tolerance for alcohol I haven't seen before and she ate a big breakfast for this exact reason."

I looked up at the sky. "I know, I'm just worried since we're in  a pool."

Harley seperated from the others, swimming up to me and Cat. "That's why we're in the pool to start with. Start in the pool before we're all too drunk to swim."

I raised my eyebrows at her. "Still sounds dangerous."

Harley perched her arms on the edge by my side. "Only if we aren't smart and most of the women here have at least one degree. I think we're okay."

I couldn't help but breathe out a laugh, making her smile in return. "I guess you're right."

"Of course I'm right." She frowned at me. "So in that respect, either you aren't wearing a swim suit - which I doubt given Beth's explicit requirements for this afternoon - or you are a fan of t-shirt tans?"

I sipped what remained in my flute, wishing it could get me drunk. "Neither. Why?"

Harley smiled at me. "Well... it's just, while I  love you're style the off the shoulder top is going to leave you with a very odd tan if you aren't careful."

I glanced down at my t-shirt. "Y-You want me to take my top off?"

Harley was about to answer when Lena started swimming over. "Sorry to disappoint Harley, but the only person that gets Kara out of her clothes is me." Butterflies erupted in my stomache at her words, even if it was just for show I wanted them to be real.

Harley pushed herself away from by my side, floating next to Lena. "I'm only messing with her. I just wanted to see how nervous she'd get, she looks so sweet and innocent I couldn't help myself." She pouted, one that would have no doubt had several people wrapped around her finger if not for her current company.

When it was clear none of us were falling for her little pout, Harley smiled. "Wow... tough crowd. That pout would normally have everyone wrapped around my little finger."

Lena grinned. "You haven't seen this one pout. She could have even you wrapped around her little finger when she pairs it with the puppy dog eyes."