
In Naruto with More More Devil Fruit

Reborn in Naruto world with the More More Devil Fruit ability.

Crook_Shank · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

25.Talk with Kakashi

At the same time the fight was going on on the bridge, some of Gato's men attacked Tazuna's house to kidnap his daughter. But Naruto clone there finished them off. And seeing this, Inari Tazuna's grandson found hope and after Naruto disappeared, he thought 'It was just a clone, well even the ninjas and my grandfather are fighting for the bridge. I cannot loose hope'. Then he went door to door and gathered all the villagers and made his way to the bridge.

At the bridge, after the battle was over, everyone relaxed. At this time, Gato came with several of his men to kill everyone on the bridge. Kakashi said "I'm all out of chakra. Kurenai, ask your team to take care of them." Kurenai snorted "Hmph! It's not as if my team is any better than yours" at this time, Inari came with many villagers holding weapons. Seeing this scene, Gato commanded his men to attack and Kakashi stood up to fight, but Naruto stopped him.

He said "Kakashi sensei, I wanted to try out a new jutsu I created some time back. So stay back." Kakashi nodded. Naruto performed some handsigns and generated a huge fireball and increased its size by muttering "More More size 10 times" and shot a huge fireball to the sky. Then the sky started getting covered with black clouds. Kakashi watched everything with his sharingan. Naruto then did some more handsigns and gathered lightning chakra into his hands and lifted his hands sending a lightning jolt to the sky. Lightning started to form in the clouds.

Naruto then lowered his raised hand saying "Lightning style - Kirin" and a huge dragon made of Lightning came down on Gato and his men. They tried to escape by jumping on the water, but the lightning was too fast as it fell on them which caused a huge explosion pulverising everyone and also destroying that part of the bridge. Kakashi and Kurenai didn't know how many times they were shocked today witnessing Naruto's strength. Kurenai said "Kakashi, that jutsu.... It's enough to destroy a part of the village. Also the other jutsu was equally strong. This kid is a monster"

Kakashi got angry hearing Kurenai call Naruto a monster and said "He's not a monster. He's my sensei's son and a comrade." Soon Kurenai came to know of her mistake and said with an awkward smile "Kakashi, you know I didn't mean it that way." This time Naruto spoke "Don't worry Kakashi sensei, I'm used to people calling me that since I was a child". Kurenai hearing this apologised "I'm sorry Naruto. I didn't mean it that way". Naruto nodded at her.

The villagers were standing there with wide open mouths and Tazuna said "So this is the power of the Ninjas". Hinata shook her head "No Tazuna san. This is not what normal ninjas are capable of. Sakura also nodded and said "Yes". Shino and Kiba just sat down on the ground and stopped thinking. Sasuke on the other hand was not angry this time, but was happy for some reason. He was smiling for some reason looking at Naruto. There was then silence on the bridge as nobody spoke anything for a while. Kakashi then broke the silence saying "It's over. Let's go back". Then everyone left the bridge and went back to Tazuna's house.

After taking some rest at Tazuna's house, Kakashi came to Naruto and spoke "Naruto, follow me. I want to speak with you in private." Naruto nodded and both of them went into the forest. After reaching an isolated place, Kakashi asked "Now Naruto, at that time, you said something about the Akatsuki and your father. Can you explain?" Naruto nodded and started to speak "All right. It's not like I want to hide anything from you sensei. My dad told me to trust you, but after hearing everything, I want to know who you will support? I also want you to not tell what I say to you to anyone."

Kakashi frowned a little and asked "I accept keeping everything a secret, but not reporting to the Hokage, he might be able to defend the village if we report everything to him". Naruto shook his head " The elders of the village were involved in the attack." Kakashi was speechless. He thought for a while and said "Ok Naruto. I'll keep it a secret and also help you anyway I can. After all you are my sensei's son. I also didn't pass any team till you came by as I wanted to personally train you, but it seems like Sensei took care of that part".

Naruto was also surprised hearing this as Kakashi only cared to train Sasuke in the original, but it doesn't matter now. He was strong enough to fight the Hokage or escape if the whole village attacks him. So he can tell everything to Kakashi. He then started speaking "Kakashi sensei, as I said before my father had sealed a part of his and my mother's soul inside the Nine tails seal. They appeared in my minds a and told me everything about the attack on that day and As I grew up, they helped me to train. My parents had a collection of many jutsus in a secret place which they led me to and let me learn them since I was a child."

Kakashi nodded and gestured to continue so Naruto continued "I also made friends with Ninetails and he lent me a part of his chakra with which I can use that cloak and using it, I reach Kage level." Kakashi interrupted "So, you say you are as strong as the Hokage?" Naruto nodded and Kakashi asked "What do you mean by the elders are involved in the Ninetails attack?" Hearing Kakashi ask, Naruto answered "I was coming to that. On the day my mother was pregnant, my father arranged a place outside the village for giving birth as the seal on my mother would be weakened at that time.

The place was kept a secret from everyone but the top most people of the village, but the attack happened. The information was leaked to the akatsuki and they attacked at the right time." Kakashi took a moment to think and spoke "Do you suspect the elders and the Hokage for that?" Naruto shook his head "I don't suspect Kakashi sensei. I already confirmed what happened." Kakashi then asked "Who?" Naruto answered "Danzo, Koharu & Homura".

Kakashi asked again "Why? What was the reason they let the village have such loses? It doesn't make sense". Naruto smiled "Kakashi sensei, Danzo and the elders all did many shady things just so that they can control everyone in the village and for the power. And the old man knew about it, but didn't act. As my father became Hokage, he was able to find many ilegal things they did & they were not able to do as they wished because they can't control my father. So to get rid of him, they collaborated with the Akatsuki and released the information to them. You know the rest that happened".