
In Naruto with More More Devil Fruit

Reborn in Naruto world with the More More Devil Fruit ability.

Crook_Shank · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

24. Fight Ends

Sasuke and Shino faced Haku to fight. Sasuke yelled "Get back Shino. I alone can deal with him." Shino narrowed his eyebrows and said "I'm just following the command of sensei". Without replying, Sasuke charged and started attacking Haku with a Kunai. Haku also used senbone to defend. The fight continued. Shino didn't stand by and released his bugs. Sasuke fought with everything he had, but was no match against Haku when he used ice dome and covered both of them inside. But Shino was outside as he supported him with his bugs.

At the same time, Kiba also fought against the demon brothers with Akamaru. The demon brothers were not so strong as they could be killed by Kakashi in just one shot, but the same could be said for Kiba as well. Until Kiba used man beast clone and fang over fang on one of them. Then with one of them unconscious, the fight went smooth for him. Hinata and Sakura were Practically just standing in front of Tazuna and ready for battle anytime.

Kurenai fought against Zabuza using various Genjutsu. As Zabuza knew that if he spreads the mist, it would be easy for Kurenai to catch him in a Genjutsu, he fought without the mist. But what can you say? Kurenai was weak. Don't know how she became a Jonin. She was clueless as a ninja who would use a Genjutsu against the Genjutsu specialist Itachi Uchiha who had the Mangekyou sharingan. But she held on fighting him waiting for Kakashi to appear and help her. But after some time of fighting, She was exhausted and started taking damage and at one moment, Zabuza cut her back with his sword which led her to scream.

After Kakashi went to help Kurenai, Naruto faced Kakuzu using Ninetails chakra cloak. Kakuzu also frowned sensing the huge amount of chakra of Naruto, but he was confident in beating the kid. Then the fight started. Naruto used the fruit power along with the chakra cloak and fought in a taijutsu battle with Kakuzu. He had a good experience fighting as he had fought Minato to a death match many times as Minato was basically immortal due to the being a reanimation and Naruto could heal with the ninetails chakra and also with the fruit power enhancing his healing many times.

As the fight went on, Kakuzu found out that he's no match for Naruto. Naruto would also attack him with hands created with chakra. He thought 'I can't continue to fight this kid recklessly. I already lost two hearts. I only have three more now and this kid seems to know this fact. I'll have to give it my all. I'm not going down at the hands of a kid. I'm the one that faced the god of Shinobi and returned alive'. Then black threads started to spread from Kakuzu's body and his body started to transform.

Naruto took this chance and created two shadow clones to attack him. He then created a Rasenshuriken and threw it at Kakuzu who was fighting with the clones. Seeing the incoming attack, Kakuzu managed to dodge by jumping up, but Naruto had marked him with hiraishin mark when they fought in taijutsu. One of his clones caught the Rasenshuriken and teleported behind Kakuzu using the flying thunder god and slammed him with the Rasenshuriken. Kakuzu was blown back to the ground and travelled some distance and a huge explosion occurred.

At the time Kurenai screamed because she was cut with Zabuza's sword, Kakashi appeared beside her. Kurenai surprised seeing Kakashi appear asked "Kakashi!! Did you finish that guy so fast?" Kakashi shook his head "No. Naruto is covering for me. I'll help you and we'll get back to help him". Kurenai with wide eyes said "That's a Kage level ninja and an S rank criminal Kakashi. How could you let Naruto fight two of them?" Kakashi just replied casually "Naruto already finished off one of them and came to help me. You don't need to worry about him. Now let's finish here". Then they both attacked Zabuza.

Zabuza was an equal match for Kakashi, but now when Kurenai joined him, he had no chance. Finally Zabuza was caught by the summoned dogs of Kakashi and Kakashi used chidori to pierce him, when Haku suddenly appeared and took the blow, but Kurenai followed up and killed Zabuza with a Kunai." At this time, there was an explosion and both Kakashi and Kurenai turned back to see a huge dome of wind chakra circulating. As they watched on, the dome dispersed revealing Kakuzu being pierced by billions of needles.

Naruto after blasting off Kakuzu, teleported to the Hiraishin Kunai he planted near the burning Hidan. He saw that Hidan had stopped screaming and checked his body which was burnt into a gueie mess. He then activated his Mangekyou sharingan and stopped the flames and saw that Hidan was no longer alive. Then he nodded in satisfaction as he stored his scythe inside his bracelet and flickered back to Kakashi and Kurenai and saw that even they had finished their fight and both Haku and Zabuza dead as a doarnail laying on the ground.

Kakashi sweat dropped watching this scene as he couldn't even count the number of needles using the sharingan. Kurenai was also equally surprised witnessing the scene. At this time, Naruto flickered near them with a smile. Kakashi seeing him appear asked "What kind of jutsu is that Naruto? It's clearly a very powerful S rank jutsu". Naruto shrugged "I call it wind style Rasenshuriken. It's formed by using wind nature transformation and shape manipulation on top of Rasengan". Kakashi looked at Naruto's back happily and said "You surpassed your father Naruto." Kurenai also saw Naruto with an unbelievable expression.

Sasuke was also witnessing the scene where Haku escaped and got stabbed by Kakashi and came out of the ice at the right time to witness Naruto blasting off Kakuzu with Rasenshuriken. Sasuke was angry. Angry on himself for being weak. Angry on Naruto for being strong. At the same time, Kiba also finished his fight to see the Rasenshuriken. He too was surprised. Hinata also watching the battle was surprised of Naruto's strength and gained a new confidence to train herself and become strong. She thought 'If Naruto could do it, I could do it as well'. Shino also witnessed the scene with surprise.